In our dark weeks in April when Regina ICUs were overrun, I cried with my ICU colleague as we watched a family say final goodbyes to a young mother. Daughters were screaming, husband was sobbing.
The human toll of the pandemic in #SK has been catastrophic. Yet, somehow, the narrative remains that life is normal, and vaccines are our way out of this.
Like so many of my colleagues in health care, I am completely exhausted and frustrated beyond measure.
But mostly, I'm just sad and disappointed at how none of this had to happen. All the pain, suffering, death. The human AND economic impacts. None of it.
Unless #SK wants to face imminent ICU triage, there's no choice but to pivot ASAP. Our local MHOs have laid out what must be done. We have no time left.
I choose to remain optimistic our leaders will see the light. Please, give us a fighting chance. Thank you.
✅ Vaccine / testing for HCWs/teachers, access to large venues, etc.
✅ Indoor mask mandates
✅ Consider passports for non-essential events.
✅ Reduced gathering sizes.
✅ Public health preventive measures demonstrably effective in last school year SHOULD be continued this school year.
✅ Everyone eligible, get vaccinated.
✅ Self-screening & iso/testing critical w/ contact tracing.
✅ Private transport or walking to school ideal. Buses unideal, assigned seating important for contact tracing.
✅ Masks in school buses 100%.
✅ Hand hygiene critical.
✅ Enhancing cleaning of high-touch surfaces.
Let's start with where #SK is at right now with vaccine doses. Using Alex's numbers from his article (from mid-week) & based on overall population of 1,173,000:
The disruption of having a sick or disabled child on #SK families is significant. The impact of medical trauma on #SK kids will likely be significant and long-lasting & won't easily recognized or treated.
Even ONE child intubated/ventilated is one too many IMO.
Good morning, all. Before going in this AM, wanted to share some high-level thoughts re: #SK situation with #COVID19. Will try to go into more detail as time allows, but these are some immediate thoughts. My opinion only, please remember. 🧵 begins... (1/n) #COVID19SK
#YQR curve and R0 seem for now to have peaked and are coming down. Hospitalizations & ICU admissions have stabilized. #YQR ICUs still running with ~180% capacity but more beds available now, critical elective surgeries proceeding, etc. (2/n) #COVID19SK
Still widespread community transmission throughout southern SK but has seemed to mostly peak at this point and some places like Moose Jaw are decreasing steadily too. (3/n) #COVID19SK