Tomorrow on the 20th anniversary of September 11th our family will be visiting my husband’s firehouse where they lost all the men on duty that day.
Here are the faces of Engine 40 Ladder 35 who ran bravely towards the danger, into the burning towers to try and save others.
Their names are:
Frank Callahan,
Kevin Bracken,
Michael D’Auria,
Lieutenant John Ginley,
Steve Mercado,
Michael Roberts,
Michael Otten,
Jimmy Giberson,
Dan Marshall,
Bruce Gary,
Michael Lynch,
Vincent Morello
This picture was taken a few months after September 11, 2001 for a @VanityFair piece about the surviving firefighters of @FDNY Engine 40/Ladder 35. The writer was David Halberstam. The photographer @JonasKarlsson. My husband Sean is on the far right.
Our friend Ray Pfeifer is standing next to him on the left. We lost Ray to 9/11 related cancer, but he fought while he was sick to ensure fellow first responders would have access to health care. We miss him, but his legacy lives on with his family and @RayPfeiferFDTN
343 members of the @FDNY made the supreme sacrifice on 9/11/2001. 257 have died of WTC illnesses since then. They continue to honor those lost through two decades of vigilance and precautions against terrorism. God bless them, their families and the Fire Department of New York.
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I’ve met a lot of good friends here since May of 2020 when I decided to speak out against @andrewcuomo. I just want to thank all of you for your love, support, encouragement and prayers because they helped.
2) I’m not sure what happens now, but tonight I feel some justice that a leader who abused his power for so long will be without something that made him feel like he could take advantage of others without repercussions. And tomorrow will be a new day filled with a bit of hope.
3) To those who made fun of me or my profession or where I work, or who cruelly lashed out at my family, my sister in law, or my husband, you may have thought you were crushing my spirit. But you only made me want to fight harder, speaker louder and keep going.
My mom flew home last night on @AirCanada. She had huge issues flying here two weeks ago with delays/cancellations and hours at airport terminals with no food or water. Yesterday she left New York once again with an awful story.
2) The flight from New York to Toronto was fine but she had a connecting flight to London, Ontario where she lives. The lineup was so long at customs she missed her connecting flight, had to pick up her luggage and wait in line for customer service.
3) You can’t get through to @AirCanada on the phone (over 2 hour wait to talk to someone) so she called me crying. I DM’d an agent on twitter who said they would book her on a flight then next day but they could not tell me where she would stay overnight.
What a bunch of baloney. The right thing to do was to not advise your brother on his sexual harassment charges and to decline Covid tests that could’ve been used to save elderly New Yorkers. The giant cotton swab comedy was a mistake as well. Spare us @ChrisCuomo.
Hi @AirCanada my mom is flying from Toronto to New York today. I have not seen her Since Christmas of 2019 and all your flights out are delayed and no one is telling her anything. Get your act together, and be honest with your customers.
Update: mom is fine. Her 230 flight was delayed/ cancelled. 430 flight was delayed/ cancelled. Now she’s booked on the 630 flight. Weather is not the problem. It’s that they have no staff that wants to work. Sound familiar?
They are still on the tarmac. There was no food in her terminal and they didn’t give her anything to eat on the plane. She had to walk over 4 miles to get to her gate. The plane is packed an there’s electrical issues. I’m going out of my mind. Please pray that she gets here. 🙏🏻
Cuomo knew the body count would hurt his efforts to sell his memoir, so he and his henchmen lied, bullied and threatened others to keep it quiet. It also looks like Cuomo used state resources and employees to help him write the book. Hundreds of those pages were based on lies.
My only hope is that this book that profited off the deaths of our loved ones is used in a court of law against him. Perhaps it could even be considered under the Son of Sam law which keeps criminals from profiting from the publicity of their crimes.
The @AP “journalist” that interviewed me for an article about my “unethical” and “political” criticism of @NYGovCuomo wrote this incredibly puffy piece on the governor and his brother in April.…
I was under the impression he was going to interview me about my quest for answers and to learn about my in-laws. Instead it was pretty much a hit job and was never meant to highlight my advocacy or honor their deaths.
There is actually a treasure trove of critical scathing articles David Bauder has written about Fox News so shame on me for agreeing to sit down with him and think he would ever do a fair piece on my behalf.