Sorry, I mean the "For God & Country Patriot Doubledown," brought to you by QAnon John.

I missed the first hour or so due to RL stuff, but it turns out that's fine-- they have a preacher giving a sermon rn.

We've reached the altar call.

Presumably it won't be long before speakers come on.
Pastor is off the stage. A hype video is playing. Really SHOULDN'T be long now.
Hype video suggests that all of world history is a series of Cabal false flags and that maybe Chernobyl wasn't so bad AFTER all (??????????, but it really did say: "CHERNOBYL -- TRUST SCIENCE?).
This hype video, although slick and well produced, has lasted so long it's deflating.
MC's on stage. "We got a phenomenal line-up today," which, unless I'm much mistaken, should include Wendy Rogers -- a far-right legislator from Arizona who's hitched her wagon to the conspiracist fringe.

Uh... *to an unusual degree*, I should add, bc you have to clarify nowadays
National Anthem is over. My goodness, there are so many preliminaries.

First speaker is up, a definitely-real "former Democrat" named Darlene Swaffar. She's running in a primary in a D+17 congressional district.
She describes Brooklyn, where she grew up, as "a third-world country. There were drug dealers right outside my door and they ruled the hallways.... that was my childhood. 100% Democrat."

She adds ANOTHER definitely-real story about teenagers having babies for BIG WELFARE $.
Welfare is not big $ and doesn't --

wait, wait, wait, she describes herself as "an entrepreneur who runs a successful Medicare company," but she's against government spending?????????????????
Anyway, welfare doesn't *make you rich.* Welfare doesn't pay enough to house yourself, really, let alone house, feed, and clothe your children. It's a piddling amount AND I believe the grant amounts haven't been raised in *decades*.
TL;DR the story she's telling is exactly what white Republicans want to hear from a minority candidate, but it's not based in reality at all. Surprise!
Now she's talking about... her family geneaology back to 1822?

She's "the ninth-great niece of Benjamin Franklin." Sure, why not? 🤷‍♂️
We are now talking about Benjamin Franklin's father, who "came here because of religious persecution. He was an evangelical Christian."

I... that's not right, is it? Franklin was famously raised in a *Puritan* home. So why is she making this claim?
Well, obviously the GOP base is evangelical and they want to hear about how they (and their glorious ancestors) have been persecuted.

ALSO, she makes an incredible claim that the settlers and natives "got along," which... sometimes was true! But sure as hell not always.
Indeed, there was a *famous* massacre of peaceful Indians by Pennsylvanians during Franklin's young adulthood that spawned a long, heated controversy (and if memory serves, Franklin was firmly on the side of "what the hell is this? This is a crime!").
The Puritans in New England actually converted a fairly large population of natives -- there were whole villages of "Praying Indians" -- and promptly genocided them during King Phillip's War, herding them onto a small barren island where about 90% starved.
Fun fact: that island now hosts a sewage treatment plant serving the greater Boston Area.
And by the way, we know about the murder of the Praying Indians *because of writing from a colonist who knew it was a sin and a crime to treat other human beings that way!*

... OK, gotta get back to the speech because she's saying:
For men, she has a vital message: "you've been castrated. You've been feminized..." some people in the audience have a BIG BONER rn and are muttering, "I WISH."

But she goes on to say that "they" have done this to America's men to destroy the family unit.
She says to the men of America, "I apologize on behalf of American women all over the country that we didn't defend you. And we should have!"

This is a FASCINATING inversion of typical gender-role rhetoric, right????
She's now giving a "presentation" to "give evidence."

She has not yet identified the They.

She can't say it's The Jew, bc part of her speech earlier was about how we're founded on "Judeo-Christian" values.
So presumably she means that They are "the Cabal," but she still hasn't made that clear.

... wait, she went from quoting Founding Fathers to quoting Truman and JFK????
AHAHA they aren't gonna play her off but the MC *will* come over to loom at her until she leaves the stage

She wraps up with a fundraising pitch and repeats her name (Darlene Swaffar, for the record).

Aaaand now she's off-stage.
So in many ways that was a standard Christofascist speech, but with a couple of interesting wrinkles.

This woman has no chance of winning election to Congress, btw, even if she were to win in the primary. Again: D+17 district.
The next speaker is a "Cowboy for Trump."

"Time is the most valuable gift," he says, and he appreciates and respects that the audience is gifting him with it.

