Some data slides released today @SKGov w/ accompanying discussion via Dr. Shahab.
Short š§µ w/ commentary.
First, being unvaccinated in #SK = 28X risk of ICU admission, 13X risk of hospitalization, and 6X risk of getting COVID vs. being fully vaccinated. (1/6)
Second, ~50% of all persons admitted to hospital in October had 1st positive COVID test on/after being admitted. This informs approach to early therapy, monoclonal Abs, etc.
Earlier testing & identification of illness clearly ideal. (2/6)
Modelling suggests #SK ICU census will remain 'stuck' for ~2-3 weeks regardless of any interventions we take. Moving people out-of-province will provide some relief.
Additional PHOs to decrease population contacts (i.e. curves 3/4/5) will make BIG difference (4/6)
In summary: mandated PHOs to SIGNIFICANTLY reduce population contact (gathering restrictions, capacity limits) will make biggest difference to bring #SK curve down FAST.
Pushing vaccine uptake aggressively at same time will keep #SK from another monster wave. (5/6)
Summary š§µ of last night's SHA "town hall" for MDs:
- Overall #SK test positivity ~14%
- Cases declining, but so is testing
- #SK has HIGHEST current case & death rates of all provinces
- HIGHEST ICU census per capita of ANY province at ANY point in pandemic.
As of 0730hrs yesterday AM (Oct 21), 117 persons in ICU. 57 persons on high-flow oxygen (Optiflow) normally in ICU, cared for on regular hospital wards.
ICU census now forcing out-of-province transfers, widespread service slowdowns, and informal triage.
This is an explanatory š§µ on ICU capacity in Saskatchewan, the different levels of ICU care & support provided across #SK, and why freeing up ICU beds in Regina & Saskatoon is SO important right now for us.
Not all ICU "beds" are created equal. There's different capability levels to provide support for complex patients depending on the expertise of available doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, and specialist support. (2/n)