Coverage of this morning’s speakers is below.

Lunch has ended and the MC is back on stage, presumably to introduce the next speaker.
Now speaking is Gen. Thomas MacInenery (Ret), who — like Flynn — has taken a sharply fascist & conspiracist turn.

The topic of his speech: “Are we in the start of World War III or Cold War II?”
His main points:

COVID-19 is Chinese biological warfare (false)
China hacked the 2020 election (false)
“We have a totalitarian government” (extremely false)
He suggests that after “OBiden” took over, we stabbed Afghanistan in the back on purpose to let the Taliban take over
Also false, I just ran out of characters :D

God bless him, he’s out here doing John Birch Society talking points. V boring stuff. Now mixing in antivax stuff.

I’ll let you know if he says anything original or noteworthy, how ‘bout that?
He’s on to CRT now, and is saying the usual bullshit.

As always, remember:
Wow, it’s over! His closing point was that progressives are actually trying to make America a communist country.

This is, not to mince words, a fucking bullshit lie. But no force on earth will stop conservatives from saying it, again and again.
The next speakers are a couple of law-enforcement agents who are like, "YOU'VE BEEN LIED TO ABOUT WHAT'S GOING ON AT THE BORDER."

Then they give a history of how the Mexican cartels developed that... matches what I've read. In the mainstream media.
At one point they claim that the media was *hiding* cartels' mass killings from us.

But they were extensively covered at the time! That was absolutely news! It inspired me to pick up and read several books *about* the cartels because it was fascinating and horrifying.
They're claiming that "the cartels have adjusted from human smuggling to human trafficking."

Honestly, that wouldn't surprise me. *This,* I haven't kept up on. But his point is: from the cartel's POV, *smuggling* is a one-time revenue gain. But enslaving people? Ongoing profit!
OTOH, the speakers are saying things like "women are being put in brothels and have to have sex with 40 or 50 johns a day."

No they aren't. There's not enough demand to support that.

But I would be perfectly open to believing that cartels have moved towards human trafficking...
IF I heard it from a reputable journalist who works on the border and immigration.
Now they're talking about terrorist cells infiltrating via the border 🙄

"Not only all the illegals who are coming in -- and we're humanitarian people! We're compassionate! ... but it's a big shift even in the attitudes of the illegals that are coming. Now they feel entitled."
WHY WON'T THEY ASSIMILATE?, asks man who used to deal with immigrants *only at the border*, where, you know, they couldn't have assimilated because THEY HAD JUST ARRIVED IN THE COUNTRY.

This -- and the "turr'rists comin' across the border!" -- is red meat for Republicans.
"All these unaccompanied minors, where are they ending up? Some school somewhere, next to your American child."

-- a definitely-not-racist speaker at the QAnon conference in Las Vegas
I will add that this isn't a mainstream take for QAnon believers; *they* think the unaccompanied minors are disappearing into underground Cabal bases to be sacrificed to Satan 🙃
One of the guys says he worked with notoriously far-right GOP Rep. Chip Roy to try to get the Mexican cartels designated as terrorist organizations.
"We need to send a message to the cartels. We need to send a message to the other cartel, the Biden Administration."

I often say this about QAnon, but honestly? *Conservatism as a whole* is a reality inversion field.
OK, the border lads are done.

The MC is back out.

They put on a video and -- wait, wait, no, hang on, I thought this WASN'T a QAnon conference!
Oh hey, reality inversion field ahoy! When I posted this, I had NO IDEA this speaker was about to illustrate the way it applies to QAnon.

So, this is Brad Getz, giving a presentation about -- I am not kidding -- how Trump is a good guy *and everything you've ever heard in the media is a lie.*

But of course we don't have to rely on the press. We can open our fucking eyes and hear him with our own fucking ears.
Now he's launching into a long argument that of COURSE Trump isn't racist. How COULD he be racist?

He claims that Trump offered to Colin Kaepernick or anyone ELSE who felt wronged by the police that "his people would get to the bottom of it" if they made detailed complaints (??)
Oh no, look how many pages he has left. :(
FINALLY he gets to Trump's Charlottesville remarks.

Here--from an outlet far enough to the right that the article starts (LOL) by claiming that the Democratic Party "embrace[d] antisemitism" -- is a v good rundown of what Trump said & did, and why.…
OK, he's gone. MC's back on the stage.

I believe the next speaker is QAnon influencer Redpill78.

I will find it VERY FUNNY if Wendy "this isn't a QAnon conference" Rogers has to go on right after two QAnon influencers.
"If you don't know who I am, my name is Zak Paine."

The NEXT words out of his mouth are about how he was banned, but he's grown as a person and a speaker because of it.

