⚠️Note how prevalent herbal/dietary supplement-induced DILI is
⚠️Caution with amox-clavulanate in patients with advanced #liver disease
DILI is a diagnosis of exclusion. Polypharmacy complicates identifying the causitive agent. And don't forget the viral hepatitides (including E) and autoimmune hepatitis
DILI from herbal/dietary supplements is ⬆️⬆️⬆️
⚠️Green tea extract is a common and growing culprit
⚠️Curcumin supplements (especially high bioavailability forms) have also been linked with DILI
LFD studies are not great (small n, high bias, heterogeneity), but all the studies do suggest that the LFD is a good treatment option for #IBS and can improve global symptoms, pain, and bloating
App-based low-FODMAP #diet was found to be more effective (71%) than antispasmodic therapy (61%) in #IBS, even 6 months out