Let's see if he suits the action to the words.
Bad form to show up at a conference full of people who see themselves as "white hats" while wearing a definitely black hat.

OK, his opening prayer is out of the way. "A little bit about myself," he says. He's from the logging industry and hates endangered species protection.
"Just about everything from the left is a lie from the pits of hell," he says.

He also says he "rode horseback from San Francisco, California to Jerusalem"

But he didn't! He repeatedly just hopped on a plane and borrowed someone's horse ON A NEW CONTINENT! >:(

"I was dealing with the moral decay of the world in my church and the regulation decay of small business."

Oh my God, please, if any of you are ever giving a speech, do not spend 5 minutes introducing your background. No one cares.
This horse-switcher is complaining about "the lies of the fake news media" which "kept saying that it's Donald Trump's wall," but it was tho.

His grounds for complaints were: "It's my wall too!"

An insight he could only have gleaned through this process:
I zoned out for a minute, but I do believe he just said he was arrested for Doing A Big January 6th.

He's complaining about being in solitary and also being called "an F'ing white cracker. I was just verbally assaulted. Treated miserably."
"But unfortunately," he says, a lot of his "treatment was driven by the liberal left" because SOMEHOW the libs (definitely not Trumpists) have convinced a lot of people that Trumpists are racist!

He complains that *the black prison guards* somehow thought HE was a racist...
so they treated him badly. But no specific complaints, other than solitary confinement sucks (and would've sucked way worse if they hadn't given him a Bible to read during it).

He wishes Trump would "say a few words from the top about the injustices of January 6th."
HAHAHAHAH oh my God he has failed to read the room.

"That's not a swipe against President Trump, but we should always expect more from our leaders. Amen?" (TOTAL SILENCE)
"It's not a fan club," he says. No, it very much is. In fact it's a fan*dom*, with all the pathologies and weirdnesses typical of fandom culture.
He got arrested for J6 and he still has the sheer effrontery to claim that "we know there was infiltration on that day."

And how are they going to catch these definitely real infiltrators?

"You leave a digital footprint everywhere you go." You sure do!
And investigators -- in law enforcement, journalism, and civil society -- have been following those digital trails.

And we keep finding *Trump supporters*. Because J6 was done by Trump supporters, in an effort to stop the count and keep Trump in office.

It's not rocket science.
After that he talks about how he's mad that Trump failed to "lock her up" -- he says Trump was "in charge of the law for four years" but at the end of that time "the only people locked up were people like me."

This guy is a county commissioner in New Mexico, BTW. He adds:
He asked his county attorney to draft up some kind of anti-vaxx resolution for him that would declare that any official who enforced vaccine mandates was "in violation of their oath of office," and he plans to move it through city governments too.

The end goal here...
is to take these resolutions to school boards and use them to pressure school boards into dropping mask & vaxx mandates.

HAHAHA he thinks "you can get 70, 80% of the people of your county to sign a petition that says the mandates are unconstitutional."
That was how he recommended people deal with it *if their county elected officials weren't conservative enough to pass this resolution.*

He really thinks ALMOST EVERYONE is a fanatical pro-Trump COVID conspiracist.
OK, QAnon John and his wife Amy are out here now. Last speaker is of course done.

The MC asked the audience to "go nuts" for them when they entered but I have to say, I was underwhelmed by the applause.
They're introducing someone who helped them with the merch.

You're gonna be shocked, but he ALSO got a little visit from the feds related to January 6th.

He, however, was smart enough not to talk to the FBI when they showed up & called his lawyer.

He lives in Aspen, BTW.
Again: Trumpists are the lumpenbourgeoisie, not struggling proletarians.

Anyway, he's hawking a deck of cards that's being sold to send money to Sidney Powell and to support "these poor political prisoners... in jail just for going to support their president."
Somehow I have managed, thus far, to support my president without trying to install him as an unelected dictator.

Probably because I'm a real American and they're disgusting pieces of shit.

I mean... if I HAD to guess why I can do that and they can't.
If I were a speaker and I got cut off so this dude could promote his MAGA / QAnon-themed deck of playing cards, I would be SO PISSED OFF.
Again: Trumpism is not, repeat NOT, a cult.
Sidney Powell in: The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife, playing card edition
They said they MEANT that to be a reference to "release the Kraken" but whoops, somehow they drew an octopus.

