Thinking about if mxy resurrected wwx but a few years earlier- the juniors aren't at mo manor and instead wwx wakes to an angry mo furen yelling at a rogue cultivator dressed in greys and stained whites.
His face is obscured by a woven bamboo hat, it's veil sheer and light. There is a sword at his hip and a wrapped instrument on his back.

Mo furen is unimpressed at this no name cultivator that gusulan has sent to solve their haunting
But the rogue cultivator merely bows, and requests that the courtyard be left empty that night.

Wwx peers in through the doorway, hoping to catch a glimpse of the cultivator, but the young master mo drags him in, angry and abusive and wwx cannot help but retort back
13 years of wit unspent suddenly let loose. It is no wonder that he enrages the mo household in no time, and he braces for the blow he sees coming from mo furen, but it never comes.

He blinks open to a wide back shielding him.
"Mo furen. The hour is lage. It is best if you informed the household of my instructions." The man says, and wwx feels a shock of recognition go through him.

He would know that deep voice and archaic speech anywhere.

Lan Zhan.
The lady of the house sputters and leaves them, and the servants follow.

Lwj turns to wwx, and speaks.

"Are you alright, mo gongzi?"

Hm, Lan zhan has gotten kinder since we met, perhaps?
Wwx laughs, bright and airy, and slaps lwj's shoulder, flirtatious, a terrible impression of a disreputable cutsleeve.

"Ah, daozhang, of course I am, with you around to protect me. This one thanks you."

He smiles, sure to be met with a cold dismissal.
But lwj simply takes off his hat and looks at him a moment. The gauzy fabric slips off his shoulders as lwj holds his hands up to offer wwx a bow, far too formal for someone of MXY's standing.

He hasn't changed in years, wwx thinks. Still so beautiful.
But still, seeing him in faded grey robes, sword disguised, is strange.

His face and form are as lovely as ever, almost excessive in their lushness. The effect of him in his unadorned robes reminds wwx of the fact that true beauty truly needs no decoration.

He looks so tired, is the thing. Lwj should always look like he is full of vitality, of emotion, roaring behind the dam of his self control.

This graceful, patient man is a stranger to him.
"Mo xuanyu. Apologies for the late introductions. I am Wei Zhan." Lwj says, and every idle thought in wwx's mind grinds to an abrupt stop.

He manages to return the bow, faintly repeating mo xuanyu's name.

Why is Lan zhan using his surname? As far as wwx knows, he is the only Wei that lwj knows; there is no way there is no connection.

He decides to trail after lwj for the rest of the day
"What are those?" He says, fluttering around lwj, prodding at the spirit lure flags he designed so many years ago.

"Lure flags," lwj says simply, securing one of them into the ground.
"Eeeh, those things made by that yiling laozu?" He tries, eyeing lwj's face.

Lwj stills, and glances up at him.

"Yes. Wei Ying invented these."
"Wei Ying? Were you friends with him, daozhang? Are you related?" Wwx feels particularly shameless saying these things, but to be fair his name is being used. He reasons that he's allowed to pry, for once.

Lwj's hands still.
"I am not anybody to Wei Ying."

The words sting. "Why should unrelated people care about my mind?" Wwx had asked.

Years later he stands in a courtyard faced with the wound of his own words staring back at him.
"But to me, he was a dear friend. I roam the country in his stead and in his name, as he cannot."

Lwj is quiet after dropping that bombshell, and continues preparing his flags and arrays for nightfall.
Wwx is subdued enough after that that he can't think of an excuse in time before lwj is ushering him away from the courtyard.

"It is unsafe. Return indoors and do not enter the courtyard, whatever you hear."
He paces the shack, tapping his chin as his mind whirls. Things he thought facts rearranging themselves in his mind.

A dear friend, Lan zhan had said.

Even now? After everything? Lwj taking a mourning pilgrimage for his sake?
Wwx's throat feels tight. Lwj's robes were thin, stained. Obviously he wouldn't have suffered overly, with his funds and golden core, but wwx feels a deep sense of discomfort at the idea of lwj roaming the land like a widower, a ghost in white mourning and putting evil to rest
Putting evil to rest in wwx's name, when wwx was the evil one, that blighted thing that burned out all the good in his world.

How could being so cherished be so painful?

Wwx's musings are interrupted at the sound of a scream, and an angry poinding at his door.
He is dragged none too gently to the courtyard, where cooling bodies and an irate mo furen wait.

Once again, lwj steps between an angry mo furen and him.

Wwx prods at his 'cousin's body, and fishes out the lure.
But the truth is not enough, and soon he is watching as lwj battles a cursed arm so powerful that it sends even hanguang-jun staggering.

There really isn't anything for it.
He summons the bodies back into movement, throws them into the fray.
Lwj's eyes widen at the display of demonic cultivation, but adjusts seamlessly, letting wwx's corpses get between him and the arm, giving him enough space to pull out his qin.
It ends with bichen speared through the palm of the arm and the notes of the qin subduing the resentful energy swirling about the manor.

Lwj wraps the arm into a pouch and instructs the household on the proper rites to hold. Wwx watches from the sidelines
Stopping here for tonight! Link to top for now!
It is dawn when lwj wraps up the events of mo manor. Wwx waits for him at the main gate, absently rubbing at his now-healed arm, free of curse marks.

He has nowhere to go, now that Mxy's revenge has been wrought.

And lwj has always been a vector for him.
When lwj approaches the gates, he glances up at wwx leaning against the post. Waits for an explanation.

"Daozhang, daozhang. Won't you let me join you on your journey? There's nothing binding me here, but I know little of the world."

He tilts his head, eyes wide, pleading.
Lwj stares at him, as though puzzling something out.

"I thank you for your help, earlier. But where did you learn those techniques?"

Wwx fidgets around the instinct to bite back defensively. After all, it's not the same as before.
"Ah, daozhang. I was meant to be a cultivator, but was too weak and turned to evil tricks. This one is ashamed." He murmurs, truth and lie all tangled up. He feels... odd. Tired. He wants to bound up to lwj and explain everything, to beg for forgiveness.
Lwj stares at him some more, before he speaks carefully.

"The path you walk is dangerous, but I will not stop you. Mo gongzi, heed your health.

You may join me, but it will not be a comfortable road."

With that, he walks off.
Wwx huffs a laugh, amused. He won't stop him? What a big change from before! He cannot help but prod at that wound as he catches up to lwj, bumping his shoulder out of old habit.

"You won't stop me? Isn't that what good cultivators are supposed to do? -
-do not associate with evil, and all that?"

Lwj's step doesn't falter, but there's a catch in his manner when he replies, wary.

"You know of the Lan sect rules of conduct?"

Wwx flushes. Oh shit, he thinks.
"Ah, ah, daozhang, who doesn't know about those stuffy rules, these days?" He says, praying that it really is common knowledge. How is he supposed to know? He's always been part of the elite cultivation circles-speaking carelessly was practically a birthright.
Lwj looks away from him, towards the road. "I have learned that people cannot be controlled, no matter how much you care for them. One cannot stop another from walking to their fate."

