Good morning from day 2 of #arleg where they're up and at 'em early in the Senate. On the agenda: congressional maps and bills re: employer-mandated vaccines. Watch here:…
Also important to note that the public was not given an opportunity to speak for or against any of the Public Health bills on today’s agenda. The batched and passed them without questions first.
Still arguing what is germane and what is not. Lots of back and forth. The question is, do we take the resolution from April at face value, or do we follow the constitution.
“We would prefer to believe a lie over the truth,” Sen. Hickey says at the well. He says he wrote the original resolution to ensure that we received the federal #covid funds.
Very passionate speech.
He tells #arleg to focus on governing, not getting re-elected.
Sen. M. Johnson says he’s fine with continuing to waste #arpx tax dollars. He says let the courts decide. #arleg
Sen. Hester has made a motion for immediate consideration; the motion carries via voice vote.
They are now voting on Hendren’s motion to overrule Tim Griffin’s ruling. Roll call was requested #arpx#arleg
Ruling of the chair remains. #arleg senate will move forward with all bills filed. #arpx
Sen. Dismang brings up that the public was not given an opportunity to speak. #arpx#arleg
Sen. Davis thinks every Arkansas is privileged enough to have time to go online and find bills that are filed. She thinks 30 minute notice is enough time.
Just fess up, Davis; you shut the public out. Admit you’re wrong.
Sen. Irvin’s motion passes! A big win for Arkansans!
Motion to adjourn has been made; nos have it via voice, roll call requested #arpx#arleg#arnews
The motion to adjourn has failed. Sen Garner has two resolutions to present. #arpx#arleg
Sen. Ingram is speaking on #SR30. He asks the body what this resolution would do for Arkansans. Will it make them healthy? Will it do anything for them?
He says resolutions like this only seek to divide the #arleg. #arpx
The #arleg House has voted to hear #SB731, despite the DFA testifying that the federal #covid relief funds CANNOT be used in the context of the bill. #arpx#arnews
Rep. Ray says that #SB731 will cause more issues; he says that this is creating a new protected class in #arpx law.
This extended session has really reviled rips within the #arleg GOP.
House is back. #HB1982 is up for a vote. Rep. Speaks is explaining all the changes that have been made. #arpx#arleg#FairMapsAR
Lots of discussion about the impact of #HB1982 and what it will do to communities of color. Remember, the two slivers of Pulaski that are being cut out of the 2nd are 65% and 70% nonwhite.
@tippi31 brings up the fact that it’s been hard for #arleg to keep up with meetings, so to expect the public to do so is not right. #arpx#arnews#FairMapsAR
The #arleg House is back; currently trying to decide whether or not to send #HB1977 back to the Senate. #arpx#arnews
An official motion is made to send #HB1977 back to the Senate.
Rep. Jeans asks his House colleagues not to play Senate games and not to send it back. He says the Senate will hold up extended session for days if the bill is sent back. #arpx#arleg#arnews