Why would you not fix that??????????
Wait, THIS is the quote they chose for *Trump's social media spokesman?* Oh my God.
Sounds like the next speaker is Project Veritas' James O'Keefe.

He's doing a video message instead of an in-person appearance.
This is an INCREDIBLY normal layout for an entertainment center.

I know that's not, like, a substantial discussion of what they're actually talking about in this clip, but... have you heard antivaxx lies before?

They're puttin' a few more antivaxx lies into the world. 🥱
My dog is headbutting me and whining to go out, so BRB!
OK, back. Project Veritas wants you to know how *wrong and full of lies* the MSM is when it covers Project Veritas,

probably because of the many many many times the MSM has debunked Veritas' false claims (and the hilarious time they tried to sting the WaPo and failed...
because real journalists, unlike PV, actually check their sources' identities *and* claims.)
It's amazing how many people and institutions on the right wing are like "I HAVE ENEMIES WHO WILL TELL YOU THINGS ABOUT ME. IGNORE THEM. THEY'RE FALSE, FALSE, FALSE."

I've resisted the meme so far, but:

A Project Veritas person is giving an in-person speech at the QAnon Conference, and is talking about "the first citizen journalist with a camera":

the guy who made the Zapruder Film
Christian Hartsock of Project Veritas is on stage at the QAnon conference, clutching a stuffed sheep and talking about the JFK assassination, claiming that it gave birth to "citizen journalism" just like HE does.

I am not making this up.
Christian Hartsock, Project Veritas: "It also behooves me to recognize the father of citizen journalism in the 20th century: Andrew Breitbart."
He's talking about "the lengths that the Deep State went to to construct the narrative for you guys -- very elaborate lengths."
All of these people keep thinking the media is, like, an organized messaging arm of the left.

This is because *conservative* media serves as the messaging arm of the *right*.

But it's not how the real news media works. Frankly, I wish it were!
I have banged my head repeatedly against a wall trying to get journalists to realize that the norms of journalism they adhere to aren't in the public interest anymore *because they're aiding the rise of a GOP that is hostile to the free press and to democratic values.*
The responses I get are basically "Are you nuts? We can't be openly partisan."

Well, only one party is actually *dealing with reality* right now -- reality-based reporting should reflect that *and highlight the very real dangers that the other party poses to all of us.*
But conservatives would never believe that is true, bc they're SO SURE that the liberal media is in the tank.

Anyway, you may be wondering: why am I going on this digression? Why am I not doing play-by-play of this Project Veritas speaker?

Bc he's really struggling rn.
I think he's maybe under-rehearsed this speech. Lots of um's and uh's.

He just went, "Unlike the Washington Post, we don't just print something [without real verification.]"

Again, they tried and failed to sting the WaPo!…
Anyway, the centerpiece of his presentation was: "We caught them dead doing a big voter fraud!"

The people who were "caught" went, "This is deceptively edited bullshit."

And PV responded by... *not* releasing the full, unedited tapes. Hm! Almost like they DID edit deceptively.
PV is done now.

Next up is a nurse who wants you to donate to her "vaccinewhistleblower" campaign on GiveSendGo (a Christian fundraising site that happily funds various far-right causes).

I'm gonna take a short break while this speaker talks.
Before I do: she expresses dismay that "the Devil had taken hold of so many. Doctors and nurses" she once respected "had fallen prey to propaganda."

She felt like things were turning around when "Dr. Stella [Immanuel]" rocketed to fame.

I legit hope she got to hang w/her hero.
*Someone* should get *something* nice out of this event.

OK, I'm out for a while.

See you in a bit! (Good chance they break for lunch after this, btw.)
OK, back briefly to note that the current speaker says that her Q-pilled friends — “my friends who were big fans of John and Amy,” meaning QAnon John and his wife — put her in touch with Project Veritas.

She ended by saying “God won’t let you die unless it’s His will.”
This was to reassure anyone who HAD been vaccinated that they can pray the death sentence away 🙄
Q&A session now before lunch

Q. 1: I’m hearing a lot of stuff about parasites in the vaccine. Can you comment on that?

A: I dunno. They’re not visible with the naked eye and I’ve never seen the vaccine under a microscope.
Q2: What measures have you taken to ensure the message gets out if you’re killed by the bad guys?