Wwx's heart breaks. Oh, Lan zhan, you were always so serious.
"Isn't that too bad, daozhang? That seems terrible, to give up on people like that." The words sound bitter even to his ears.

Lwj lowers his eyes, mulling over his words. The dark sweep of his lashes on his cheek catches wwx's eye momentarily.
"I cannot stop another in his path, but next time. Next time I should like to walk alongside him." He levels wwx an indecipherable look, before picking up his pace.
Wwx watches lwj for a long moment before starting to move again.

Next time.

"In your next life, Lan zhan? You want to find me then, too? What a silly man you are!" He whispers, eyes hot.

He is in his next life, already. But how, how can he reveal that now?
When night falls, they make camp in a grove of bamboo, the rustling of the leaves a faint, soothing whisper.

The weather is mild enough to sleep out in the open, but lwj gives him a spare blanket. It smells of the cloud recesses, still, and wwx has to bite back tears at it all.
They eat in silence, and after, wwx chooses a piece of bamboo and spends his time whittling it with a borrowed knife. It won't be anything like chenqing, but he does need a weapon, weak and swordless as he is.

And it will give him something to do.
Lwj eyes the flute taking shape in his hands before turning away, unwrapping his qin. Tuning it.

The first notes of inquiry are soft, but wwx recognizes it nonetheless.

What ghosts are lwj trying to speak to? Are there any that wouldn't heed the call of his cultivation?
Inquiry ends without any spirit replying, a song half finished. Lwj seems completely unperturbed, wrapping his qin up again.

Wwx wants to poke at him, tease him. Pretend he doesn't know what's going on, but he can't bring himself to.
He wants to scream.

It would be the height of arrogance, usually, to assume the esteemed Lan wangji would even consider him dear.

But faced with this- how could he deny it?
How many years has he walked paths far from gusu, from lanling, from the world they grew up in?

How many years carrying wwx's name and memory, doing good, and playing into the night for him.

Wwx doesn't understand qin language, but.
But he knows music. There is a logic, a system to it that ties directly to sentiment, a line from ear to heart.

Lan zhan has been looking for him for years.

Now, he is here, and he doesn't even know how to tell him.
He drifts off to sleep, an unfinished flute in one hand, curled up in a white blanket that smells so, so familiar.

As he sleeps, Lan wangji watches.
(Pausing here to do life things, will be back tonight! Thanks everyone for reading along! 😘)
👋 I'm back! Thanks so much for the interest, I hope you are enjoying it so far! 🙇‍♀️

Let's see what's going on in dear hgj's mind :3c
Mo xuanyu sleeps fitfully, curled into a tight ball, clutching at the white blanket lwj gave him.

It is rare that lwj is later to sleep than others, but it seems that mo xuanyu's body is weak enough that the boy is fast asleep before lwj is done with his evening preparations.
Lwj looks at him, pale, too thin. There is nothing familiar about this stranger, and it would be strange, the way he has let this boy flutter about him so far, if not for the fact that Lan wangji is well practiced at ignoring pestering boys.

He takes a breath, as he loosens his hair and removes his outer robes.

He is used to the pestering of Wei Ying, and six years into his mourning he is perhaps too lonely to try and shake this one boy off.

Perhaps, if he had tried less hard to shake him off, Wei Ying would...
It is of little consequence, to let one boy hang around until he is bored. Lan wangji has tempered his patience like steel.

Once, it had shattered under the strain of Wei Ying wreathed in resentment.

No more. He has wrapped patience around himself, a comfortable shroud.
Should Wei Ying return, Lan wangji will show him every bit of his regard. He will not be fearful of being hurt or rejected.

If he should not- well. Then it will be good practice for his next life. Perhaps, there, he will find him, and tell him of all he has seen since.
Lwj rises at his customary early hour, and washes his face in the nearby stream. When he returns to camp, mxy is sitting up, bleary and yawning.

The shape of him- so different to Wei Ying, not broad at all, clashes with the inouciant sprawl of his posture.
He looks like a young boy spreading his limbs wide, trying to take more space. And yet the movements are graceful, unselfconscious. A contradiction that lwj puts from his mind as he turns his attention to his rations.
He hands mxy a portion of his food. Tomorrow, they will go to town and restock.

He watches mxy's face wrinkle at the bland fare, and the expression is so familiar it aches in lwj's chest. Loosened with grief and regret, he does not bother hiding his reaction.
He is only a rogue cultivator, after all. He huffs in amusement at how boyish this mo xuanyu is. To sit and complain about bland food given to him. How rude, lwj thinks, but he is hopelessly reminded of Wei Ying at fifteen, and he cannot help the amusement coloring his voice.
"If it is not to your liking, you may return it." He says, as blandly as he can, reaching a hand out.

Mxy makes an affronted noise, pulling the bun close to his chest.

"No, daozhang, I changed my mind! This is delicious!" The boy says, and shoves it whole into his mouth.
Mxy goes to the river to wash his face of powder and leftover paint. He washes his hair, too, and comes back dripping but clean.

He returns bright eyed and cheerful, bothering lwj the all the way into town, idly chipping away at his flute.
They reach a village soon enough, and lwj makes inquiries as to work a rogue cultivator may do in return for lodging and food. The village head tells them of missing children who return with white eyes and no memory, of livestock whose meat and milk turn sour and rotting.
"Let's see what the townspeople have to say, daozhang!" Mxy says to him, tugging on his sleeve to drag him into an inn.

Lwj sits, watching mxy charm his way into prying clues out of waiters. Perhaps his grief has festered too long, for his memories to overlay himself over mxy.
Every careless laugh from his companion feels like pressing on a bruise. Lwj wants to lean away from it, but he cannot help but stay, breathing around the pain and confusion.

But the answer to all the contradictions that mxy exhibits must wait. Today, they must gather clues.
They make their way to a field left fallow, the smell of decaying rice thick in the air. Insects buzz all around, and even lwj feels the urge to cover his nose with his sleeve.
"Ah. The resentment has seeped into the water," mxy says, crouching down and looking at the field intently. His flirtatuousness falls away like a cloak abandoned, as he flicks a finger into the dirt and brings it to his mouth to taste it.
He spits it out, wipes his mouth and days, "we're looking for an animal spirit. Something angry."

Lwj raises his eyebrow.

He gets an expansive shrug. "Can't you chalk it up to me knowing wicked tricks and trust me, daozhang?" Mxy wheedles.
"You are not who you say you are," lwj says carefully.

Mxy goes still.

"Can you tell what kind of animal spirit?" Lwj asks. There will be time for interrogation later. Lwj feels no stirring of mistrust when he sees mxy, and he has learnt to trust his gut with these things.
Mxy takes a moment to rally himself, before turning back to him and shaking his head.

"Sadly, no, not by taste. But the energy is vibrating the most over there, so why don't we go check it out?"

"Why do you say I'm not who I am?" Mxy asks.

Lwj hums.

"Your actions and words do not match. Your words and your history do not match. My instincts tell me there is more to your surface."

He unseathes bichen as they step further into the tangled undergrowth.
Mxy seems to smile at him in response. It is hard to tell, in the settling dusk. His body is obviously fatigued, his brow dripping with sweat. A weak youth, here in the wilderness with lwj, about to wade into a thicket of resentment.

