The comments to this article show the frightening lack of financial literacy+ awareness in India. DHFL FD Investors are still clueless about resolution!! How does one tackle this? @MoneylifeIndia has reported this relentlessly & these are our readers!…
@MoneylifeIndia Some FD holders were mindlessly abusing us because they received 23%, we finally blocked them. Many equity investors are clueless their shares have long been extinguished! Some are still in the process of waking up from deep slumber! @MoneylifeIndia
What we need is for people to get together to have challenged this:… but UNLESS #DHFL investors or ALL investors WAKE UP, how does one fight anything? @MoneylifeF
@MoneylifeF Someone with a few lakhs breezily talks about suing the Piramals and CoC.... another example of cluelessness about HUGE costs of litigation, judicial delays and forgotten justice!! Almost every part of our system is cracking up & needs reconstruction. Thought for #GandhiJayanti !
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some reminders required -- since Google and tweepler don't seem to connect and news is forgotten instantly! Who paid the price of a failed bailout? Employees!!…
Yes a BIG part... but people are ignorant. Also while IEPF prominently says DONT GO TO AGENTS -- it is extremely difficult to file claims successfully - that too online! People wont fight and @nsitharaman@FinMinIndia dont care. IEPF authority unaccountable. MPsSquabble!
@nsitharaman@FinMinIndia Many people dont even know there are shares in their names. companies have stopped paying dividends etc. So it is agents who search & approach investors. Fees range from 15% to 50%, depending on your ignorance levels! But often, what is the choice when REDTAPE is mindboggling?
@nsitharaman@FinMinIndia With the kind of stringent KYC and video KYC insisted on by this govt #NDA, there is NO EXCUSE for NOT TRACING rightful owners and returning their money with basic authentication. NOBODY CARES to fight for this, LEAST OF ALL INVESTORS. Most won't go beyond TWEETING gyan here!
I am bombarded by emails/tweets from Uttam Value Steel. Level of ignorance is stupefying! one guy with 94.11 lakh shares has woken up today. Most others just learnt about 6-month old NCLT order extinguishing shares. Sure @SEBI_India is sleeping but so are these investors! 🤦🏻♀️😡
@SEBI_India Lesson No 1. Equity is Risk Capital. So forget about Ishq with your equity, you need to look at prices, results and announcements every day! Otherwise stay away!
Lesson 2: Equity market is NOT safer than a CASINO. When you play cards or go to a casino or buy a lottery ticket you expect to lose sometime. but in the market, you expect prices to go up, up and up -- hilariously enough to "protect retail investors". Wake up. Get REAL
Thread: Some experiences at @MoneylifeF : Young techies who abuse us for 'cribbing' all the time, suddenly discover their parents have lost lakhs in Helios, Plethico etc FD frauds. Google, find our work and ask for "updates"! Lost inheritance opens minds! But that war long over
@MoneylifeF Youngsters will abuse renowned activist who is in her 80s for demanding promised service from banks/telecom etc. It is 50 years of people like her that gave you your rights. Google & tech didn't! Have respect:…@MoneylifeF
@MoneylifeF Even the right to change service providers, the right to your Credit Report, the right to switch mobile providers were battles someone fought to make your life safer. Technology only facilitated it. Corporates would still block the switch if they could. So wake up.
Would anyone like to guess who is India's largest corporate defaulter? Think hard. It is not Mallya, NiravModi, Not even Essar-Ruia or Sandesara, JatinMehta etc. NO ACTION taken against him by strong GOVT of INDIA!!
This is a nice exercise in basic knowledge -- 1) a defaulter is NOT someone with a huge debt. You can have a MASSIVE and worrying borrowing but that is NOT a default. This one has filed bankruptcy!
Many people are touchingly clueless about the extent of corporate default. yes, a default of Rs 8000 crore (nirav), Rs10,000 crore (Mallya) is big, but we are talking about 15 times the amount (at least) and no muscular govt action! in fact SILENCE
With huge thanks to #UshaLaxman & #SrinivasLaxman, sharing a threat on #Scam1992 through #RKLaxman 's eyes. Hopefully few will be educated on how everybody was covered. But be patient.. will update only one a day @Moneylifers
This is when #chidambaram resigned over #Fairgrowth and there was a media frenzy. Eventually only #shankaranand really bowed out of politics. Every other neta escaped as always!
Nothing captures the madness better than this #scam1992 the Special Court continues to hear scam cases 28 yrs later and the Custodian has become a permanent body!! National Embarrassment -- continues in DHFL, PMC, IL&FS ... eventual action meaningless! @Moneylifers