Welcome back to another #CourageousConversations! Today, we'll be discussing the history of voter suppression and how it impacts the way our democracy functions today. Follow along on this thread for highlights from the conversation.
Dr. Greg Williams starts the conversation off with a brief overview of the history of voter suppression in the country - noting that it is a systemic issue, meaning it's embedded within our country's history and system #CourageousConversations
Because, at the very outset of the "American Experiment", a constitutionally-given right to vote was taken away - separating the right to vote from citizenship - voter suppression has run rampant in our country from the very beginning. #CourageousConversations
Dr. Greg Williams continues, offering a brief overview of the devious tactics known as the Jim Crow laws that severely limited the ability of marginalized communities to have the right to vote. In Mississippi, the introduction of the Grandfather...#CourageousConversations
Clause plummeted eligibility of Black men from 90% to 6%. Further voter suppression measures also made accessing the right to vote difficult for immigrants and Native Americans as well. #CourageousConversations
Amber McReynolds begins by noting that it's National Voter Education Week and if you're looking for more information on how to register to vote or find other ways to engage with voting and fighting voter suppression, checking out #NVEW2021 is a great place to start.
The false voter fraud narrative that continues to plague voting and voter access, Amber notes, is proof that even with local and statewide hopeful and positive action, we need greater standards at the National level to ensure access to voting is equitable #CourageousConversations
Amber adds that having high voter turnout in states like Minnesota and Colorado (when the national average is 66%), that are not contentious swing states, is an important part of the narrative to consider. She also notes that ...
There are policies that clearly work to engage voters - it's not a guessing game. Allowing same-day registration and the ability to vote by mail are proven measures that increase voter engagement. #CourageousConversations
Amber notes that changing laws is NOT the only way to improve a voting process. One example, she notes, is the ability to track and trace your ballot, to ensure that your mail-in vote is delivered and counted. #CourageousConversations
One of the most important thing to consider when the history, present, and future of voter suppression comes into the conversation is WHO the suppression is aimed at. When barriers are put in place to prevent voters from making it to the ballot boxes, these almost...
always negatively impact the ability of marginalized groups - BIPOC, Native Americans, low-income households, etc. to get the vote out in much greater proportions than white households. The reality of this, and the stats on how those groups tend to vote, matters.
80 million people did not participate in the 2020 election, and when asked why, Amber notes, it was for barriers that impact those groups in greater percentages. #CourageousConversations
The most important thing when considering voting systems is that the voters must be put first. Put the voters first and better election engagement will follow. #CourageousConversations
For more information on our Courageous Conversations series and to see recordings of past sessions, visit: unitedwaydenver.org/courageous-con…
Welcome to another #CourageousConversation! Today we are so lucky to have Tricia Rose discussing systemic racism with us.
Tricia starts the conversation with an incredible bang - sharing that she will discuss how systemic racism creates the culture we all live within #CourageousConversations
"Structural racism is something that goes on, whether we intend to be racist or not. Whether we have a Democratic or Republican President," Tricia shares. "If we don't change the structure, we won't change the world." #CourageousConversations
Welcome back to another #CourageousConversations! Today we'll be talking food insecurity and race. Use the hashtag to join in the conversation!
.@saphyr29 begins by setting the stage, noting that hunger and food insecurity happens every day, in every community. #CourageousConversations
Jennifer Banyan, one of our expert panelists, shares data around food insecurity in Colorado, including a 28-55% increase in the last year alone. In Denver, nearly 100,000 individuals are experiencing hunger #CourageousConversations
This morning we are joined by the incredible @dgslaw to talk about capacity building as part of our Social Justice Fund series. We believe that strong, healthy nonprofits can show up better and help more, and we thank DGS for giving their expertise in support of this.
First up, Sterling LeBouef is discussing the Equal Pay for Equal Work Act in Colorado and how this impacts various areas of employment processes. #capacitybuilding
Switching gears, Sterling is addressing Return to Work considerations - something on all of our minds as the vaccines are made more accessible and pandemic recovery begins. #capacitybuilding#COVID19