1. GFA is the product of a large number of politicians, civil servants & civil society within N. Irl, Ireland & GB backed by US political capital & the shelter of joint membership of EU. An agreement worth backing as it was by the people of the island @BrigidLaffan
2. Fast forward to 2016 Brexit ref? Did the Leave campaign take consequences of exit seriously for N. Ireland? No they either ignored the issue or downplayed it-evidence? @BrigidLaffan
3. @BorisJohnson now U.K. PM-border could be managed like congestion tax between Camden & Westminster. I kid you not-flippant then & flippant always. @BrigidLaffan
4. The then Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Theresa Villiers lied. @BrigidLaffan
6. Brexit negs phase 1: @theresa_may in letter of notification pledges in her exit letter that there would be no ‘hard border’ & U.K. did not want to damage Republic of Ireland. Being a good neighbour as you leave is just a mark of a civilised state-nothing special-@BrigidLaffan
7. In relation to island of Ireland that is the test of London intentions & actions. Well @theresa_may & her gov struggled with this & never achieved a reconciliation of her desire to leave SM & CU & no damage to island of Ireland @BrigidLaffan
7. 2017 negs -London really struggled to come up with a viable response to Border in Ireland. Progress on citizens, then money but Ireland? Linked to EU demand for ‘sufficient progress’ on all divorce issues which makes early December 2017 a crunch time.
9. Both paragraphs are U.K. commitments: 49 a U.K. commitment to no hard border on a cascading set of propositions & paragraph 50 which pledges no new regulatory barriers between N. Irl & GB. Logic from JR was a soft #Brexit@BrigidLaffan
10. U.K. Gov could not deliver on its commitments in paragraphs 49 & 50 without a soft Brexit so the fudge had to be tested. Through 2018 including Chequers London could not address the border challenge in a way that EU, N. ireland & GB could live with @BrigidLaffan
11. The backstop which kept UK in EU customs Union was May’s best effort to exit without undermining the Union-she could not ratify it despite much clarification from EU27. @BrigidLaffan
12. @BorisJohnson comes to power & days there is a better deal without the backstop-again nothing concrete just words. At high level meetings with EU, apparent that he didn’t not grasp detail & did not know what a CU was. @BorisJohnson
14. Throughout the years from 2016 to exit in Jan 2020, London never got on top of border issue-committees on alternative arrangements etc. Were never going to be enough for EU given that U.K. could not point to a single border in the world that worked like this @BrigidLaffan
15. NIP a came into operation & inevitably there were problems as it was a satisfying solution but it offends @DavidGHFrost sovereignty first ideology & strategy @BrigidLaffan
16. What was Irish Gov to do when faced with London strategy? It had no choice but to avoid a land border & to use its membership of EU to avoid being powered by London. There is sufficient documentary evidence of a lack of respect for Irish interests in London @BrigidLaffan
17 When London triggers Art 16 they will do so in pursuit of their version of Brexit-replaying the issue again & again. It will not be about NIP but UK sovereignty & will be a form of organised hypocrisy & the pledge to leave the EU without damaging Ireland will be broken.
@DavidGHFrost argues that NIP undermines GFA because of absence of cross community consent-a canard, consent mechanism in WA does not require it & Brexit did not require it.
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1. Let me begin where the article ends which is that law as a major tool of European integration may be coming to an end-inaccurate & not backed by evidence. Legislative programme around Green Deal alone major. @BrigidLaffan
2. Stylised account of ‘integration through law’ which was at its zenith during the single market early years & has not been the driver of EU integration for well over 15 years. Politicisation has happened. @BrigidLaffan
Why Number 10 spin on Northern Ireland must be pushed back. David Frost has taken to writing increasingly strident articles on protocol in recent times @FCDOGovUK need to remind number 10 about the history of GFA if they have not lost all historical memory @BrigidLaffan
1. Writing in @FT claims that ‘overriding priority of protecting GFA’- difficult to accept from @BorisJohnson led Gov. 29 Feb 2016 Johnson said re. Border & Brexit ‘I think the situation would be absolutely unchanged’. He was laying then & also lied to @duponline@BrigidLaffan
2. Brexiteers in general refused to acknowledge the problems that Brexit would cause so Mr. Frost you have a credibility problem. Theresa Villiers who was then Sec of State for N. irl said back then ‘current trade would be unhindered following the vote’ . @BrigidLaffan
Border on the island of Ireland was always going to be a central issue in #Brexit fallout not just because of the complexities of SPS & checks but because #Brexit runs counter to the sovereignty practices that emerged from Good Friday Agreement (GFA) @BrigidLaffan
2. GFA evolved from deep re-examination of political structures that evolved from Irish Nationalism & Unionism. Political identities, citizenship & states were refashioned by commitments & institutions of GFA. #Brexit is the opposite. @BrigidLaffan
3. @Number10@BorisJohnson@DavidGHFrost cannot grasp novelty/innovation & genius that lies behind design. Absolutist concept of sovereignty is incompatible with GFA & Ireland pays a heavy price for English exceptionalism & crude grasp of complex political orders @BrigidLaffan
My ttakeaways from @DavidGHFrost engagement with HoC committee today. 1. #HMG has discovered the Good Friday Agreement. Mentioned more often today than by the Leave campaign or his political master @BorisJohnson during ref. @BrigidLaffan
2. Frost says that U.K. 100% behind GFA. Anything that undermines it a problem for London. Impact of Protocol more unsettling & stronger than ‘we thought’ would happen. Wow when the dogs in the street knew the potential damage of Brexit for island of Ireland.@BrigidLaffan
3. When asked if temporary SPS alignment would be considered which really would make a difference-@DavidGHFrost says no. Why because of the search for trade agreements-U.K. must be in control. @BrigidLaffan
2 observations following a number of academic & policy exchanges on Brexit this week.1. Almost all UK commentators-academic, official & political now argue that EU needs to re-think its approach to third country neighbours-few of them were making case when UK a MS @BrigidLaffan
This call is because reality of 3rd country status begins to bite & however desired by hard Brexiteers, it sits uneasily with almost 50 years of membership. 2. Brexit is seen as the ultimate benchmark for EU by many in U.K., most recently by @GoodwinMJ last night. @BrigidLaffan
What kind of benchmark is Brexit? U.K. is 1 medium sized state while EU remains dominant economic power in Europe. All neighbours have to adjust to its presence not the other way around & all European third countries benefit from the public goods supplied by EU. @BrigidLaffan
Lots of discussion in my timeline on the imbalanced nature of N.Irl Protocol-a nationalist solution & a weakness of British statecraft according to @TomMcTague & a miscalculation re. protection of single market @SirSocks@BrigidLaffan
1. No appreciation of the consequences of U.K. decision to leave EU for island of Ireland. Not a live issue in the ref campaign & UK negotiators did not fully grasp the complexity of issues until well after ref. @BrigidLaffan
2. Theresa Villiers when still SOS for N. irl. Week after ref says ‘we can keep a border that is as open & free-flowing as it is today’ -she was correct but her idea of how that could be achieved was way off @DefraGovUK@BrigidLaffan