Now he promises to talk about "what I see as the abject panic that the left is displaying."

He says she "identified herself as a Communist" (not AFAIK, and I've, like, actually talked to her) and that she "makes all these false assertions about our events," claiming that they're racists and Nazis.

No! She goes to QAnon conferences *&* fashier events. How is that hard?
"I think," he says, "that she went out seeking to find the worst in people... what I know about conservatives is that we are polite people. We want to co-exist. We aren't seeking to cancel anyone... or stop them from having a place on Planet Earth."

"So maybe sometimes she spoke to someone and made an off-color joke and maybe someone laughed uncomfortably"

he has gone from "where are these supposed racists?" to "if she DOES have any racism on film, she MADE us be racists" in like 2 minutes flat.
Now, first of all: in my communications with @the_cancel_mob, she's been very clear & very open about the difference between the QAnon crowd and the fashier, more openly racist people she also monitors.

QAnon people AREN'T usually on board w/out-and-proud racism & she says so!
@the_cancel_mob Also: *a QAnon influencer* is saying this shit?

This man is part of a movement that wants to imprison all of Trump's enemies, give them show trials for imaginary crimes, and hang them in public so Trump can rule unchallenged.

And he's like:

He's circled back to this (after claiming that he would welcome Amanda or any QAnon critic on stage to debate civilly, which: hahahaha), and claims again that he "wants to co-exist."

He doesn't! He wants *every prominent liberal* to be executed for being part of the "Cabal."
That is literally *what QAnon is.*
So far his entire speech has been: "THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE AND ORGANIZATIONS DARE TO CRITICIZE QANON" and I haven't been mentioned even once :(

I've GOT to post harder
Now he's mad about @mmfa -- Media Matters for America, which *accurately reports* on what conservative media says and does.

Accurate reporting = the PINNACLE of wickedness, as long as it makes him or his side look bad.
@mmfa According to RedPill78, the fact that Q and QAnon are notable subjects means "we're winning," meaning the Q people are.

Au contraire. The Q movement is very much diminished. Q is silent and without new Q drops -- and without Trump in office -- there's little to draw in recruits.
In fact, the Q movement is withering on the vine, and I'm enjoying every second of it. :D
He also thinks that "they" are "spending millions of dollars" to track and report on QAnon.

I think I've made about... $2,000 so far doing this? All for various articles & one presentation I gave. And I spent roughly $1800 on a very fancy laptop for OSINT work. So: on net, $200.
Now he's complaining about Pro Publica reporting on-- wait, hang on, he's mad that they're reporting on "exactly what we are doing and what I believe we should be doing."

Why is he mad????

This is reporting on the Bannon/QAnon strategy to take over precinct committee positions
He says, "There are volunteer nonpartisan organizations" involved with election administration.

They're "already going to be stacked with liberals," he claims, so "if you do volunteer," he asks that you "record the trainings you're given."

Wait, you mean like @the_cancel_mob?
He spent a bunch of time grousing about that!

"It's up to all of us to step out from behind the keyboard... that, to me, is the Great Awakening. That is the moment at which we determine our own future."

This seems to be very close to the end of his speech, so...
Let me circle back around to his claim that QAnon is a group of people who just *want everyone to get along* & don't want to cancel ANYONE.

Not only is the Storm about *killing all of Trump's most powerful opponents* -- and they await it breathlessly every damn day -- but also:
I spend a LOT of time watching how QAnon people talk among themselves.

This movement is not a bastion of peace and tolerance. They're *rabidly* transphobic, they fantasize about the day their enemies will hang, & are hostile to any famous Black person who's not on their side.
They're convinced that libs are all Commies and Commies should be shot to defend America. These are mainstream claims in QAnon circles.
To be fair, many of them will allow as how some libs are *unwitting tools* of the Commies, and perhaps shouldn't be killed; but overall they think they're under mortal threat from a Communist adversary, embodied primarily by the Democratic Party & radical libs throughout society.
OK, the next speaker is "Patel Patriot," who's the author of the "devolution" theory that's been the new hotness in QAnon circles.

He talks about the origins of the theory, which I've already covered (read the quote!):

He really does just come right out and admit: he came up with this theory because it was DEVASTATING to him that Trump left office...

and he had to find some way to reconcile that visible, painful fact with his image of Trump the Ever-Victorious Hero.

Again, I'm not exaggerating -- his presentation really did start with him saying he was devastated when Trump left office & that's when he decided that Trump must secretly still be in charge and running the military, because -- as he just now said -- "nothing else makes sense."
He's actually a pretty compelling speaker, even if he DOES look like a standup comic rn.
Honestly if you want to learn what Patel Patriot's whole deal w/devolution is, here's a good article by @rothschildmd.

