@mentions@net3434 You can literally pay their bar fine. That is what they call it btw... $5 to get the girl for the whole night to do whatever you want to them in most of these places. at least that is what it was in the 90s. Anyway you can tell them just sleep here on couch and they get nervous
@mentions@net3434 because everyone is in on the abuses.. the hotel owners the bar owners the military... eyes watch the girls and make sure they are doing their job and being productive... it blew my mind
@mentions@net3434@threadreaderapp does @threadreaderapp not like tweets with links or rolling up this "taboo" subject nobody wants to talk about even though its highly relevant to the abuses going on planetwide.....
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When I was in the military in the 90s I was told that civilians are maggots and I should stay in the military forever because who would want to slum it with the civilians.... This was when I first started getting WOKE #chudwatch
Then I started going to bases across the planet and seeing all the little girls being abused by military enlisted and officers as a standard. They call these places adult disneylands. They not only condone it but they USE THEM to help troops de-stress
Military police even patrol many of the bars/streets of these districts always keeping the troop out of trouble and blaming the girls for as much as possible. They pretend its to prevent violence/crimes against the population but those on the inside know better...
PS I am starting to realize to put more specific shit down especially since I know more specific shit down on twitter before they blast me out of existence for saying what I am saying. #TimeCapsule#Nostradamus but not pulling it out of my ass... using real history/facts/data
If my account vaporizes suddenly you will know why. If you don't see me tweet you have to come direct to my timeline. many followers report they never see my tweets.
There are many whistleblowers @rosemcgowan@Alanis and many government whistleblowers that are saying..
Hell everyone even knows this deep down. WE ALL DO!! WE ALL KNOW HOW CORRUPT THEY ARE!!! WHY DO WE PUT UP WITH IT?
they aren't even hiding their cooperation and operational coordination in even msm anymore... those of us called "tin foil conspiracy theorists" about these wars of lies, aggression, and capping #blacklivesmatter across the planet are vindicated! WE TOLD YOU SO! #chudwatch
PS... 9/11 was an inside job still... its still true today. It was true yesterday and it will be true tomorrow...
PPS... 1/6 was also an inside job and another one is coming soon!
@rosemcgowan is right about one thing THEY ARE ALL IN ON IT! yes that's right Rose even Larry Elder.
Reparations for slave masters? COMON ROSE!
You should have used this opportunity to speak real truth about the whole political system and BOTH PARTIES yahoo.com/news/rose-mcgo…
Well lookie here #blacklivesmatter Rose says Larry knows more than you! Those slave masters surely need to those reparations!!! Now I have to waste my time watching this shitshow presser #chudwatchyahoo.com/news/rose-mcgo…
This is disingenious folks.... things i said were turned into I was ableist racist against indigenous..... I was explaining my disability issues and I am dedicated #BIPOC activists over 10 years in the fight IN #Portland#chudwatch
the result is many GREAT PEOPLE i admire follow learn from and RT info to HELP THE MOVEMENT blocked me. This harms the movement. the flow of info the powerhouse we at #portlandprotest have been rocking the nation with education with for a year now.... ofc they want to destroy it!