🔸Always create new branch & make a Pull Request (PR) to main/master branch
🔸In this way, your main/master branch stay safe
🔸And your code will get pushed only after review from team member
🦋 2. Always have protection on Main branch🔥 🔥 🔥
🔸Set a rule that no one can directly push to main
🔸Main will progress only with the merge of clean PR
🔸It protects your production branches from receiving unexpected and irreversible changes
🦋 3. Always pull first 🔥 🔥 🔥
🔸Make a habit of `git pull` before creating any new branch
🔸This will make your work sync with the latest changes
🔸Otherwise you may have conflict with other files
🦋 4. Write good commit messages 🔥 🔥 🔥
🔸A commit message is your overview of the work
🔸Write a descriptive but short commit message
🔸Always write what feature do, not what you have done
🔸today I have completed blog store part ❌
🔸an admin can create a blog ✅
🦋 5. Never irritate PR reviewer 🔥 🔥 🔥
🔸A person who review your PR is helping you and the team
🔸Work in small batches
🔸Always think "how you can minimise reviewer work"
🔸Add comment on your PR where you think any explanation needed
🔸Never push unwanted changes
🦋 6. Never push unnecessary changes 🔥 🔥 🔥
🔸Do not push any changes in format like space or empty new line
🔸Remove any unused variable or comment is not needed
🔸Do not leave any log anywhere or any empty file
🦋 7. Work in small batches 🔥 🔥 🔥
🔸If you work on small task, you feel the completion
🔸Easily track your progress
🔸Easy to review your PR
🔸Always on Continuous Development (CI / CD)
🔸Any error can be tracked very early
🦋 8. Always review your own changes before pushing 🔥 🔥 🔥
🔸When you finished your task, try to see your own changes diff
🔸This way you are looking for any unwanted changes
🔸You may find any mistake you can correct on the fly
🔸Make sure you have not changed any other code
🦋 9. Never push any lock file if not package is installed 🔥 🔥 🔥
🔸Everyone uses different environment
🔸If no new package is installed, you should not push your lock file
🔸For example: if you just run "npm install", you have package-lock.json file
🔸never push this to PR
🦋 10. Add any screenshot for UI changes 🔥 🔥 🔥
🔸This one seems not very useful but it is
🔸When you add UI changes screenshot, reviewer quickly get the idea what your code will do
🔸You can point to the changes you done on UI on the screenshot
🦋 11. Liked this thread
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🔸 Bypass Paywalls is a web browser extension to help bypass paywalls for selected sites
🔸Bypass paywall for quora, medium, bloomberg & many many more websites
🔸You need developer mode ON to use this extension
🔸Link 👇 github.com/iamadamdev/byp…
🦋 2. Headless Recorder
🔸A Chrome extension that records your browser interactions
🔸And generates a Playwright/Puppeteer script
🔸Automate your entire browser interaction and tweek the script to do more
🔸Link 👇 checklyhq.com/docs/headless-…
🔸 Always index columns that you plan on searching on
🔸 Index the columns which are used in JOIN clauses so that the query returns the result fast
🔸 Do not use Index for many column, it will slow the Insert or Update
🦋 2. LIMIT 1 When Getting a Unique Row 🔥 🔥 🔥
🔸Adding LIMIT 1 to your query can increase performance
🔸Reduces execution time because the database engine will stop scanning for records after it finds the first match