The problem lies there. -|- "Research suggests dental professionals may prioritize clinical experience, personal values and preferences over evidence when delivering such interventions."…
"The average percentage of correctly answered questions was: for the dentists 53%, for the dental hygienists 58% and for the dental assistants 37%."…
Understatement. -|- "With some reservations the conclusion can be stated that an obvious necessity exists for post-academic courses in preventive dentistry in the groups concerned."
Super understatement. -| "Programs of dental health education should be evaluated so that the situation can be improved in the future."…
Failure is not an option? -|- "Given the unfavourable comparison between the attitude and knowledge of dental students and that of DCPs, prequalification training for the dental team should be integrated wherever possible."
Extra super understatement. -|- "The apparent lack of awareness of current guidelines is of concern."
No wonder they fail. Over dependence on #fluoride, and complete lack of any explanation of why they should clean their teeth. Total fail.
Whilst the question is rhetorical to #PreventiveDentists, it is doubtful that any of those respondents in this paper can precisely identify the so-called 'modified' part of the #BassMethod.
The very modification is evidence of ignorance of the etiology of the diseases.
Most certainly, no one source is ever identified as to who, or what institution, had the hubris to attempt to 'modify' the instructions that are given, when teaching the #BassMethod.
"A clean tooth does not decay." C. C. Bass, M.D.
Those 48% are correct. "Nothing" is the answer.
However, commercial determinants of ill health promote the use of goofpaste.
Prior to the commercial onslaught of adverts, and the manipulation of the business of #Dentistry by for profit entities, #Dentists knew that the physical disruption & disorganization of the zoogleal mass about the teeth was what mattered. Not the gunk.
To be perfectly clear, the business of #Dentistry today is not the Science and Art of Dentistry. Back in the day, #prevention of #DentalDisease meant something.
Now it means nothing. Now, it is common practice to, ahem, MANAGE dental disease.
Remember the movie The Formula?
"You are not in the oil business, you are in the oil SHORTAGE business!"
Same same.
Would you 'manage' a UTI?
Would you 'manage' diaper rash?
Would you 'manage' a person choking?
The why the h e double toothpicks would you manage dental disease?
The resounding answer today is Yes!
Because 💰.
Is this the best we can do?
Each dollar represents someones pain, suffering and expense.
Nobody is teaching patients HOW to brush their #teeth?
'Go ride that bicycle!'
'Go fly that airplane!'
'Go fight that bull!'…
Certainly not in a manner the patients get. And nothing about when, or even why they should clean their teeth.
The first step in recovery is admitting you have a problem. Good to see recovery is on the way! -|- "In spite of advances in preventive care and reduction in untreated tooth decay, significant oral health disparities exist"
🙄 Bragging about filling teeth faster? -|- "reduction in *untreated* tooth decay"?
ZERO #prevention in mind. -|- "If not treated through dental surgical intervention, this disease can result in emergency department visits and life- threatening infection and hospital admission."
"Appointments at Oral Health Tasmania are free for under 18s and $45 for adults with a healthcare card or pensioner concession card.
As of July, there were 17,838 people waiting for an appointment and last financial year the average wait-time was two years."
"They're choosing whether to eat or pay bills, or whether to maintain rental accommodation or take their kids to sport. They can't do all of it on their income that they have."