If you work with human influenza viruses in the lab you most likely grow them in MDCK cells, or possibly MDBK cells, or maybe A549 cells if you are fussy enough to want a cell line that comes from (a) the right organ system and (b) the right species of animal (2/N)
These cell lines are super-convenient – they grow forever, and it’s so much easier to grow influenza in them than in, say, human bronchial epithelial cells. Great, right? (3/N)
For some experiments, yes. But are we missing anything by working in these ‘easy’ cells? (Yes, yes we are)
It turns out that cancer cell lines (probably *because* they grow so beautifully) down-regulate a lot of genes that are important for the immune response to viruses (4/N)
On the other hand, if we reanalyse data from GTEx and the Human Proteome Atlas we find that those same antiviral genes are expressed at high levels in tissues, particularly in mucosa such as the respiratory tract that are constantly exposed to infection (5/N)
There are lots of examples of this, but the TRIM family member TRIM22 jumped out at us, as it is expressed at particularly high levels in the lung (6/N)
This was a surprise, as TRIM22 is a well-known ISG – it should only be ‘on’ during the innate immune response.
Well... TRIM22 *is* an ISG in cancer cell lines (or absent entirely). But in HBECs, or primary lung fibroblasts such as MRC5s, TRIM22 is on all the time… (7/N)
TRIM22 is also expressed at high levels in respiratory epithelia, cf. uninfected and influenza-infected macaques (tissue from a previous study)
So TRIM22 is a restriction factor that’s an ISG in cancer cell lines but ‘on’ all the time at the natural site of infection (8/N)
In cells that do express TRIM22 constitutively, shTRIM22 shows that it provides intrinsic immunity against influenza viruses
When it’s always on, TRIM22 can restrict influenza virus replication during the first 4h of infection, *before* any detectible expression of ISGs (9/N)
Two take-home messages:
(1)ISGs are not always ISGs. Speculation: it makes sense that many 'ISG's are ‘on’ at portals of viral entry, but not at other sites where this could come at too high a cost
(2)When planning experiments, convenience always comes at a price
Some interesting reading on viruses in milk 🐄🦠
Recently we and others looked at the effects of pasteurisation on H5N1 in milk (very effective) and the risks of 'raw' milk (very risky).
But what about unpasteurised cheese ? The experiment sounded like microbiological chaos...
... and to be clear we haven't done it ourselves, partly because everyone in the lab looks horrified whenever I suggest it. But people have done it in the past for another bovine virus, foot and mouth disease: ...sciencedirect.com/science/articl…
... in this 1976 paper, John Blackwell reports experimentally infecting cows with FMDV and then setting out on a home cheese making project, eventually producing batches of virus-laden cheddar, camembert and mozarella...
🚨New Pre-Print🚨
With #H5N1 #flu shed in cow’s milk in the USA, we worked with @cvrinfo, @roslininstitute, @Pirbright_Inst & @APHAgovuk to ask if pasteurisation would make it safe
TL;DR: pasteurisation’s effective, raw milk can be infectious medrxiv.org/content/10.110…
There are lots of good reasons to pasteurise milk, which is done by heating at 63C for a long time or 72C quickly. But we hadn’t previously had to worry about influenza in milk
Would pasteurisation work here too?
We tested this in labs, where we could vary the times and temps carefully (you then extrapolate to actual pasteurisation equipment)
Using a panel of influenza viruses in milk we found that they were all effectively inactivated before reaching pasteurising times at either temp
In a new paper led by @annasimsbiol, we find that influenza infections divide your throat into tiny territories, and ask:
why don’t these viruses want to be friends?
Some background: If two viruses get into the same cell, they can genes exchange (basically they can breed). This is really important for viral evolution. A dramatic example is when different strains of influenza A virus (IAVs) use coinfection to generate pandemic strains
Many viruses actively push back against coinfection, changing an infected cell until it becomes resistant to infection by related viruses. This effect is known as ‘superinfection exclusion’ (SIE)
🚨New pre-print!🚨 biorxiv.org/content/10.110…
Viruses are very small things with very big effects. During the #SARSCoV2 pandemic, tiny changes in molecular biology had huge impacts on people’s lives. How could we communicate about this clearly?
There were, of course, plenty of data out there, collected by groups like @COGUK_ME. But these sites were (quite reasonably) aimed at expert audiences.
Could the details of new SARS-CoV-2 variants be explained in a way that was accessible for the public? (3/9)
Coinfection is an important aspect of viral evolution. If two viruses can get into the same cell, they can undergo genetic exchange. A dramatic example of this is when different strains of influenza A virus (IAVs) use coinfection to generate novel pandemic strains
However, many viruses actively push back against coinfection. In a variety of ways, they change an infected cell until it becomes resistant to infection by related viruses. This effect is known as superinfection exclusion (SIE)
Earlier this year, @Scient_Art collaborated with us to produce one of the first detailed 3D models of the #SARSCoV2 virus particle. To round off 2021 she's updated her model, and it looks great (1/N)
... the first model drew heavily on existing work on related viruses (SARS-CoV-1 and MHV). The updated model has an improved representation of the spike protein, building on the detailed model from @RommieAmaro's lab (pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/ac…) (2/N)