🧵(1/17) I listened to @POTUS’s speech in my Jeep driving home after dropping off my kid at her masked dance class. Overwhelmed by his support for educators & those who have worked so hard to keep our kids safe, I finally just pulled over & parked. #COVID19#Arkansas#GoJoe
🧵(2/17) As @POTUS spoke, I was flooded with 18 months of grief for those we have lost, despair for those who died alone and their loved ones left behind. #Covid_19#GoJoe
🧵(3/17) Every memory of my child’s disappointed face each time I had to say no to sleepover invitations and unmasked gatherings that never stopped flashed through my mind. #CovidIsNotOver#GoJoe
🧵(4/17) I remembered the desperate search online to find vaccine appointments for my parents, and the panicked moment that I first realized that my desperation was not shared by the majority of my fellow Arkansans. #GoJoe#COVID19
🧵(5/17) I remembered the anxiety that followed every exposure, the loneliness of every quarantine, and the hopelessness that crept in when I felt like I couldn’t keep my people safe. #GoJoe#Covid_19
🧵(6/17) I remembered the rage I felt as I watched our state legislature ban vaccine mandates and vaccine passports, and the shock of realizing that our only hope of sending our kids to school safely, was to go to court to get an injunction against their mask mandate ban. #GoJoej
🧵(7/17) I remembered every patient conversation I had with an unvaccinated parent, trying to counter the ceaseless storm of misinformation and encourage them to get their shots. #GoJoe#Covid_19#GetVaccinated
🧵(8/17) I remembered the social media pleas of exhausted healthcare workers, the prayer requests for sick, and the go fund me accounts for the families of those on ventilators, on ECMO machines, or in coffins. #GoJoe#COVID19
🧵(9/17) I remembered the anti-mask mom who dressed her children up as sheep berating our local school board for their efforts to keep our students safe and in school. #GoJoe#Covid_19
🧵(10/17) I remembered the unsatisfactory answers I gave to my child when she asked why people weren’t being safe, why so many grown ups didn’t seem to care about the kids under 12, when she could get a vaccine, & who would take her to dance if we (her parents) both got #COVID19
🧵(11/17) And I felt, all at once, the toll of 18 months of decision fatigue, emotional labor, sacrifice, isolation, and the inevitable loss of control that happens when life as you know it unravels. #GoJoe#Covid_19
🧵(12/17) I felt the heartbreak of all of the lost moments—the final months of my kid’s last year at her beloved elementary school, the cancelled trips, and the empty chairs at Christmas dinner. #GoJoe#COVID19
🧵(13/17) I’m not a huge fan of government mandates. I think they should be rare. I know the backlash that undoubtedly follows. I wish enough people would do the right thing on their own volition. #GoJoe#Covid_19
🧵(14/17) But the wounds that result from one’s choice not to vaccinate aren’t solely self-inflicted. That choice threatens our access to routine & emergency medical treatment, insurance premiums, the economy, in-person education, & our kids’ health, mental & physical #GoJoe
🧵(15/17) Today, I heard @JoeBiden say he is going to do everything in his power to end this vaccination civil war, to protect the vaccinated and the cannot-be-vaccinated from the willfully unvaccinated, and to protect the willfully unvaccinated from themselves. #GoJoe#Covid_19
🧵(16/17) And his message came from a place that only those who have suffered the darkest of losses, who have survived trauma through service, who wouldn’t wish their own pain on their greatest enemy, can speak. #GoJoe#COVID19
🧵(17/17) I don’t know what will come of it all. I’m sure many people here will hate him, but they will survive…literally. Hell, many of them already hate him & will even if he saves their lives.
(1/8) Sigh. All the in-fighting about $ spent & which orgs were effective & which weren’t. IT CLEARLY TOOK ALL OF US. We will learn in weeks ahead what moved the needle the most & where. But this isn’t a one-size-fits-all country & Democrats can’t be a one-size-fits-all party.
