It is possible to supplement the above orally
- ie. swallowing.
But Epsom salts & magnesium flakes are most commonly used topically via bathing.
Enjoying a bath or footbath with either (or both) allows the magnesium to enter your bloodstream through hair follicles & nails.
Epsom salts (ie magnesium with sulfur)
Magnesium flakes (ie magnesium with chlorine)
are used topically as a spray too.
Make up a solution with clean water in spray bottle @ max 20% salt. Glass bottle is best.
Consider if you want sulfur or chlorine. Note flakes have higher Mg.
When having a panic attack, migraine, cramp or other urgent need to increase magnesium quickly spray this on hairy parts or directly onto your nails to get it in to you system quick.
Some folks also nebulise/inhale these to help with health issues eg asthma at weaker solution.
Along with magnesium glycinate I drink bone broth daily with a pinch of sea salt* & vitamin C foods. I add garlic or onion powder for sulfur & herbs to taste.
*Sea salt from close to where you were born is best
Aloe Vera speeds up healing collagen. Take capsules or a decent juice drink NOT powder as it tastes rank.
Bone broth is the easiest way to heal collagen as it has so many of the components needed already but the glycine in magnesium glycinate is a huge bonus for other reasons.
For a detailed thread with a whole load of other reasons why glycine is where it's at in the magnesium world please read this great thread:
This is the elemental magnesium part from all sources.
I think that the way that these amounts were determined decades ago may not have been the best way of gauging the levels of magnesium need in the body for optimum health.
They used a masculine yang mentality and methodology. Magnesium seems connected to a feminine yin way IMO.
The NHS daily requirements of the other major electrolytes are:
So the magnesium intake at less than half of the smallest of these seems too small in comparison.
But, magnesium is used in every cell & recycled in the body.
Dietary intake of magnesium is lower these days due to poorer soil quality meaning less in the food chain.
Bitter and green foods & drink are not consumed as much yet we have a very heavy calcium diet.
Stress, food, physical activity & ill health increase demand for magnesium.
You will need to work out by listening to your body what is the right amount of magnesium for you.
Magnesium supplements can interact with some antibiotic types & medicines so definitely consult your medical practitioner.
If you go too fast/high you poop/have digestive issues.
I am aware of people using 80-100mg of elemental magnesium per 10kg (22lbs) of weight per day across different types of magnesium & times.
So this is the magnesium only part of their oral supplement.
But this may be too high for you (or not high enough) so listen to your body.
Assuming magnesium glycinate mix is
14.1% magnesium
85.9% glycine
Dose per 10kg/22lbs of weight/day:
Mg: 80-100mg
Glycine: 490-610mg
Total dosage: 570 - 710mg per 10kg/22lbs per day
But you work up to this over months.
Some people do not get on well with magnesium glycinate.
Varying the form of magnesium may be better for you.
Some people need to increase their boron intake to process the magnesium.
I do not recommend any brands as have no way of verifying quality but @Labdoor may help you.
Frustratingly, your body organ magnesium level is not reflected in a blood test (even though medical professionals often use blood tests to try to determine this).
Less than 0.8% of total body magnesium is held in the blood and it is tightly regulated!
Your situation: 1) Concerned about having a poor reaction to the vaccine/booster 2) Have decided to take the vaccine/booster as feel like you have no choice
Key recommendation: Supplement with magnesium glycinate month before & carry on after the injection
Magnesium will help your health, sleep and immunity right across the board. There are thousands of studies into some of the ways magnesium helps with disease, disorder etc.
If you are new to me or magnesium please read about us here:
I bought a food processor & air fry veg & potatoes
LOSS: Highly processed food & take away meals
eg. any food I could not make myself in my kitchen
GAINS: Shopping at the farmers market & eating things like fresh venison heart, local cheeses & homemade soups. Getting random organic vegetables delivered & learning more about food
Melatonin production happens 24 hours a day - this goddess healer and master antioxidant is not only a night-time pineal gland thing!
Melatonins regulates so much including your:
💎leptin (hunger drive)
1. Sync with the sun
Suggested Hacks:
A. Embrace sunlight in daytime
Eat outside, take breaks outside, walk & cycle more, work/exercise outside, walking meetings
B. Embrace darkness after sun down
Switch overhead lights to dim lamps or candles, swap video for audio media
2. Use infrared light to your advantage
Suggested Hacks:
A. be in the sun early in the day and later in the afternoon to boost melatonin production from the red light spectrum
B. use a red light devices eg. infrared sauna unit, blanket or bag, red light therapy device
Your medical professional is often only able to treat you once they have evidenced your condition.
They cannot trust your first-hand reports but need evidence they can see in your bio-responses, scans or blood tests for example.
This means they miss a lot. This is an issue.
The most significant thing medics are unable to 'see' is your accurate magnesium status.
A blood test DOES NOT indicate the level of magnesium in your cells/tissue/organs. Less than 0.8% of you total body magnesium is (tightly regulated) in your blood:
@nikkalidimitri Where can I find a doctor that is willing to apply my research into magnesium being the most significant aspect in covid on critical patients?
All symptoms point back to excess intracellular calcium causing a chain of events. Magnesium addresses this.
This has likely been missed due to blood test culture yet Mg tightly regulated in blood at less than 0.8% total body amount so bloods are not reflective of tissue status. Looks like this could have been overlooked in many diseases perhaps.
Magnesium deficiency linked to dietary intake, cultural diets, stress, age, diabetes and hypertension etc as well as closely linked to vitamin D status.
I have also designed a novel administration method to help Mg supplies stretch as oral route limited absorption & IV a shock.