A: I distributed lots of copies to third parties.

A2: if it’s my time to go, it’s my time to go. But if anything happens to me, I’m not suicidal.
Q3: Can you comment on (unfortunately I couldn’t make out the word!)?

A: One thing I’ve learned is that where there’s smoke, there’s fire.

I LOVE that this is the last interaction before the break, bc it embodies the “rumors are proof” mindset that these people are in.
I should add: “One thing I’ve learned is that where there’s smoke, there’s fire” was a direct quote. I should’ve used quotation marks.

Ah well. Anyway it’s Lunch O’Clock now. See you soon!

• • •

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25 Oct
I generally stay out of The Discourse™, but a bunch of antifascist accounts have been big mad at my friend Amanda today, on the grounds that she was infiltrating fascist movements *in the wrong way.*

I've read the critiques.

There is a 0% chance they'd say this about a man.



And what are the giveaways? The critiques are both vague *and* unsupported by facts. One account, e.g., claimed that REAL infiltrators coordinate with researchers -- which Amanda did; I can personally attest to that -- and local antifascists (she did that too!).
So... it's weird to make those claims, especially without trying to find out the truth! It's...

It's almost as if they're looking at a woman getting lots of publicity for doing the same kind of work *they* do, and going: "What? What? How DARE *she* be more visible than *me?*"
Read 6 tweets
25 Oct

We're joining slightly late. Day 2 coverage is below, including Jim Caviezel's *very* militant speech.

So, the current speaker is angry about "woke supremacy."

"This is war," he says, "an existential war."

At one point he made fun of the idea that "silence is violence" before IMMEDIATELY transitioning to:

so how can we fight "woke supremacy?" Folks, we have to stop being silent. It lets the bad guys win.

The speaker's demographic groups will not surprise you.
Read 161 tweets
24 Oct

Coverage of this morning’s speakers is below.

Lunch has ended and the MC is back on stage, presumably to introduce the next speaker.
Now speaking is Gen. Thomas MacInenery (Ret), who — like Flynn — has taken a sharply fascist & conspiracist turn.

The topic of his speech: “Are we in the start of World War III or Cold War II?”
His main points:

COVID-19 is Chinese biological warfare (false)
China hacked the 2020 election (false)
“We have a totalitarian government” (extremely false)
He suggests that after “OBiden” took over, we stabbed Afghanistan in the back on purpose to let the Taliban take over
Read 79 tweets
23 Oct

Morning thread below, although I joined it late -- I caught only part of Ron Watkins' speech.

Anyway, this hunky chunky boi is playing the Star-Spangled Banner on electric geeee-tar, so let's roll!

Graphic design is their passion over at the QAnon conference -- though to be fair, this is a still from a video. Image
More visual material from what, according to Wendy Rogers, can't POSSIBLY be a QAnon conference.

What even IS QAnon? Image
Read 58 tweets
23 Oct
Just hopped on board the livestream for the Patriot Doubledown (i.e. the QAnon conference) in Las Vegas.

Ron Watkins is on stage, talking abou... aaaaaaaand it froze.

Still, follow this thread for a livetweet!

P.S. It's back and he's -- aaaand it froze.
OK, he was talking about how his Democratic opponent (REMINDER: he has not yet won the primary, of course) is trying to "take away your guns" with red-flag laws.

So far, so standard. But then he commits an unforced error: he tries to offer OTHER POLICIES to protect women.
Here his suggestions are amateurish and ill-considered, but more than that, *Republicans don't care* about protecting -- especially -- indigenous women, who were largely the focus of his answer.

That does not get them to the polls.

OK, Q&A time!
Read 59 tweets
21 Oct
Holy shit, someone in Blade Runner 2049 referred to ״ten days of darkness.”

It came out October 6, 2017, so… maybe that’s where Q got the idea!

It’s not PROOF, but we know Q liked movies and this was a big, rapturously received release around the time Q started. 🤷‍♂️
It’s my headcanon, anyway. I wouldn’t put it in a book or anything (at least not as a HIGHLY LIKELY idea), but it’s satisfying,
Also, Early Q famously wrote critical dates with a period between the numbers (11.3, 11.4 — these were the dates on which the earliest arrests were supposed to happen).

Blade Runner 2049 features “6.10.21” as a key plot point.

Again, far from conclusive—but intriguing!
Read 4 tweets

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