Have you ever had a friend from high school who is involved in multi-level marketing? Their feeds become a wash of inspirational quotes and videos trying to sell & recruit others.
Did you know that many multi-level marketing schemes are actually CULTS?
Let's talk about it: 🧵
There are 5 main types of cults:
Religious cults
Psychotherapy/educational cults
Political cults
Cults of personality
Commercial cults
Multi-level marketing when it's predatory falls into the "commercial cult" category. These cults prey on people's desire for wealth & power.
Like other authoritarian cults, predatory multi-level marketing has a pyramid structure with members at the bottom making money for people further up the pyramid. Quite regularly, most of the money people make (which doesn't occur 99% of the time btw) is from recruiting others.
MLMs often require STEEP initial investments and promise MASSIVE returns in a short period of time. They sell fanciful dreams of never-ending wealth and financial independence. They also employ classic cult tactics.
Remember my BITE Model?
(The BITE model is a tool I developed describing the SPECIFIC methods cults use to recruit & maintain control over people. BITE stands for:
Behavior Control
Information Control
Thought Control
Emotional Control
In particular, MLM's employ information and emotional control.
MLM's often use “love bombing” to entice new members. Love bombing is a cult tactic that attempts to draw people in by BOMBARDING them with affection (emotional control). This was the tactic used on ME leading me to join the Moonie cult.
Online love bombing is called "swarming."
It's also common for MLM's to take advantage of people’s insecurities. For example, recruiters tell women that joining the MLM will help them become the ideal wife or mother. Men are told that joining will bring them the financial success required to be a “real man.”
MLM's also employ information control. Many MLM's tell their members to block anybody who speaks out against the MLM on social media (effectively CENSORING the information they see). They are also told any lack of success is because THEY aren't trying or "believing" hard enough.
Some prominent examples of predatory MLM's include Amway, Herbalife, Mary Kay & LuLaRoe.
Did you know Trump was involved in an MLM? “The Trump Network” sold vitamins, “mood infusion beverages" & other "health" products.
Check out how scammy this looks:
I recently interviewed Roberta Blevins (@bertalikewhoa). Roberta is an anti-MLM advocate who was formerly a LuLaRoe distributor. Roberta also appears in the documentary “LuLaRich"
Facebook is reportedly CHANGING the focus of their company.
Their new focus?
Building the "metaverse."
FB is building a digital platform enhanced by augmented & virtual reality where people interact through digital avatars.
Why do I find this problematic? Let me tell you:
Of ALL the things Facebook could be working on right now, why is building a virtual reality world even a priority?
Here's a better, more pressing list of items they should instead focus on:
-Protect people’s personal data. This of course would require a change in their model of using people’s information to sell things to them but this is what the public wants and their current model is highly unethical.
It is critical that the media & healthcare professionals communicate how SAFE the Covid vaccines are.
Negative debilitating reactions are quite RARE so highlighting stories like this scares people (often to not get vaccinated).
Here's the narrative that SHOULD be communicated:
"You're probably NOT going to have any type of serious side effect. Most people don't. Your arm might be a little sore for a day, but that's it. You might feel a little nauseous but receiving this life-saving vaccine and NOT dying from Covid or having long haul COVID is worth it"
This was the experience I had. After my first to Pfizer vaccines, I had absolutely NO side effects. After my Moderna booster, I had a little soreness in my arm for a couple of days but that was IT!
If I was advising Kevin Durant (@KDTrey5) or James Harden (@JHarden13) on HOW to talk to their teammate Kyrie Irving about his fears about receiving the COVID vaccination, here's what I would advise:
First off, you're doing a GREAT job maintaining a positive relationship! 🙏
If you are finally able to persuade him, it will be built upon this positive relationship with one another. When I help family members help someone out of a cult (that's what I do btw), BUILDING this trust and rapport is always the FIRST step. So great work there.
Listen & really try to UNDERSTAND Kyrie's fears about getting the vaccine. What is he telling you privately? Is he WORRIED the vaccine is physiologically harmful? Does he not just want to be told what to do? KNOWING his frame will be very helpful going forward.
The Koch empire has had a longstanding effect on American politics. They’ve given untold MILLIONS to FIGHT climate legislation, they've funded Republican/Libertarian candidates and causes + more.
They've also been infiltrating American colleges for YEARS.
Keep reading (THREAD):
When the Koch Brothers give money to universities, this money always comes with CONDITIONS. In the case of George Mason University, the Charles Koch Foundation was given a say in hiring and firing professors. nytimes.com/2018/05/05/us/…
In 2007, the Kochs attempted to give a large sum of money to Florida State. Their conditions:
-The curriculum funded MUST align with the economic philosophy of Charles Koch.
-The Charles Koch Foundation would maintain partial control over faculty hiring. publicintegrity.org/politics/koch-…
"Rod of Iron Ministries" is a cult run by Sean Moon, the son of deceased cult leader Sun Myung Moon.
Sean Moon wears a crown of bullets & his "church" worships with AR-15's. Want to know who the featured speakers are at his cult's “Freedom Festival” this year?
Steve Bannon and former @NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch.
In my 45+ year investigation of mind control I've talked about cults. I've talked about trafficking, pimps, multilevel marketing, violent extremism + more.
But there's an area I HAVEN'T spoken enough about:
How colonizers used and still use mind control over Indigenous people.
When Christopher Columbus arrived on this continent in 1492, 100 million Indigenous people lived here according to estimates from historians.
To FORCIBLY occupy and steal Indigenous land, colonizers needed to "justify" their immoral actions.
Enter "The Doctrine of Discovery."
The Doctrine of Discovery was passed by Pope Nicholas V in 1452. It gave European colonizers the perceived right to forcibly occupy Indigenous lands on the basis that Indigenous peoples were not Christian, therefore non-human. It stated their land was "virgin" and could be taken.