3/9 Policy efforts include the 2005 EU Protection Programmes, the 2016 EU-Turkey Deal, the 2018 Global Migration Compact, and economic development investments in the #MENA region. politicalviolenceataglance.org/2018/07/17/mig…
4/9 Living conditions for #asylumseekers and #refugees who remain in the Mediterranean are poor due to unsanitary spaces, overcrowding, slow decision-making, and risks of sexual assault and human trafficking.
5/9 This treatment is amplified within Migrant detention centres in the Mediterranean, and is exacerbated by a lack of access to health and economic resources within the policies of Mediterranean host nations.
6/9 #ResettlementCountries like Turkey, Libya, Egypt and others in the MENA region have negotiated for higher resource investment from the EU to manage the indefinite stays of refugees and asylum seekers.
7/9 The support of civil society actors is a necessary step in providing alternatives to keeping these #migrants safe. These actors’ aid in the documentation and monitorization of States’ compliance with human rights laws ensures accountability within migration control policies.
8/9 States are also exploring other ways to keep migrants safe and reduce the need for #detention, including issuing temporary, renewable residency permits to asylum seekers and using electronic tracking devices. #EndBorderViolence