This will be AT LEAST as informative as my livetweets could, and also will let me take my dog for a walk.

So: BRB, walkin' a 🐕.…
Next speaker is Juanita Broaderick, talking about being raped by Bill Clinton while he was Arkansas AG.

And she’s currently recounting all the ways people found to blame her and cast doubt on her story.
Everyone at this conference believes that she was raped by Bill Clinton, who is indeed a notorious sexual predator & has suffered no serious consequences for it.

Everyone at this conference — I hope — believes her when she talks about the ways people found to blame & doubt her.
But no one at the conference, or damn near no one, believes that rape culture is a real thing.

And that’s a fucking shame.
There’s a speaker whose name I’m missing right now, a chubby gentleman in a fringed buckskin jacket and white hat.

He’s calling for the audience to turn off their cell phones and just live in the now, man, for the next guest’s appearance.
Ah, that was Juan O Savin! Of course.

Juan O Savin introduced the next speaker, whose name I believe was Dennis Rice, as the director of a "very tastefully done" documentary on child sex trafficking.

Ah, it's the Operation Underground Railroad movie!…
From what Juan said -- and what this gentleman says-- they're shooting for a release in general theaters.

UPDATE: Apparently he's not the director. He's the DISTRIBUTOR.
"We need your help. A lot of people won't want the movie to get out.... We need a little time to mobilize all the people like you to see the picture," says the speaker.

Good pitch to an audience of QAnon people.

He's showing the trailer for his movi: The Sound of Freedom.
So this is the Operation Underground Railroad film that's been rumored for a while (generally thought to have Jim Caviezel attached).

Anyway, a quote from an article written by a woman who was involved in OUR in the very early days:
TL;DR: Operation Underground Railroad doesn't do any follow-up to keep kids safe, but it DOES do big flashy raids that're great at raising funds.

Meanwhile, the kids are often just shoved back out onto the streets -- and the traffickers often have an arrangement w/the cops, so🙃
In short: rescuing kids from actual, for-realsies sex trafficking is a much more complicated endeavor than "do sting, shove guns in people's faces, hand bad guys over to cops and all is well."

You have to *actually take care of the kids,* & OUR has a long record of not doing it.
ANYWAY, remember how I said it's widely rumored that Jim Caviezel was attached to this movie?

He sure is! And now he's addressing the QAnon conference down in Las Vegas.

Right now, he's talking about playing Jesus -- his most famous role, of course.
Caviezel says that we are "saying to millions and millions of children now trapped behind the iron curtains of sex trafficking" that we're too cowardly to go to war with sex traffickers.

"There's a greater danger," he says, "in appeasement." OMG, listen what he ramps up to:
he is suggesting that "we", meaning good Christians such as the people attending the QAnon conference, have a choice between "war and peace" -- his words -- with sex traffickers & Satan.

QAnon believes that the world is controlled by a cabal of Satan-worshipping sex traffickers.
He now suggests that "you and I must tell our enemies there is a price we will not pay. There is a point beyond which evil will not advance." (Strong applause and cheers.)

"And this goes for our beautiful constitution as well. Just barely hanging in there by a lifeline...
"Do we even believe in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? ... All men are created equal, ladies and gentlemen. Not born equal....

My fellow Americans, you and I have a rendezvous with destiny." (More cheers, more applause.)
He says we're at war for the destiny of mankind, essentially. Unfortunately he's sped up and is REALLY talking at a rapid clip so I can only grab phrases like

"Every American needs to know that freedom exists not to do what you like, but having the freedom to do what you ought."
"My fellow Christian warriors," says Caviezel to the QAnon conference in Las Vegas, "set yourselves apart from this corrupt generation."

He wishes them to taste "freedom that is worth dying for," then says it "kind of reminds him of the words of Mel Gibson" in Braveheart:
"You have come to fight as free men.... what would you do without freedom?.... Fight and you may die. Run and you may live, at least for a while.... You can take our lives, but you can never take our freedom."

The crowd is LOVING this. A truly rapturous response.
"We are heading into the storm of all storms," says Jim Caviezel at the QAnon conference. "Yes: the storm is upon us."

Screams of delight from the crowd.

The "Storm," in Q lore, is the great event when Trump will arrest & execute all his enemies for being pedo-Satanists.
Holy shit, that was an INCREDIBLY pilled speech from Caviezel, who has now left the stage.
That was probably the most militant speech ANYONE has delivered at the entire conference so far.
QAnon influencer Juan O Savin is back on stage after Caviezel's speech.

"The Christian revolution is here, and we're not going to be shut up. We're going to take our country back," he says in his concluding remarks.