Lwj spares a moment to feel a little guilty.
His thoughts are cut short by the sound of trampled undergrowth. An ungodly stench hits their nostrils, and both men stagger under the weight of resentful energy.

And there- a large, pulsating shape.
A dark, heaving thing hunkers towards them. It was maybe once a bull, a beloved water Buffalo that tended these fields.

No more.

Rotting flesh drips from its ribs, and it's teeth are stained with blood. There is a moment of stillness. Then, it lunges.
The shrill notes of a flute splits the air, and lwj dodges out of the way in time to see the bull thrash against the pull of mxy's fluting.

It is such sharp, angry music. It hurts his ears.

He jumps, aiming for its flank with bichen.
The creature howls, stumbling, thrashing. Mxy continues playing, and lwj can see the resentful energy being dragged out of its body, shuddering away from its rotting flesh.

Enraged, it turns onto mxy, ready to charge. Mxy looks up from his playing, making ready to jump away
But he is so, so frail. In a flash of clarity lwj realizes that he will not make it. And for some reason, he cannot bear that thought. His soul is screaming at him to move, to put himself in between mxy and that creature.

He is moving before even mxy realizes he is falling.
He hears, distantly, mo xuanyu scream.

"Lan zhan!!" He hears, and is confused for a moment. He has not yet revealed his identity, surely?

There is something warm and wet at his side.
Mo xuanyu's hands are frantically pulling him up and away. A searing pain burns up his side as he is jostled, pushed up against a tree.

Mxy steps in front of him.

"Lan zhan. Just give me a moment."
Lwj watches through a haze of confusion. He is bleeding, sluggishly from his side. There is something in the wound that is draining him, corrupting his core's effort to heal his broken ribs and side.

He watches, barely comprehending as mxy's eyes tint red.
Mxy lifts his flute to his lips, and if lwj thought his song was cruel before, it is nothing compared to this.

Resentful energy rises, an angry hurricane that whips at their hair and robes.

Smokey tendrils seep from the ground, dragging at the bull's hooves.
Lwj watches as the bull gets torn apart by its own hatred. It is a violent thing, over in a matter of seconds. In the rotting silence, mo xuanyu stands over its carcass, chest heaving for breath, his face pale as darkness peels itself from him and dissipates.
He drifts in and out, after.
Red eyes bleed back to grey, and then something tight is being wrapped around his torso, and he is being carried, painstakingly, back towards the village.

Darkness. And then the sound of a cart. Mxy's low voice, worried and quick. More darkness.
He wakes in an inn, feverish and delirious.

He smells resentment, sulphuric and hot.

"Wei Ying," he slurs, feeling the tears in his eyes."where are you?"

His fingers pluck at invisible qin strings, futile.
"Shh." He hears, and a cool hand is pressing at his forehead, avoiding the unadorned ribbon he has taken to wearing.

"I'm going to take the resentment that's poisoning you, okay? It'll hurt, but I'll try to make it quick, Lan zhan."

Who is that? Who is speaking to him?
It has been six years since he has been held tenderly. It has been decades. It was yesterday that Wei Ying fell-

Mxy begins to hum, and lwj screams.
It is excruciating.

Resentful energy clings to his core, each note pulling a thorn from his dantian. He feels mxy's hands hold him down, feels his forearm shoved into his mouth to bite down on as he thrashes.

Mxy continues to hum, his voice gentling, coaxing the energy.
Prying it out, asking it to leave his body.

The pain lessons, enough for lwj to let go of mxy's forearm, to breath harshly as warm hands pet at him soothingly.

He listens to the music pull the darkness away. Listens to the notes land, syrupy and sweet in his ears.
He knows this song.
(I am VERY sorry but it is late and I need a bath and bedtime so I leave u here for tonight. Next update sometime tomorrow I think! Here's the link to the top in the meantime.)

((Good evening friends I am back! Once again, u guys r being so nice im 🥺 ty for reading along so far. We're switching back to wwx pov now!))
Wwx stares at the man lying before him. Lwj's normally pale skin is devoid of its usual pale flush, instead clammy and cold.

The last of the resentment lingers in the air, but Lan wangji is fast asleep.
Wwx cannot help himself from reaching out and smoothing lwj's hair away from his forehead. Cannot help fussing over the blankets and quilts he'd requisitioned from the innkeeper.

His hands shake, and for once it's not the demonic cultivation that's causing it.
This mo xuanyu's body is frail. So obviously underfed and treated cruelly. With its weak knee and aching joints and weak lungs.

He had been in the prime of his youth, as the yiling patriarch. Even without a core, half starved, his body had been powerful.
And that carelessness of his, in ignoring that, has led them here.

This new body's misshapen core is barely enough to fend off the effects of so much demonic cultivation. Wwx feels coldly furious. If lwj did not need him here, he's not certain what would have happened.
But he is needed (for once), so he breathes past the darkness in his lungs till his breaths feel clear. He boils water, dabs at lwj's brow.

The doctor had left medicine to be taken, and instructions for bandages to be changed. He looks out the window, at the low moon.
He thinks of this new lwj, patient, letting him cling to him and pester him. He thinks of that small laugh yesterday. He thinks of lwj's side split open for his sake.

He gentles his hands, petting at his friend's sweaty forehead.
"Lan zhan, you're so foolish," he says, pulling lwj's head onto his lap.

"Who would put themselves in danger for a stranger they barely know, huh?" He murmurs, idly picking at a tangle in that dark hair.
"You shouldn't do that sort of thing, you know. I've already ruined you once, it seems."

Lwj is probably out cold, but wwx has a feeling that his cards are out in the open even if he wasn't. He doesn't have it in him to keep his distance.
He feels it when lwj's core flares with his consciousness, but this strained body of his is too slow to evade the hand that wraps round his wrist, seizing his hand where it trembles right by lwj's cheek.

The grip is bruising.
He freezes. If he hasn't blown his cover, then lwj has just woken to the boy he saved taking liberties with him!

He tries to think of an excuse, to either decide to play the part of mxy, or to try and reason with lwj.
But lwj's eyes are glassy, and the hand on his wrist tugs him closer, till he's leaning over him.

"Wei Ying?" Lwj murmurs, and how has wwx never realized how softly his name sounds in lwj's mouth, how gently he calls for him.

"Here. I'm here," he manages, curling over him.
Its not clear if lwj will remember any of this, but no force between heaven and earth could make him deny that soft, vulnerable request.

He holds lwj, lets that pale hand circle his wrist, hums the most soothing song his mind can remember, and he watches over him.
He wakes lwj twice, coaxing him up, back against his chest as he tilts a cup of medicine down his throat.

Lwj is surprisingly reluctant, tilting his head petulanty away from the bitter draught, until wwx coos and coaxes him to take sip after sip.
"A-zhan, you can do it. Be good for me, drink it all, hm?" He tries, making his voice as sweet as he knows how.

Lwj mumbles an affirmation around the rim of the teacup, and wwx's heart is broken and mending all at once. What a good, serious boy.

How did wwx stand a chance?
The fever breaks around dawn, and color returns to lwj's cheeks. He sleeps soundly, his breaths evening out into something peaceful.

