1/2 Célébrités anti #PassSanitaire, si j'ai bien suivi,
- Binoche
- Genest
- Duperey
- Akhenaton
- Bardot
- Lalanne
- Bigard
Aidez-moi, QUI? (oula, attention, question controversée 🤐) QUI d'autre?
👉Les célébrités qui se taisent et n'en pensent pas moins, #SORTEZDUBOISBORDEL!👇
2/2 Votre silence est presque aussi grave et violent que l'horreur de telles mesures politiques. Votre silence vous rend ACTEURS co-responsables de la plus grande expérience de Milgram de l'histoire de l'humanité. DEBOUT ! Courage ! #SORTEZDUBOISBORDEL !
'We' are being discriminated, due to our choice of not getting vaccinated (yet) against Covid &/or our choice of saying no to injecting our children.👇
2/n Hear us out:
#EmotionalSituation: we suffer. Division is upon us. Many lost their jobs. Families and friends are being torn apart. Many Europeans, Canadians, Americans, Australians and other citizens of the world share this pain. #Wearemillions. 👇
3/n #FreedomOfSpeech: our voice is being shut and undermined in mass media. Pretexting public health good intentions, political leaders of our nations end up dismissing, if not censoring (on social media), solid arguments for our choice, even if bcked up by eminent scientists.👇