'We' are being discriminated, due to our choice of not getting vaccinated (yet) against Covid &/or our choice of saying no to injecting our children.👇
2/n Hear us out:
#EmotionalSituation: we suffer. Division is upon us. Many lost their jobs. Families and friends are being torn apart. Many Europeans, Canadians, Americans, Australians and other citizens of the world share this pain. #Wearemillions. 👇
3/n #FreedomOfSpeech: our voice is being shut and undermined in mass media. Pretexting public health good intentions, political leaders of our nations end up dismissing, if not censoring (on social media), solid arguments for our choice, even if bcked up by eminent scientists.👇
4/n #Segregation: the unvaccinated get finger pointed and stigmatized as 'dangerous' against early studies suggesting 'they' are (1) much more contagious. This fact got debunked in dozens of studies shortly after. 👇
5/n Unvaccinated are called selfish for the risk they represent to (2) overcrowd hospitals, although many countries show no such proportion, whilst one common factor indicate majority of people hospitalised with covid actually is around having obesity or comorbidities. 👇
6/n The race to inject people not of old age or with comorbidities was explained in the first place by (3) strategies of #herd#immunity which since then were labelled 'impossible' by world's top immunologists and epidemiologists from the US, UK, Iceland, Denmark... 👇
7/n All proof points (1)(2)(3)(4) for the veracity of hard inducement, up to obligation, to inject quickly anyone whose chances of survival is over 99.9% (mostly that is about anyone under 60 without comorbidities) are falling like a house of cards. 👇
8/n #Children? Politics now mean to inject them regardless of their extremely low risk against that virus.
#Obligation? These shots are getting mandatory for more and morrme people.
#Composition of the injections? We don't know. Neither do we on medium to long term effects.👇
9/n We are a #minority. Fear has let most people allow politics to reduce our liberties via such strategies. Increasingly, one beeps a #QRcode everywhere, deprived of privacy & of any freedom of choice to decide how to stay healthy, unless happy to get excluded from society. 👇
10/n #We are not 'antivaxx'. Majority of us are pro vaxx, just not the Covid ones (yet). Many of us are actually vaccinated. We're concerned citizens, educated, informed, fathers & mothers, who believe in science, in democracy. We respect freedom of speech and of vaccination.👇
11/n #Timing: when will resistants get joined by more of those with a loud speaker?
How long do we let this hold-up over our way of living continue?
How long do we just 'wait and see' the potential gravity of side-effects of these injections on our next generations? 👇
12/n #Future Q&A? What will we reply to our grand-children when they ask "What did you do?" during Covid 'crisis' to avoid cancellation of liberties we ourselves had enjoyed till now? To help close the gap between two populations with different health-related ways of thinking?👇
13/n Will we just say: "sorry, I was just following the political measures of [my country]"?
@JimCarrey, people look up to you. Life - and the people - gave you an opportunity to influence for good.
Will you speak out? If not for freedom of choice of all.. for children's? 👇
14/14 Yes you may get finger pointed, as all who open up with courage to caution on this tough divisive topic.
1/2 Célébrités anti #PassSanitaire, si j'ai bien suivi,
- Binoche
- Genest
- Duperey
- Akhenaton
- Bardot
- Lalanne
- Bigard
Aidez-moi, QUI? (oula, attention, question controversée 🤐) QUI d'autre?
👉Les célébrités qui se taisent et n'en pensent pas moins, #SORTEZDUBOISBORDEL!👇
2/2 Votre silence est presque aussi grave et violent que l'horreur de telles mesures politiques. Votre silence vous rend ACTEURS co-responsables de la plus grande expérience de Milgram de l'histoire de l'humanité. DEBOUT ! Courage ! #SORTEZDUBOISBORDEL !