Wwx eases him back onto the pillow.

Lan zhan will be hungry when he wakes, he thinks.
He exits the room quietly, heading down to the kitchens to beg a tray of congee and some light pickled vegetables. He returns with his prize and shoulders the door open, glancing up to check on lwj.
Who is awake, clear eyed and beautiful even with the expression of panic on his lovely face.

"I only left to get food," he says, gentle.

Lwj's face settles into something smooth, but he still looks so... fragile.
Lwj lets himself be maneuvered back down towards the bed as wwx brings the table closer.

"Can you eat?"

"Mn. Thank you for getting breakfast."

They eat in silence, lwj watching wwx all the while.
He doesn't know how much lwj remembers, so he focuses on things he can do, that he's supposed supposed do.

"We have to change your bandages. Can you disrobe?"

Lwj looks at him again, serene, unplacable. He nods, and then thin sleep robe is being loosened and peeled off.
Wwx sucks a breath in at the bruising all across lwj's pale flank. The bandaged are seeping, a little, but its clear that lwj's core is already hard at work clearing out the infection.

He reaches forward to untie the bandages.
"Thank you, for saving me. I'm sorry I got in the way," he murmurs, as he reaches around lwj's torso to peel away the layers of stained cloth. He feels his breath against lwj's chest, and tries to pull away.

He wets a fresh cloth in hot water, dabs at the crusted wound.
The silence between them stretches out like taffy, and the longer lwj goes without saying anything the more unsure wwx gets.

But he is here, his trembling hands on lwj's bare skin. The same lwj who refused to limp on his broken leg, who avoided wwx's touch in that cave.
He swallows around the dread in his throat and moves to stand, to fetch fresh bandages, and his composure while he's at it, but-

Lwj's fingers dart out, pinching the hem of his sleeve neatly, tugging him down.

"Wei Ying," lwj says, eyes bright.
"I would have no more sorries and thanks between us, Wei Ying," lwj rasps.

Wwx falls to his knees, pressing himself close to lwj's shins. Grabs his hand in turn.

"Lan /zhan/!" He cries, all composure lost.
They grasp at each other for a moment - too mindful of the wound. Eventually, wwx pries himself out of lwj's grasp to fetch the bandages and finish dressing the wound, tutting as he replaces lwj's robe.

"Wei Ying. Where were you?" Lwj asks, careful, like he is a skittish animal.
Perhaps he is. Wwx thinks back on his last days before- the wounded snapping shape of his soul. Now that he is free of the seal pulling him apart he knows where he starts and the resentment begins.

Knows that he was not himself.
He sits on the bed, scooting in to lean against the wall and pull his knees up.

"Would you believe me if I said I didn't know?"

Lwj nods.

He is owed as much as wwx can give, though.
"I really don't. It was awful. You were right- the path was turning me into something else. I had my reasons, but you were right."

He scratches at a hole in his pants, rubs at the skin of his knee.

"I was there, then I was nowhere. Then I got called, and now I'm here."
"Mn. You are here," lwj agrees, as though that was that. As though that was enough to excuse everything.

"What will you do now?" Wwx asks, nervous and off kilter.
"I told you yesterday that I should like to walk the same path as you, Wei Ying. I would see where that road takes us both, if you'll have me."

Wwx chokes around his own laughter. It's an ugly, broken thing, but lwj does not take offense. He simply waits, still too pale.
"You shouldn't, lan zhan. You really shouldn't." He grabs at lwjs hands again, desperate for an anchor before he flays apart.

"I was brought back for a reason- somethings going on and you're going to get involved?"

He doesn't know what answer he wants.
He wants to chase lwj away, make sure he alone remains unscathed by wwx's proximity. Except- he has not been unscathed, the evidence is right here, in his plain robes devoid of cloud embroidery, in the look in his face when he thought wwx was gone.
And wwx is so, so tired of chasing people away to lick his own wounds.

The sight of lwj, straight backed and in disguise, carrying his qin and wwx's name through the land- how could he not want to rise up to that?

How could he not love him the very same way he has been loved?
Lwj looks so determined. So earnest in his resolve to stand by wwx. Wwx can tell just by his expression alone that lwj will not be dissuaded.

"Very well," he says, laughing wetly.

He leans forward to press his forehead against lwj's.
"Lan zhan, heaven knows I won't be able to change your mind. Why don't we see if this single plank road will bear the both of us, hm?"

Lwj closes his eyes at his words, a slow blink that morphs into a lovely, soft smile that takes wwx's breath away.
((Pausing here for dinner! We are close to the end, maybe only a little epilogue to go? There's so many questions that this altered timeline asks but tbh idk if I have the answers! Be back soon! ))
((Nvm I lied I'll be back tomorrow! I'm wiped and also have to marinate for a bit to figure out what happens 😅 thanks everyone for ur reactions and kindness I'm very 😳😳😳🙇‍♀️))
((HI friends I'm waiting for coffee so I figured I'd come back to this! We've got a short way to go before the end of this thread, let's go! 💃))
There is so much to tell wwx. Lwj breathes through the joyous ache of his wildest dreams delivered and lifts a hand to stroke his knuckles across wwx's face.

His features are new, unfamiliar. But his soul had recognised him from the first, he thinks.
He is now so desperately glad to be the one that is injured. That he had sped forth to take the blow that would have rent wwx's new body.

His core is strong enough to handle this. He is strong enough to handle anything, now that Wei Ying is here.
He scoots back, to lean against the wall, shoulder to shoulder with wwx.

"Lan zhan. What happened, since I was gone? Will you tell me?"

Lwj nods, steeling his heart, and begins to speak.
Wwx's fingers clench on the sheets when he hears of sect news. Of Lwj's seclusion. Of the picking over of the burial mounds.

Lwj does not bother to hold himself back. Wei Ying knows he has traveled in his name all these years. There is no need to pretend. He reaches out.
He holds that beloved hand, marveling at the chance to remember wwx anew.

"That's how they brought me back. Somebody took my notes. Gave mxy the ritual. Why, though?"

Lwj wants to know, too. If wwx has been brought back to fulfill someone's plan, they will not go in blind.
"The jins were the ones who claimed the prize of your belongings. Jiang wanyin could not get there in time," lwj says, wrinkling his nose a little.

Wwx bumps his shoulder. "How is Jiang Cheng? Do you know?"
Lwj pauses. He does not like Jiang wanyin. No matter the months they spent looking for Wei Ying, side by side.

But wwx had said Jiang Cheng missed. He, who knew his brother best, said he was meant to fall and be found, later.
"Jiang wanyin has been capturing all demonic cultivators and bringing them back to Lotus Pier. It is said he tortures them for imitating you."

Wwx snorts.
"You know, once we caught a disciple stealing from the kitchens. Yu furen would have whipped the kid to death, probably."
"The kid was so sure he was going to bet expelled from the sect. I mean, Jiang Cheng was the heir, you know? But the only thing that happened was that the next day, the portions at lunch got bigger."
Lwj hums, taking wwx's word for it and rearranging his understanding of the Jiang sect leader.

"Once, we searched for you together. I.. have spent the past six years seeking you in what way I can."