(2/8) In deep red southern states like mine, I’m inspired by the voter protection and grassroots mobilization efforts led by @staceyabrams. We need it desperately! Folks are curing ballots and fighting to count every vote here as I type.
(3/8) And in this deep red state, Democrats are in the superminority, & the largest party affiliation is independent. So we need organizations that reach crossover & fiercely independent voters. We can’t just excite Dems (there aren’t enough of them). We have to cast a wider net.
Well, here's Gordon Brownwell's letter to Harry Dent. Dent worked for Strom Thurmond, Goldwater, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and George H. W. Bush.
Here's Strom Thurmond who stumped and strategized with the Goldwater and Nixon campaigns (excerpt written by former Republican Congressman Paul N. McCloskey, Jr.) huffpost.com/entry/republic…
Here's Kevin Phillips who worked for Nixon (excerpts from Venomous Speech: Problems with American Political Discourse on the Right and Left) amazon.com/Venomous-Speec…
Thread (1/28) Today, @Hulu drops the 1st episodes of #MrsAmerica which tells the story of our failure to ratify the #ERA in the 70s/80s. I know this story-You should too. Why? B/c it explains the 2016 election. Really? What does the ERA have to do with Trump’s win? Glad you asked
(2/28) “At one time, ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment seemed like a foregone conclusion. In fall 1971 and spring 1972, the #ERA sailed through the House & the Senate by votes of 354 to 24 and 84 to 8” from my piece in @washingtonpost#MrsAmericawashingtonpost.com/outlook/2019/0…
(3/28) On 3/22/72, the #ERA moved to the states for ratification with a 7-year timeline. It needed 38/50 victories to become the law of the land. 3 states passed it in less than 24 hours (HA, NH, DE)! 5 more passed it by the end of month (IA, ID, NE, KS, TX)! #MrsAmerica
Found the kid playing with her dog instead of Zooming with her teacher. She told me not to worry. She took a screenshot of herself “paying attention,” then cut her video & replaced it with the picture. “It’s a gallery view of 20 kids, mom. They can’t tell.” She is 10. #COVID19
(1/5) Thanks for the LOVE folks! A few things: 1-she was still listening & they weren’t doing a lesson just checking in. We’ve talked about when it’s inappropriate. She gets it. She’s always pushed the limits, but her heart is big.
(2/5) She says she took a full-screen screen shot, cropped it, made it a virtual background, and covered the webcam with a sock. Yes, I’m both proud and scared.
THREAD: (1/11) 3 years ago, @ewarren read Coretta Scott King's letter opposing the 1986 appointment of Jeff Sessions to a fed'l judgeship. @ewarren thought King's objections remained relevant in 2017 as the Senate considered the confirmation of Sessions as the US Attorney General
(2/11) In her letter, Coretta Scott King was critical of Jeff Sessions' actions as a US Attorney in the early 1980s, and she did not want him to have a lifetime appointment to the federal bench. For example, she wrote:
(3/11) King's 1986 letter and testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee should have been entered into the Congressional Record. However, the Chairman, Senator Strom Thurmond (SC) (who ran for Pres. in 1948 on the Dixiecrat segregationist ticket) apparently forgot to enter it.
(1/7) Since @DineshDSouza refuses to do"takebacks" (despite getting schooled daily by @KevinMKruse & his fellow #twitterhistorians) & since I still can’t believe that @CandaceOwen denied the GOP’s Southern Strategy, I’m reposting this short thread of evidence to the contrary.
(2/7) In a 2005 speech to the NAACP, the former head of the GOP, Ken Mehlman, apologized for his party’s Southern Strategy. At the time, Bob Herbert called it an empty apology in the @nytimes because it was still going on. It still is. nytimes.com/2005/07/18/opi…
(3/7) Some quotes: Scholars Murphy & Gulliver on Nixon: he “hoped to woo Southern support so ardently that there might once again develop a solid political South—but this time committed as firmly to the Republican party as it once had been to the Democratic party.” @KevinMKruse