Here's how to create a 5 Step Content Engine on the way to 55K followers:
Thread Contents:
1) The 5 Step Content Engine 2) Where to Start? 3) Engagement Rules 4) Piggy Backing 5) The Cold DM 6) Consistency 7) Personality 8) Pricing
🟢 The 5 Step Content Engine
1) Create an avatar as a filter for the content you create 2) Set end goals for how you will help your avatar 3) Identify content buckets 4) Outline the fuel that drives the flow 5) Outline the wiring for how your buckets connect
Step 1 - Answer these to complete your avatar profile:
• Preferred methods of communication
• Job responsibilities
• Success is measured by
• Goals or objectives
• They gain information by
• Biggest challenges
For each piece of content, ask, does this help my avatar?
Step 2 - End Goals For How You Will Help
→ Gain credibility
→ Sell products
→ Find career opps
→ Build relationships
Best way to set these?
Ask them!
Step 3 - Content Buckets
Think of these as channels: podcast, newsletter, Twitter
Define your cadence for each channel
Identify tools you'll be using
Treat every piece of content as though it's direct advice to your avatar
Step 4 - Content Fuel
Fuel is what connects end goals to content buckets
It's what powers the engine
Blake's examples :
Step 5 - Content Wiring
Your end goal is to sell something
Tweets turn into threads, which turn into blog posts, which turn into videos
Wiring is how all the different content buckets work together for announcements
🟢 Where to Start?
• Brick-by-brick
• Master one channel at a time
• Choose one that makes the most sense for you
→ if you are a writer - Twitter
→ if you are a visual person - Instagram
🟢 Engagement Rules
• Forget about likes
• Relationships are the truly valuable currency
• Make all your content to serve
• Teach people new things
Engagement tactics:
Engage intentionally in the comments
(e.g. spend 30-min on Twitter only responding to other tweets and send 5 DMs)
🔥 The killer combo for engagement🔥
→ give stuff away for free and be interesting
🟢 Piggy Backing Big Accounts
• Turn on post notifications for 3 big accounts
• Respond to their tweets
• Always add value to the conversation
• Choose 3 new big accounts
They'll notice your value and the Twitter algo will too
🟢 The Cold DM
Find people who follow big accounts but don't follow you:
• Introduce yourself
• Share what you like about the big account you both follow
🔥 This has had greater ROI than anything Blake ever automated
🟢 Consistency
• Quantity leads to quality
• Twitter is a great tool for finding out what is interesting to people
• Pay attention to what people find interesting
• Dissect what worked about the tweets that do well
🟢 Personality
• First focus on value
• Establish credibility
• Then start to include personality once people know you
People start liking you for you, rather than for your content
🟢 Pricing
Give away 100% of everything you know
• People will recognize the value you're providing
• They'll pay you to do it for them (save time)
• They'll think if this is the quality of your free stuff, imagine how good your paid stuff is
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In my latest podcast ep, I spoke with @jmikolay , senior writer and host of a podcast for Gumroad, an online platform that facilitates the sale of products by creators directly to consumers.
This was one of the most insightful conversations I've had. Here's what we spoke about:
1. How Justin has become known on Twitter for distilling the ideas of top creators’ into extremely valuable threads.
2. Demystifying his process for doing this, as well as unpacking the way he’s helped other creators create their courses.
Your course transformation and vehicle for that transformation shouldn't change
It's built on who you are - your experience, personality, and unique point of view
Your audience can, and should, change though
I call it Checking IDs
The sales side of being a course creator is about finding audience fit.
Often, the best way to do this is to experiment and see what resonates with people.
The way to do this is to:
→ find audiences that already exist
→ tweak your transformation vehicle slightly for them
→ educate them and offer ways for them to sign up for your email list
I ran an online course on how to create an online course
150 students. $350K+ in revenue. $40K+ in scholarships.
And I finally had time to sit down and write about it 😄
Here are 20 lessons I learned:
1. Credibility
Credibility comes from putting in the reps, producing results, and doing this for years to develop mental representations you understand well enough to decode for others.
2. Passion
You have to have a passion for what you teach. If you love what you do, two things will happen. Students will experience the same joy you feel, and you’ll have the energy needed to produce the mountains of quality content required to attract more students.