I had a journalist actually tell me they had to "tread lightly" on the government because that is where they get all their stories from. Govts & #DOJ/#FBI/@UKSFO/@TheFCA master manipulators using leaks and quid-pro-quo's to 'mainstream' lies. #Libor a great example.
There will be more to this story to add as my case moves along. @business (Bloomberg) had my indictment and spoke about it while it was STILL SEALED. I was in #DOJ/#FBI custody, AWAITING indictment to be unsealed (so I could read it) while it was discussed on air. 100% illegal.
This #DOJ/#FBI leak in my #deutschebank#Libor case caused all senior executives to clam up tighter than a frogs ass. That allowed govt to target the junior #scapegoats with impunity because they could then suppress evidence/truth that came out AFTER trial gulfnews.com/business/marke…
Original @business version of leaked article. The behind-the-scenes dirty deals, quid-pro-quo's and 'game theory' is sickening/enlightening. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Oops? #FBI#DOJ#Deutschebank@TheFCA@UKSFO#CFTC
HAHAHAH. Source "asked not to be identified because the [#Deutschebank#Libor] probe is confidential." Basically admitting they should not be talking to press. Institutional lying/corruption. US/UK just accept it. #FBI#DOJ@UKSFO@TheFCA#CFTC
Coming up the 4 year anniversary of when my good friends at #DOJ/#FBI did sealed/secret indictment thing to try to arrest me at airport on family vacation to Mexico. Wanted press&to scare me into pleading guilty like @GeorgePapa19. I think i'll live tweet my anniversary with Feds
4 years&2wks (May 2016) ago my attorney gave me the news: feel free to take your Mexico vacation @ end of May. That is, if you want to be arrested at the border in front of your family and spend 48 hours in jail while #DOJ/#FBI finish indicting you. Shocked. So it begins. cont...
4yrs ago.. Stewing in limbo. 1 day to 6 months for #DOJ/#FBI to put me to a grand jury vote. Or I might never hear.Sleepless nights not believing any #Deutschebank person could honestly implicate me to GJ. FBI likes surprise 6AM raids so passport&house title by front door.Cont..