I’ve lost count already how many times they have bombed Syria this year, never mind the last ten years. Israelis themselves admit its in the hundreds
Syrian air defense batteries are engaging the israeli warplanes over Damascus
Explosions heard over Damascus as Syria’s air defense batteries respond to aggression by Israeli warplanes #syria#سوريا
Sad thing is there are many reports like this one on my channel. Gives you an idea how often israel, using American weapons, violates Lebanon’s airspace on the way to commit acts of war against Syria.
Why do Democrats keep saying they're "leaving their allies behind". Is Dick Cheney in Kabul?
The newly McCarthyite wing of the US regime in unison with neocons. Ah, what a sight.
When Trump "withdrew" from Syria (he didn't, he just moved US forces to the East to steal oil) Dems not only ignored this but advocated a continued occupation of northern Syria with: the US mustn't leave its Kurdish allies. But the US will do this ultimately, that's its nature.
Biden giving a speech right now, says withdrawal couldn't have been done in a more orderly manner or earlier, because there would have still been a rush to airport.
And Bagram airbase?
Why was the largest US airbase abandoned in dead of night last month? No mention of that.
"If we would have been attacked by Yemen on 9/11 would we still have invaded Afghanistan?"
No need to speculate, you've bombed both.
He talks about Al Qaeda being based in Afghanistan while conveniently omitting the fact 15/19 of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia and US used to fund them. Can't upset his oil friends.
At the border fence, hundreds of Palestinians in the besieged Gaza strip were protesting to mark an arson attack against al Aqsa mosque in 1969. They were shot at by israeli forces resulting in dozens of wounded.
In a huge blow to the US, Hezbollah has just announced the first shipment of oil from Iran to Lebanon.
Seyed Nasrallah warned US and israel to stay clear of the vessel, as the ship would be regarded as Lebanese soil the moment it sets sail, and aggression won't go unanswered.
This is in direct reference to israel's numerous attacks on Iranian ships sending fuel to Syria, crippled by sanctions. The US itself has pirated -- literally stealing and selling off-- Iranian oil on its way to Venezuela, also under sanctions.
It's ironic that politicians like former PM Hariri, unable to even form a government, are criticizing Hezbollah's move to help the people, as Lebanon is not only experiencing fuel but also food shortages now. If he has a better plan, where is all the oil from his Saudi friends?
In typical American arrogance, Biden blames a 20 year campaign of killing & occupation, including a botched evacuation, on Afghans— then scurries out of the room. Woeful.
Biden: “I know there are concerns about why we did not begin evacuating Afghan civilians sooner. Part of the answer is some of the Afghans didn’t want to leave earlier, still hopeful for their country.”
Biden also said nation building was never a US goal in Afghanistan. The nerve lol.
For two decades, Democrats and Republicans repeated that over and over trying to justify their occupation. What a convenient thing to say after leaving the country in tatters and fleeing.
I am attending #Assange’s High Court hearing remotely and will have live updates below on the preliminary hearing. This hearing is taking place at the Royal Courts of Justice, London.
Live updates below:
The United States is seeking to appeal a UK Judge's decision in January not to extradite the Australian journalist & @wikileaks founder to the US. Having only been granted permission on 3/5 grounds, today the US will seek to be granted all 5 during this preliminary hearing.
Connected to the court with the other journalists right now. Preparations underway.