Wwx squeezes his hand.
"Perhaos Jiang wanyin is looking for you, too."

Wwx hums.

"I'm sure he'll punch me when he sees me. But I don't think... at least I hope he will see me. Maybe."

He looks terribly unsure.
He thinks of Lan xichen, and the shape of the world without him. Thinks of nhs, and the image of him bereft without the mass of nie mingjue by his side.

"You are brothers. If.. I were angry at xiongzhang, i would want him here to hear my quarrel, than gone without me."
Wwx peers at him.

"You two might be more similar than you think, you know?" He seems fond at the thought.

Lwj tries not to bristle. He does NOT like Jiang wanyin. But to be compared to him by wei ying is to be compared to family. He does not know how to feel, so he frowns.
Wwx chuckles, and prods at his forehead.

"You are, look at that face! Maybe it's a grumpy little brother thing?" He teases. It is a brittle humor, but as always lwj will indulge him in this.

Wwx should always be laughing.
His smile fades, though, and he looks far off as he murmurs.

"Well, if my didi is looking for me, how can I not answer?" He muses.
He cuts a look at lwj.

"You know, if I didn't meet you out here, like this, using my name and all..."
Lwj flushes, embarrassed, but wwx waves his stuttered apology away.

"No, Lan zhan. I just meant that you're so good. Too good. When I saw you like that I thought "Ah, I can't run away now. What would Lan zhan think of me if I did?"

He presses close, leaning his head on lwj.
"I've always wanted to impress you, you know."

"You did," lwj admits, winning a brittle smile.
"I think, if it were anyone else, I would have run away. I'd have avoided you, and Jiang Cheng. But.. if you're going to walk with me..."

"I am." Lwj says, in case wwx thinks he has changed his mind.

"Will you go to Lotus Pier with me, Lan zhan?"
"I will."

Wwx smiles again. They eat their cold breakfast, peering at each other, brushing shoulders and hands as though they were both checking that the other was still there.
"It is summer, now. Jin rulan will be at Lotus Pier, at this time of year."

Wwx's spoon clatters onto the table.

"Jin ling?! How is he? Shijie's kid? Is he well?"
Lwj frowns. He does not know much of the child.

"I do not know. But he spends his summers in lotus pier under Jiang wanyin's watch. I have heard he is loud, and brash. But healthy."

Wwx smiles.
"Good," he whispers, his eyes wet.
Lotus Pier is not far, and lwj convinces wwx to step onto bichen to cut their journey even shorter.

"I am expected at the cloud recesses soon," he explains. "And you should not strain that body till it is stronger."
They reach the markets on the docks within the day, and the shops are almost closing up. But still, wwx manages to grab some of the best lotus seed buns, and some skewers for himself.

They sit on a quiet pier to eat their dinner, wwx bright eyed at the familiarity of it all.
"I always wanted to do this with you, but the last time you came to yunmeng I was such an ass to you," he says ruefully.

"Eat," lwj says. "There is time now, to do this whenever you wish."

Wwx scrunches his face at him, but dutifully finishes his food.
They are stopped at the gates, until lwj takes off his veiled hat and presents his cloud token.

"Gusu Lan's Lan Wangji requests a meeting with sect leader Jiang. It is a matter of personal import, but we are willing to wait."

They bow.
Wwx looks around in awe at the reconstructed buildings as they are led into a side chamber and served tea. This late in the day Jiang wanyin would not be on the lotus throne. Besides, it is best that they have this conversation in private.
"Hey, Lan zhan. No matter what he does, don't get involved, okay?"

Lwj frowns.

"Look, I know you and your brother communicate with pointed looks or whatever, but Jiang Cheng can't do anything nice without being violent, so don't be shocked. Besides, I probably deserve it."
Lwj wants to argue, but there is no point. Wei Ying knows lwj will not deny him anything. And he fears he will never understand the relationship between the Jiang children.

Before he can say anything else, the doors open.
Jiang wanyin strides in, clad in plum robes and his hair held high with a silver guan. He looks irritable as ever, as he takes in lwj's appearance, and sweeps his gaze over the stranger lwj has brought into his home.
"Lan wangji." He greets, stiffly. His mouth is pressed into an unhappy line, and lwj would sneer at him, if he had not recently recalibrated his understanding of the man. He looks exhausted.

Weighed down by grief, in ways that even lwj might not ever understand.
"Jiang zongzhu." He bows, neatly and politely. He registers the slight surprise from the other man.

"Once, we traveled together with a common goal," he says softly.

Jwy does not stiffen, but he does not say anything.
"We have fought together, but I have been remiss in our interactions since. Lan wangji apologizes, and congratulates sect leader Jiang for the successful rebuilding of lotus pier."

Jwy sputters.
"You can't possibly have come this way just to say that, lan wangji." He says, but the edge of his usual ire is softened.

Lwj tries not to smile. Wei Ying was right. What a strange man, lwj thinks, to be so soft but so angry at the same time.
Like Jiang yanli, but hardened all over like the purple spider.

"No," lwj agrees.

"I have brought someone here to see you." He looks up at Wei Ying, questioning.
Wwx nods.

Steps forward. Kneels, bowing lower and lower till his forehead is resting on the smooth floorboards.

Jiang wanyin's face is drained of all color.
"Jiang Cheng," he says, voice muffled and trembling.

"I've come back. I am so sorry. There is nothing I can do but beg your forgiveness.

I'm sorry, didi."

His shoulders are shaking now.
Lwj has promised to stand back, so he does.

Jiang wanyin takes a step back, in horror, in fear, before he lunges forward.

"Wei wuxian!!" He hisses, and lwj clenches his fists tight to stop himself from intervening.
And then wwx is being hauled up by his robes, snot nosed and crying as jwy shakes him in anger and grief.

"You asshole! You fucking asshole!" He says, and the hands holding on to him let go to beat angrily at wwx's chest.
"You're going to go to the ancestral hall and apologize! You-!!"

Wwx's hands move, seemingly on instinct, rubbing at jwy's face, wiping his tears away.

"Yes. Yes, I will. But first I need to tell you both something."
Wwx sits up, back straight. Lwj feels a slight dread forming, and he thinks jwy does too.

Wwx is only ever formal when things are going badly.

"I take full responsibility for my actions in my last life."
Jwy blanches at the reminder of his place in the ending of that life.

"You two deserve to know why I took that path. Why I didn't survive the fall."

This time, jwy does flinch.
"I didn't have a core, when they threw me into the burial mounds."

Wwx is so, so still.

Lwj feel the shock of his words hit him. Feels bile rise at the back of his throat.
Beside him, jwy looks like he's going to throw up, too. He's shaking, faintly.

"I lied to you, Jiang Cheng." Wwx's eyes look hollow, like he is carving a new grave for himself.
Jiang wanyin looks like he is close to begging wwx to shut his mouth. It has been six years since his death. Long enough to scab, not quite long enough to fester. In more ways than one the both of them are still raw from wwx's disappearance from their lives.
"I don't know where Baoshan sanren's mountain is. I don't know how to regenerate a golden core."

Jiang wanyin lurches forward.

