1️⃣ Introduction
2️⃣ JSX
3️⃣ Virtual DOM
4️⃣ Component
5️⃣ States and Props
6️⃣ Data Binding
7️⃣ Component Rendering
8️⃣ Hooks Introduction
1️⃣ Introduction
✪ What is React?
✪ What is the current version of React?
✪ What are core features of React?
✪ What are advantages using React?
✪ Where shouldn't we use React?
✪ What is SPA?
✪ When will a SPA run slower/faster?
2️⃣ JSX
✪ What is JSX?
✪ Can a JSX code directly run on a browser?
✪ What do we need to convert JSX code to plain-JS code?
✪ Is "import React from react" necessary? If yes, when?
3️⃣ Virtual DOM
✪ What is a Virtual DOM?
✪ Why does React uses a Virtual DOM?
✪ Advantages of Virtual DOM over normal DOM?
✪ Explain how Virtual DOM works.
✪ When and how are changes propagated to real DOM?
4️⃣ Component
✪ What is a Component?
✪ How many ways can a Component be defined?
✪ How to define a Class Based component?
✪ How to define a Function Based component?
✪ What are the advantages/disadvantages of defining a component function based vs class based?
5️⃣ States and Props
✪ What is a state?
✪ What is a prop?
✪ Difference between a state and a prop?
✪ What is a stateful component and a stateless component?
✪ How to define states in a class based component?
✪ How to define states in a function based component?✪ How to define props in a class based component?
✪ How to define props in a function based component?
6️⃣ Data Binding
✪ What is data binding?
✪ What are different types of data binding?
✪ What kind of data binding does React allow?
✪ Which data are available for binding in React?
7️⃣ Component Rendering
✪ What do you mean by rendering a component?
✪ How to define rendering logic in a class based component?
✪ How to define rendering logic in a function based component?
✪ What care should be taken to not make rendering slower?
8️⃣ Hooks Introduction
✪ What is a hook?
✪ Where is a hook can be used?
✪ How to name a hook?
✪ What are in-built hooks does React provide?
Next 🧵 will provide questions on
1️⃣ Life cycle methods of Class based Components
2️⃣ useState Hook
3️⃣ useEffect Hook
4️⃣ useContext Hook
5️⃣ useReducer Hook
6️⃣ useCallback Hook
7️⃣ useMemo Hook
8️⃣ useRef Hook
Stay tuned.
As a web developer, learn what Data Structures skill you should have for a smooth WebDev journey. 👇
1️⃣ Data Types
2️⃣ Boolean
3️⃣ Number
4️⃣ Logical Operators
5️⃣ Comparison Operators
6️⃣ Arithmetic Operators
1️⃣ Data Types
✪ What all data types does JavaScript provide?
✪ How to find out data type of a value? (which operator to use)
✪ What is type coercion?
✪ Any significant difference between "undefined" and "null"?
✪ What is the type of undefined?
✪ What is the type of null?