「Secondary attack rates estimated from contact tracing data are observed to be higher where the index case has the variant strain, from around 11% to 15% of named contacts」として、二次感染率が変異なしで11%程度、変異ありで15%程度であると。
I think it is not appropriate for a scientist to "argue" in the atmosphere without defining the terms properly👶
I think it is a kind of agitator. I strongly believe that this is an unacceptable attitude for an information provider.
This is a collection of tips from the WHO on vaccine reporting, but I think it can be applied to all scientific reporting and scientific information dissemination, not just vaccines👶 who.int/news-room/feat…
Are you easily using terms like "airborne" without defining them? In order to convey a concept accurately, the term needs to be well defined👶 I don't know the definition of "aerosol infection", but it can be defined without dividing by particle size. Let's define the term!