O Savin is back off stage now and the MC is speaking.
I couldn't make out everything the MC said but there was definitely mention of a bar, and then the video feed turned into The Eternal Loading Wheel of Doom.

So I HOPE today's conference is over, and I'll sum it up in the next tweets as if it is. If I'm wrong, somehow we'll live.
The most notable event was, of course, Jim Caviezel's speech.

I would describe it as a VERY pilled call to arms, with the arms being *barely* metaphorical. It bought in -- 100% -- to the heart of the QAnon worldview:

that the world is controlled by Satan & run by pedos...
and that we, meaning all the decent Christians of America, must unite to defeat them & must call the struggle what it is.

Including both "my fellow Americans" AND "the Storm is upon us" strongly suggests he's explicitly *Q*-pilled (unless someone wrote it for him, of course 🤷‍♂️).
Almost as notable, however, is that Wendy Rogers STILL hasn't spoken.

She's the most famous GOP official at the conference, and yet... not a peep from her on stage on either the first or second day.

This is really interesting!
Is she *reconsidering* whether it's good for her political brand to speak at this conference, or are they just saving her up for tomorrow to go out with a bang?


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More from @QOrigins

25 Oct
I generally stay out of The Discourse™, but a bunch of antifascist accounts have been big mad at my friend Amanda today, on the grounds that she was infiltrating fascist movements *in the wrong way.*

I've read the critiques.

There is a 0% chance they'd say this about a man.



And what are the giveaways? The critiques are both vague *and* unsupported by facts. One account, e.g., claimed that REAL infiltrators coordinate with researchers -- which Amanda did; I can personally attest to that -- and local antifascists (she did that too!).
So... it's weird to make those claims, especially without trying to find out the truth! It's...

It's almost as if they're looking at a woman getting lots of publicity for doing the same kind of work *they* do, and going: "What? What? How DARE *she* be more visible than *me?*"
Read 6 tweets
25 Oct

We're joining slightly late. Day 2 coverage is below, including Jim Caviezel's *very* militant speech.

So, the current speaker is angry about "woke supremacy."

"This is war," he says, "an existential war."

At one point he made fun of the idea that "silence is violence" before IMMEDIATELY transitioning to:

so how can we fight "woke supremacy?" Folks, we have to stop being silent. It lets the bad guys win.

The speaker's demographic groups will not surprise you.
Read 161 tweets
24 Oct

Sorry, I mean the "For God & Country Patriot Doubledown," brought to you by QAnon John.

I missed the first hour or so due to RL stuff, but it turns out that's fine-- they have a preacher giving a sermon rn.

We've reached the altar call.

Presumably it won't be long before speakers come on.
Pastor is off the stage. A hype video is playing. Really SHOULDN'T be long now.
Read 76 tweets
23 Oct

Morning thread below, although I joined it late -- I caught only part of Ron Watkins' speech.

Anyway, this hunky chunky boi is playing the Star-Spangled Banner on electric geeee-tar, so let's roll!

Graphic design is their passion over at the QAnon conference -- though to be fair, this is a still from a video. Image
More visual material from what, according to Wendy Rogers, can't POSSIBLY be a QAnon conference.

What even IS QAnon? Image
Read 58 tweets
23 Oct
Just hopped on board the livestream for the Patriot Doubledown (i.e. the QAnon conference) in Las Vegas.

Ron Watkins is on stage, talking abou... aaaaaaaand it froze.

Still, follow this thread for a livetweet!

P.S. It's back and he's -- aaaand it froze.
OK, he was talking about how his Democratic opponent (REMINDER: he has not yet won the primary, of course) is trying to "take away your guns" with red-flag laws.

So far, so standard. But then he commits an unforced error: he tries to offer OTHER POLICIES to protect women.
Here his suggestions are amateurish and ill-considered, but more than that, *Republicans don't care* about protecting -- especially -- indigenous women, who were largely the focus of his answer.

That does not get them to the polls.

OK, Q&A time!
Read 59 tweets
21 Oct
Holy shit, someone in Blade Runner 2049 referred to ״ten days of darkness.”

It came out October 6, 2017, so… maybe that’s where Q got the idea!

It’s not PROOF, but we know Q liked movies and this was a big, rapturously received release around the time Q started. 🤷‍♂️
It’s my headcanon, anyway. I wouldn’t put it in a book or anything (at least not as a HIGHLY LIKELY idea), but it’s satisfying,
Also, Early Q famously wrote critical dates with a period between the numbers (11.3, 11.4 — these were the dates on which the earliest arrests were supposed to happen).

Blade Runner 2049 features “6.10.21” as a key plot point.

Again, far from conclusive—but intriguing!
Read 4 tweets

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