"Wei wuxian, don't lie," he begs.
"My golden core only exists because of the Jiang sect. So I gave it back so the Jiang sect can exist." He says, and now lwj fully understands.

Every interaction. Every action since wwx's return. Everything was for the Jiang. Every misguided, angry action, to save Jiang wanyin.
Lwj comes back to himself to see Jiang wanyin clawing at wwx. They are all so, so young.

None of them are past thirty. And yet they have killed and fought a war. They have lost so, so much.

What are they but young men trapped in grief, in this one room?
"You saved the sect, but what about me, Wei wuxian?" Jwy demands.

"What am I supposed to do with your core if you're not around?"

Wwx smiles at him, guilt and mercy on his face.
"Everything you have already done, Jiang Cheng. You did so good. I'm sorry I left you."

The praise seems to break jwy down further. Lwj averts his eyes. This scene is not for him. He will be here when Wei Ying is ready.
When the two men have gathered their composure, lwj rejoins them.

"Jiang wanyin, we have also come to discuss what Wei ying's return means."

Wwx nods.
"Jiang Cheng. I didn't come back by myself. Someone brought me back, using notes I left behind when I died."

Lwj sees jwy come to the same conclusions as he did.

"Lanling Jin?" He asks, frowning.
Lwj nods.

"We think a greater plot involving them is coming into play. We are concerned for the sect heir's safety."

Jwy clenches his jaw.
Jwy cuts a look at wwx, taking in his tentative expression.

"Jin ling is asleep," he says shortly.

"You can see him tomorrow," he adds, before wwx's expression can fall into that horrible resigned configuration.
"You two can stay here tonight. I trust you know where your old rooms are. Hanguang-jun. I take my leave."

He stands and strides to the door, pauses.

"Wwx. You know where to find me."

Then, he is gone.
Wwx staggers to his feet. Lwj steps in to hold him up.

"C'mon, Lan zhan. Let's go rest."

He sounds so terribly tired.
They reach a set of rooms to the east of the compound, and there is a tray of rice and side dishes on the table.

Wwx laughs when he takes it all in.

"That idiot really left everything the same, didn't he?"
Lwj sits at the table, silently, giving wwx time to sit with his feelings.

When wwx returns he looks up at lwj.

"You don't have any questions, Lan zhan?"
Lwj shakes his head.

"Wei Ying has told me what he wishes to say. There is time for everything else."

He returns to his meal.
They disrobe in silence, too drained for any pretense of shyness. Besides, lwj's heart has been laid bare already.

He has not recieved an answer, but then again wwx has not left.

That is enough.
And then wwx is pulling him towards the bed, settling him in. The covers smell a little stale, but the knowledge that this was wwx's childhood room is heady. He tilts his face into the pillow, embarrassed.
"Are you not going to sleep, Wei ying?" He asks, as wwx sits on the edge of the bed, looking at him.

"Ah, Lan zhan. Lotus Pier doesn't go to sleep till a few sichen later. I need to go talk to Jiang Cheng a little, once he's cooled down. I'm going to go see shijie in a bit."
"Do you need company?" Lwj asks.

Wwx hums and shakes his head. "Maybe next time. I want everyone to meet you."

Lwj flushes, wondering if he has misread the meaning it wwx's words.
"Whatever you want, Wei Ying." He whispers, and means it.

Wwx's eyes crinkle a little. He leans over, tilting his head close.

"Thank you, lan zhan. Go to sleep. I'll see you in the morning."
Lwj falls asleep to the feeling of kiss pressed into his brow.

In the morning, Wei Ying will be there.

He sleeps.
Wei wuxian slips out of the room once he is sure lwj is asleep.

He makes his way to the ancestral hall after grabbing some lotus wine from the kitchens.

Sets down three cups. Pours the wine. Kowtows.
"Jiang shushu. Yu furen. Shijie. This ungrateful Wei Ying has come home."

His voice holds steady.

"I did what you asked, yu furen. The Jiang sect is strong, Jiang Cheng is okay. He's doing so, so good."
"Shijie. I'm sorry. Thank you for saving this unworthy life. I wish you didn't push me away. I wish I had gone instead of you. You're not here to scold me for it, so I can say that."
"But you saved me, so I promise. I'll watch over Jin ling. I won't let anything happen to our family. Lan zhan found me, you know? He brought me home. You always teased me about him.

I'll bring him here, next time."
"I'll ask Jiang Cheng for permission. He'll be so angry if I don't. But he's so good, and he won't let me mess up again. I promise, shijie."

He stands, wiping his eyes as he turns to leave.
Jiang Cheng is there, leaning against the doorway, his face unreadable.

He steps in, taking a joss stick and lighting it, placing it on the altar.

"Jie. Don't worry. I'll make sure this idiot comes often to see you," he says, and wwx's chest hurts with joy.
'C'mon, asshole." He says, and strides out, down an unfamiliar pathway. Wwx trails along, obedient for once.

They stop by a pair of doors, and Jiang Cheng opens them quietly.

They step into a child's room.
There's kites and practice swords strewn all over. It's so messy that wwx wants to laugh, but for some reason tears keep streaming streaming his face.

Jiang Cheng clucks his teeth in disapproval. That does make him laugh.
He's pushed roughly around a privacy screen, and there, in a devastating bundle of blankets, is Jin ling.
He drops to his knees, barely daring to breathe.

"Heavens. He looks just like her." He whispers. "How lucky for him!"

Jiang Cheng snorts softly. He obviously agrees, though, as he leans over and pets at Jin lings forehead.
"He doesn't know what happened, yet. I haven't told him. You're going to meet him and say sorry, and then you're going to spend the rest of your life watching over him." Jiang Cheng whispers fiercely.

Wwx laughs. "Nothing would make me happier, didi."
They leave Jin lings rooms, and Jiang Cheng pulls him into a rough, painful hug before he lets go.

"Jiejie saved your life. You saved mine." He says, looking extremely displeased about it.
"I saved yours, when I got captured and you went to get medicine and food."

He says this all quickly, as though trying to gloss over it all.

Wwx's mouth drops open.
He wants to yell at Jiang Cheng, but he belatedly realizes how hypocritical that would be.

"Anyways," jc continues, clearly uncomfortable.

"We're even. I'm not going to thank you. We do right by a-ling, and that's that, okay?"
"Okay," he agrees.

He returns to his rooms, exhausted.
Lan zhan wakes up at his return, eyes searching his face.

Whatever he finds there seems to soothe him, though, as he pulls the covers back and helps wwx collapse into bed.
He sprawls over lwj, so tired, needing comfort.

The distance between them is nonexistent, now. Neither of them seem to mind, so he lets himself have this, and falls asleep to the rise and fall of lwj's chest.
He wakes at dawn, rustled by lwj trying to extricate himself from his limbs.

He cracks a jaw popping yawn and whines at lwj.

"Lan zhan, it's too early! We had too many emotions yesterday, I deserve to be lazy today!" He pleads.
Lwj ignores him, but squeezes his hand once.

Wwx peers over his blankets and watches as lwj crosses the room to wash his face and comb his hair.

