1. Better headline: "Will Common Prosperity Make Japan Great Again?" MJGA!😂 We have deep expertise and top indexes on Japanese equity, particularly currency hedging. Below is the list of some under appreciated things of Japanese equity.
2. Underappreciated: If US fiscal/monetary response to the pandemic is large, Japan's is even a larger share of GDP. Lay person language: money money money for the economy.
3. Our colleague reviewed how Warren Buffet's Japanese investment last September has turned out. Following Mr. Buffet, global investors have been putting money there quietly for a while. wisdomtree.com/blog/2021-05-0…
4. There's impression that Japanese companies hoard cash and pay peanuts on dividend. Data actually showed they are increasing dividend as a faster rate than many other developed countries. @JeffWeniger
5. On Corporate Governance: a new requirement that the number of independent board directors must increase from two individuals to one-third of the mix. A new requirement to publish disclosure materials in English!!! wisdomtree.com/blog/2021-08-3…
6. Digitalization will be a growth area for Japan because they are below average in spending time on the internet and spending money on digitalization by the government. h/t Clocktowers
7. Japan leads spending on R&D and is at forefront of green energy transformation.
8. Next 20 years, competition will be fierce in energy efficiency and hard tech industries. Japanese companies are in the best position to benefit on #China's push for self-reliance on hard tech and biotech.
🧵The Communique, the press conference, the Decision, "the Trinity" 😀 (決定裏有12個探索值得一看)
Overall just released "Decision" follows similar points, no big and bold initiatives, but 12 "explores" that's positive and explained below. 1/ politics.people.com.cn/n1/2024/0721/c…
First Explore: Explore setting up personal bankruptcy system. (探索建立个人破产制度)
Probably a surprise to outsiders that China actually didn't have an easy personal bankruptcy system. So if one has a mortgage underwater, no easy way out. 2/
Second explore: Gradually increase mandatory/free educ from 9 years and beyond. (探索逐步扩大免费教育范围)
Background: ~45% Chinese students don't get to go to high school by standardized test and ended up vocational school or becoming a low skill worker.
China's domestic think tanks are mostly defining the current high unemployment of youth (~18%) as structural (结构性失业), showing charts the new labor supply mostly come from those w. higher education /1
New labor supply coming from education, public management, manufacturing, health and social work. (图3 中国新增劳动力结构变化情况(单位:%)
It's suggesting China to deregulate service sector like education, entertainment to increase employment. cssn.cn/jjx/202304/t20…
Local govt Changshu will start paying digital Yuan for all civil servants, a few other city government paying partial wage in digital currency.
Digital Yuan will become more widespread domestically and likely other close countries but it has little to do with separate efforts to allow more Yuan adoption in trade settlement.
I was told in many Thailand or Vietnam one can currently pay directly in Yuan for many services.
As long as PBOC continues cracking down on companies that don't accept paper cash as a form of payment, which it does continuously so far, digital Yuan is just another form of Yuan currency.