NEW: our case study, described today by @FT@madhumita29, shows that Facebook pushes anxiety-fuelling ads at a young mother worried about her toddler’s health, even after she disabled all health-related interests in ad settings.
Together with @sapiezynski we analysed over 2,000 ads she saw over 2 months. 1 in 5 was related to health, often in parenting context (terminally ill kids, fertility problems). Facebook attributed 21 health-related interests to her, e.g. oncology, genetic disorder, neoplasm. 2/6
It turns out that Facebook’s ad control tools are useless: even though the user had disabled all sensitive interests, the platform *continued* to push disturbing ads at her, and to infer *new* health-related traits (e.g. MRI, intensive care unit).
❗️What it means: ❗️
➡️Facebook’s ad settings seem to only limit advertisers’ targeting options, but do *not* influence the platform-controlled algorithm
➡️Facebook, through the use of ad delivery algorithms, may exploit mental vulnerabilities for surveillance advertising
This is not a bug. Algorithmic fixation on “engagement” and ad profit ignores collateral damage, such as users’ mental health.
#DigitalServicesAct should regulate not only how advertisers target ads, but - more importantly - how platforms choose users most likely to click.
This is why last week Panoptykon, together with a broad coalition of 49 civil society organisations, incl. @edri, @EFF, @accessnow, @AmnestyTech, @EPDeu called on members of the European Parliament to #fixalgorithms.
1/4 50 tys. numerów na liście celów do zainfekowania Pegasusem. Oprogramowanie do walki z terroryzmem było instalowane na telefonach obrońców praw człowieka, prawników, dziennikarzy, polityków i dyplomatów z ponad 20 krajów.
2/4 Ani VPN ani komórka z lat 90. nie uchroni przed Pegasusem. Najlepszym lekiem na samowolkę jest zwiększenie kontroli nad służbami przez powołanie niezależnej instytucji kontrolnej i wprowadzenie obowiązku informowania inwigilowanych.
3/4 W czerwcu naszą petycję w tej sprawie dostali: marszałkowie Sejmu, Senatu, prezydent i premier. Póki politycy nie zajmą się problemem na poważnie, #NiktCiNiePowie, kiedy będą Cię podglądać. (spokojnie, można klikać)
NEW: Our report #ToTrackOrNotToTrack shows that privacy-friendly advertising is possible *without* bankrupting online publishers. But in order to promote the uptake of alternatives, EU policymakers must create a regulatory push.
The online advertising industry has become toxic – not only for users, whose privacy is notoriously violated, but also for publishers and advertisers. Only those who dictate the rules of the game – #adtech middlemen and large online platforms – benefit.
Meanwhile, many users, publishers, and governments have conceded that this is unavoidable. That we either tolerate invasive digital ads, or else all of online publishing collapses. This is a false choice – there is a way to sustain online publishing *and* uphold privacy.