Lwj, in his childhood rooms. Lwj in his sleep robes, rumpled and soft.
He sits up when lwj returns with a damp cloth for him to scrub his face with.

He accepts tea, lets himself be roused from bed by the sheer domesticity of it all. He feels.. light.
All of his secrets have been let loose. He is home, physically in lotus pier, and lwj is by his side.

Lwj is well again, his wound closed over by spiritual energy. It hums and fills the room as he meditates at the end of the bed.
He scooches forward, curling around the warmth of him, resting his head on lwj's thigh as he naps.

He blinks awake when lwj is done meditating, long fingers in his hair, scratching at his scalp.
"Lan zhan, I like you so much." He croaks, voice rough with sleep and sentiment.

"Mn, I too." Lan zhan says, and wwx feels like his golden core is grown twice its size, humming and bright with joy.

He reaches up, tugging at lwj.
He wriggles, till he is sitting partly up as he pulls lwj to the side, pushing his hands into that smooth, lovely hair.

Lan zhan's eyes narrow in fondness, as he leans close.

Perhaps it's good to wake early, he thinks, as he presses his lips against Lan zhan's.
He kisses him, open and pleading, begging to give himself over to this man, and Lwj lets him, leaning back to take more of wwx's weight, to take more of wwx's breath.

Warm hands move up his back, stroking him all over, as though memorizing the new shape of him.
He ends up in lwj's lap, licking at his teeth, gasping into that mouth as lwj's hands settle at his hips, thumbs pressing into his body as he squirms breathlessly.

"Lan er gege," he gasps. "Please."
Warm hands come up to cradle his face. Oh, he's crying. Lwj wipes his tears away with his thumbs, pressing kisses all over his wet cheeks.

"Wei ying," he murmurs, softly into his skin, over and over again.
Wwx feels like his heart is and body are going to break apart. His robes are tangled and pooled at his waist, and he paws at lwj's, wanting to feel more, see more.

He pauses at the brand mark that appears behind the soft fabric.
His fingers find scar tissue wrapping around lwj's shoulders.

"Lan zhan," he whispers.

"Wei Ying. It is no matter. You are here now." Lwj says.

He sounds so sure.
Wwx gives in.
He knows the guilt will return. There are more questions. More mysteries to untangle.

But his mind is increasingly blank, as lwj divests him of his robes.
((A slightly late warning for nsfw, proceed at your own discretion 🔞🔞🔞))
He pants into the air as lwj wraps his hands around the both of them, sword and qin callouses dragging against wwx's cock in a way that makes his breath hitch embarrassingly.

He clutches at lwj's shoulders as he shakes apart, spilling onto lwj's hands.
"Lan zhan, Lan zhan," he mumbles, nosing at his neck as lwj gasps and comes, the space between them humid and sticky.

He pets at lwj's sweaty hair, reaching on the bed to grab the wash cloth from earlier.
He cleans them up the best he can, accepting periodic kisses as they maneuver around each other as they get ready for the day.
"Wei ying," lwj says, stepping forward to gather wwx's hair into a ponytail. He takes his white ribbon, ties it into his hair.

Wwx looks up at him, smiling as lwj fusses over it.

"Ah, Lan zhan, taking my name in secret wasn't enough?" He teases.
He is rewarded by a sweet flush as lwj gives him a stubborn look. He laughs, hopelessly fond.

"When this is all over and everything is settled, come back here with me, okay? We'll make our bows, then I'll go to gusu with you and do the same, hm?"
Lwj looks so happy. They steal another few kisses before they are summoned to meet Jin ling.
The child is wary at first, but dutifully calls wwx da-jiu, which makes wwx cry again. He promises to teach Jin ling how to shoot, promises the world to this angry, sweet child.

Lwj watches, and knows there is one last thing to tell wwx.
They leave for gusu soon, after promising Jiang Cheng to keep him updated on the mystery. They will meet at the next discussion conference, but first they will try to investigate this mystery arm.
They lie together, on the open road, learning each other's bodies and histories.

When they reach the familiar steps of the cloud recesses, they are greeted by Lan xichen, who's sweeps forward to grasp at his little brother's hands.
"Wangji, you look well." Lxc looks at his brother, at the contentment in his face, before noticing wwx.

There is a moments pause, after wwx greets him, where lxc is looking between he two of them and giving his little brother a pointed look.

He sighs.
"Wei gongzi, I take it?"

Wwx gapes.

"We will talk tomorrow. Wangji, you should both go rest."

Lwj bows, and leads them to the jingshi.
"How did your brother figure out it was me?" Wwx cries, as they head towards the jingshi.

"Xiongzhang knows I left to mourn you or seek you, Wei Ying. I returned with someone in tow. Who else could you be?"

Wwx flushes.
They pause, outside the jingshi.

"Wei Ying. There is one last thing you must know."

Wwx tilts his head. "What else are you hiding from me, Lan zhan?" He teases.
Lwj seems to steel himself, before sliding the door to the jingshi open.

Inside, his son is rising, hurrying forward to greet him. Lwj feels a great affection rising up at this sweet boy, older than Jin ling, and the knowledge that he is bringing to him a long lost parent.
"Die, you are home earlier than expected," sizhui says, hurrying forward to help him with his bags. He noticed wwx, and bows appropriately.

He looks at his father curiously.
"Sizhui. This is Wei Ying. He knew you from before I brought you here."

He turns to wwx.

"Wei Ying, this is lan yuan."
((Omg I know i said it was a short ending but then I was like he HAS to meet Jin ling then I was like HE HAS to meet sizhui.. im so tired I'll be back this evening.. here's a link to the top for now! ))

((Staggers back into Twitter hello all my soul is leaving my body but.. there is a tiny tiny bit left to go let's do this!! We're just gonna wrap up some little things with a little epilogue, I hope u enjoy! 🙇))
The boy that rises to greet them in the jingshi is young, likely not more than three to four years older than jin ling.

He stands, in that straight backed way that is all Lan wangji, and it makes his robes sit smooth even as he dips into a neat bow.
"Lan sizhui greets you, qianbei. I apologize for not recognizing you."

The boy is composed, but young enough that wwx catches that look of earnest confusion he shoots at lwj.

His father.

His father?
Wwx struggles for a moment to speak.

"Lan Yuan?" He manages, throat tight. He glances quickly at lwj, and sees on his face that unconditional love and acceptance wwx has come to understand is directed at him.. directed to them both.

"A-yuan?" He whispers.
If his return had been the fulfillment of Lan wangji's deepest desires, then this surely must be karma for that. To have made Lan wangji happy, surely the reward for that must be high, such that wwx is standing here in front of this miracle child.
He kneels, hesitating before he reaches out and pets the boys head gently.

"A-Yuan. My little radish, look how big you've gotten!" He praises, letting his hands cup the sweet, round cheek of the boy he thought he had lost.
Sizhui submits to his gentle affections far more genially than Jin ling had. He wrinkles his nose as his hair is messed, but otherwise waits patiently for wwx to stop fussing.

Lwj comes close to kneel in between the both of them.
"Lan zhan! How can this be?" Wwx asks, giddy with relief, with joy. He watches as sizhui stands to dutifully bring a pot of tea over.

"What a good boy he's become!"


