🔸 Bypass Paywalls is a web browser extension to help bypass paywalls for selected sites
🔸Bypass paywall for quora, medium, bloomberg & many many more websites
🔸You need developer mode ON to use this extension
🔸Link 👇 github.com/iamadamdev/byp…
🦋 2. Headless Recorder
🔸A Chrome extension that records your browser interactions
🔸And generates a Playwright/Puppeteer script
🔸Automate your entire browser interaction and tweek the script to do more
🔸Link 👇 checklyhq.com/docs/headless-…
🦋 3. Dark Reader
🔸It generate a dark mode that aims to reduce the eyestrain of the user
🔸It is feature-rich and can be configured in many ways throughout the UI
🔸Link 👇 darkreader.org
🦋 4. cVim
🔸 Vim for Google Chrome
🔸Control your browser with your keyboard only
🔸Configure keybinding for every task
🔸link 👇 github.com/1995eaton/chro…
🔸Displays repo size
🔸Displays each file size for every active branch
🔸Show download link for each file
🔸Copy file's contents directly to Clipboard
🔸Link 👇 github.com/softvar/enhanc…
🦋 7. Google Unlocked
🔸It unlocks hidden google search results
🔸scans hidden search results that were censored by Google due to complaints
🔸Only manual installation available
🔸Link 👇 github.com/Ibit-to/google…
🦋 8. Refined Hacker News
🔸adds useful features and tweaks a few stuff on Hacker News to make the experience better
🔸without changing the look and feel
🔸Link 👇 github.com/plibither8/ref…
🦋 9. Treeverse
🔸Treeverse is a tool for visualizing and navigating Twitter conversation threads
🔸Open Twitter and click on the tweet that you would like to visualize the conversation
🔸Link 👇 github.com/paulgb/Treever…
🦋 10.
🔸Searches the DOM for any embedded script link, as script tag may contain keys for specific API(such as Google maps API)
🔸You can add keywords to search for it at any website you visit
🔸Link 👇 github.com/momenbasel/Key…
🔸Always create new branch & make a Pull Request (PR) to main/master branch
🔸In this way, your main/master branch stay safe
🔸And your code will get pushed only after review from team member
🦋 2. Always have protection on Main branch🔥 🔥 🔥
🔸Set a rule that no one can directly push to main
🔸Main will progress only with the merge of clean PR
🔸It protects your production branches from receiving unexpected and irreversible changes
🔸 Always index columns that you plan on searching on
🔸 Index the columns which are used in JOIN clauses so that the query returns the result fast
🔸 Do not use Index for many column, it will slow the Insert or Update
🦋 2. LIMIT 1 When Getting a Unique Row 🔥 🔥 🔥
🔸Adding LIMIT 1 to your query can increase performance
🔸Reduces execution time because the database engine will stop scanning for records after it finds the first match