Question 3 of the Public Consultation on #ConversionTherapy is also very important, especially for anyone approaching legislation from an abolitionist view point. There are proposals that target organisations above people, which are the ones I would personally support more than
- Criminalisation of individuals, especially knowing that Criminalisation and imprisonment etc disproportionately affects minority groups.
In the event of the legislation pulling a bait and switch it is important that we choose the right things to support and not support.
Removing profits, preventing CT folk from holding office in charities and protection for people being sent overseas for #conversiontherapy are - to me - far more important in tackling the lasting presence of Conversion Therapy in the UK, than Criminalisation of individuals.
Looking at these questions it is important to remember that the Charity Commission examined a Christian Refuge in Sheffield who were forcing their service users into conversion therapy, but allowed the charity to continue with minor adjustments.
Providing ROBUST support for people who are survivors is key to actually tackling the effects of Conversion Therapy.
These are some of the questions that will be asked of individuals responding to the Public Consultation on #ConversionTherapy.
Please stay safe as you revisit your memories of your experiences.
It is important to talk any the places it happens, the tools used, and to be
Issues in Human Sexuality Live Read, by me. From 1991 (90 years after Havelock Ellis published Sexual Inversion, 30 years after Robert Wood's book calling for full inclusion). Is this the most contemporary Church of England account of sexuality prior to LLF?
Reprinted in 2003.
I'm not going page by page and line by line, especially because I speak an entirely different language to the writers - one in which I do not need to finish my sentences with quite random Bible verse quotes often unrelated to the real Content. #IssuesInHumanSexuality#drappissues
"In Genesis 2 the man, as a royal figure, has authority over the woman."
As a Royal Figure? 👑 WTF?
The man has authority because he gives her a name? 🧙♂️
It will take men away from their family homes. In all cultures? I think not.
If is important to realise that the legislation around #ConversionTherapy includes references in every place it talks about protecting people from being converted 'from being transgender' also 'to bring transgender'.
Now, no one is forcing people to be transgender, but its -
- very important that this legislation does not get twisted.
There are VAST differences between talking about what it means to be transgender and exploring personal gender, to what is defined as Conversion Therapy, but this is one to watch.
Vitally, the legislation discusses what Consent is, and certainly people talking about what it is to be transgender are doing so in consenting contexts (as discussed above), but it could be jumped upon by bad faith actors.
Honestly Have, for all his faults, is an engaging writer and drops take downs into his writing with greatest of ease.
He discusses how when the 'sexual instinct' first appears in youth it is often not specifically directed, and mentions that women are often forced on young -
One day I'm gunna do a deep dive of Accelerated Christian Education. It's nearly 3am and I'm scrolling through pages and pages of their material online and it's messed up and it's not good for my soul. But one day. I'm gunna do it.
TW. Home schooling
Since I have them saved from last night, I'm gunna dump a bunch of pics of the workbooks, cartoons, etc here and maybe you'll can work out what's wrong with them. #exposechristianeducation#aceducation#homeschooling
This is the book (and speaker) recommended by the church I was looking at joining after the Pandam.
Hands up if you think it's going to be a well thought out, helpful, harm-reduction focused education.
Hands up if you think it'll be sex jokes and Purity Culture 🖐️
If the Evangelical Alliance recommended my book I would need to flush myself down the toilet.
The author says he felt guilty about looking at boobs AGED FIVE.
I'm sorry but growing up in a shame-filled Purity Culture world like that from such an early age probably DIDN'T help create a balanced world view on sex at all. I feel sorry for that five year old.