I stumbled upon @MeetApollo the other day when searching for a person online. The company seems to scrape people's @LinkedIn profiles, create shadow profiles based on that info, and sell those to their customers as "intelligence". (1/x)
@MeetApollo@LinkedIn I wondered if this is legal given that Linkedin users provide their personal data to Linkedin for show-casing it there, not on Apollo.
A quick online search led me to U.S. resources saying that this is probably legal b/c on Linkedin your CV becomes public info. (2/x)
@MeetApollo@LinkedIn I never contacted or interacted with the company and then forgot about them this week.
Until today, when I got an email in my pro inbox from Apollo informing me about their #privacy policy claiming they have "legitimate interest in a B2B context" to process my data. (3/x)