Lwj seems pleased.
"Sizhui does not remember his time at the burial mounds. We will tell him, about his background, when it is time."

Lwj says, as the two of them watch lsz brew tea with all the seriousness a young boy can muster.

Fondness threatens to split his chest in two.

Lwj had said it so lightly, as though the two of them were an inevitable conclusion. As though nothing, no conspiracy, no debts, no guilt could come in the way of the two of them, and this tiny, marvelous human.

Wwx grins, incandescent.
He spares a moment to beg the heavens for mercy. Prays that his debts have been repaid by his life. Hopes that it is enough, so that he can have this.

There is little Jin ling. Little sizhui. They would make fast friends.
Sizhui returns with tea, which he dutifully serves. He sits close to the two of them, all youthful curiosity.

"Father? Will you be staying long? With your-" a careful glance. "Friend?"

Lwj smiles at his son. Their(?) Son?
"Mn, we will stay awhile. Then we must investigate a matter in lanling. Wei Ying and I will stay here, in the meantime. You do not mind?"

Sizhui looks at wwx, eyes wide and frank.

He is too young to fully understand many things, but...
But he loves his father. That has always been at the core of his person. And he has heard the name "Wei Ying" before, murmured softly in his father's sleep, from before father was well enough to walk and train and fight.
And he sees now, his father returned home with a new set to his shoulders, a loosening of a tension sizhui did not know was there till its absence was felt.

And he sees this.. Wei Ying, and how he and his father tilt towards each other, unthinkingly.
"I do not mind, father, Wei qianbei."

He pauses, cheeks flushing in embarrassment.

"I do not remember my life before the fever took my memories, qianbei."

Wwx looks a little pained, at that.
"Ah, a-Yuan! It's alright. It was not an easy time. Perhaps it was for the best."

Lsz's brow furrows in a manner achingly similar to lwj.

"But I forgot you, and there must be others who were important. That seems.." He flounders for a moment, seeking the right word.
Lwj rests a hand on lsz's head.

"Do not rush," he says gently.

Sizhui slumps, but nods.

"Ah. A-yuan. How about I tell you some stories?" Wwx smiles, steeling his heart for more memories to be pulled out.
But there is no worthier cause than this; his pain transmuted into a gift, memories sifted through for nuggets of true joy.

Sizhui cannot know that they were the Wen remnants. Not yet.

But those dear, beloved people were always more more their name.
Lwj ushers them to sit on the steps of the jingshi's back entrance, where the hydrangeas are beginning to bow with the weight of their blooms. He settles close, so that his knees press against wwx's, so that sizhui can lean against him without looking like it.
Tomorrow, they will examine the hand they gathered from mo manor. They will have to say goodbye to sizhui, which will be difficult, but the wound will be easier to bear, knowing that it is him they are returning to.
They will solve this mystery, and lwj will see wwx safe, that he may make his home where he wishes.

The mid autumn festival should be spent in yunmeng, lwj thinks idly. Sizhui has not had the snowskin mooncakes from yunmeng, which will not survive the journey to gusu.
Lwj will set down his plain robes, and take up the cloud patterned regalia again. There is no more need to mourn, and every need to celebrate.

Perhaps, they will take their vows and he will see Wei Ying resplendent in red.

They will watch over sizhui.
If Jiang wanyin agrees, lwj will teach Jin ling music.

There will be so much time, after.

But for now, he sips his tea and listens to wwx speak to their son.

"Once, I buried you in a turnip patch..."

(They solve the mystery in record time because they both want to hurry up and get married. Lxc's grief over nmj is fresher, and jgy has yet to hide his misdeeds quite as well.

They alternate living in yunmeng, gusu, and the open road.
Lqr would be more disgruntled but he was fully prepared to lose his nephew to a mourning pilgrimage for like.. 13 years and wwx brought him back, so he is forgiven.

The kids grow up together, and everything is wonderful.
Thank you everyone for reading thus far! 🙏 this is my longest threadfic yet, but im really pleased with how it turned out, all things considered. Thank you for enjoying all my self indulgent fantasies. 🥰

Final link to the top! 😘😘😘

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13 Sep
I am thinking of yunmeng silk season and all the jiang kids helping out because it's important to know the main export of yunmeng and just... all of them concentrating and pulling apart silkworm cocoons.. idk it makes me happy to think about
Also while I'm here silk headcanon I know a lot of people view silk as really satiny and soft but the silk I always envision Lan robes in is this lovely textured slubby silk...
Like duponi?? And honestly more hemp linen and cotton rough weaves for a lot of the other clothes. I actually think yunmeng might have a good linen trade... I think they make fabric and dyes but gusu does good embroidery? Lanling does headpieces and jewelry imo
Read 6 tweets
13 Sep
Also thinking of wangxian and like.. seasonal motifs
We have lotuses and snow but also I am thinking of when the cranes fly south and when there are ducks in the fields and dragonflies in the summer
Maple and gingko all gold red in the autumn... and zongzi... and mushrooms and all the seasonal things that chinese people cherish.. 🥺
Read 4 tweets
12 Sep
Still thinking of secretary lwj.. what if they're just very respectful and use scent blockers all the time cause this is a workplace of course and they're all very professional about it
And then idk don't @ me I'm on kdrama brain rn but something something coffee spills and wwx has to strip his shirt off and scrub down and lwj has to go take his clothes to the dry cleaners
But thats when he realizes how fucking good wwx smells and he's like

O shit, the boss I am begrudgingly fond of and respect a lot also... makes mouth water
Read 19 tweets
18 Aug
Ok I know this isn't a quite personal account but . Imma quit my job and I'm so proud of myself for prioritizing what my mental health needs and not automatically doing the capitalist cog thing of work just cuz u can!! 🤧
I am so afraid of idleness, to be left with my own brain but I am determined to draw when I feel like drawing and write when I want to, and refuse to cede to the voice in my head that I am only what I make
I think it is a pitfall most are familiar with but I literally draw for a living, my art IS made to be consumed as part of a commercial product and I have trained to that end. It's fine, and tbh not everyone achieves those silly childhood dream jobs
Read 5 tweets
17 Aug
I just think...killed-my-own-heart-to-survive bodyguard wwx is sexy..... in debt and devoted until his master is dead
Maybe he was just a bodyguard to the Wens??? Maybe he took the place of Zhao zhuliu... but kind of like Wen Qing he manages to manipulate wen xu decently, trying to circumvent the most of his cruelty
He's stronger than Wen xu, of course. Has to be, otherwise he wouldn't be a good bodyguard. So he actually sits nicely in the cloud recesses, trying to absorb all the info cuz he actually really likes studying but his master is kind of a bitch
Read 127 tweets
17 Aug
Hm what if Jiang fengmian was a little more clear in his directions and adopted Wei Ying to be bodyguard for his kids.
Instead of foster son. U know I think he's still nice to him but his position in the sect is clearer? Yanli still is kind to him and jc is his friend but it's way more clear that he's there to serve
Which curbs his arrogance a little bit, I think. He knows he is afforded training and proximity to the Jiang heirs because they are his responsibility, his martial family. His friends.he still loves them, I think
Read 8 tweets

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