I'll give you the list immediately below. I have to give credit to @shestokas for being my constant teacher. He will soon be Attorney General of the Great State of Illinois. Get ready for change.
3) From our Declaration of Independence, Dave has chosen 55 words which he calls the American Creed. I completely agree with him. These words are why America was formed. It's what our forefathers fought for. These ideas founded our nation.
4) Since Twitter doesn't allow all 55 words, I've chosen to break them up. I've numbered 6 points that are the logical statement expressed. They come now, below in tweets 5 & 6 of this thread...
5) The first three points:
1) We hold these truths to be self-evident 2) That all men are created equal 3) That they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights
6) The last three points:
4) That among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. 5) That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men 6) Deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed
7) That gives you the infrastructure of our meditation. The 21 concepts are housed, if you will, within these six points. We'll follow them out in that manner.
8) Here's point one again:
1) We hold these truths to be self-evident
Do we? That is, are there truths that we hold self-evident anymore? I argue that, for the most part, we don't.
9) What does it mean to HOLD a truth, or truths? Believe, of course. Accept. Adhere to. Yes. But more. To know, and to know completely. What does it mean to know something, to know it completely? The philosophical term for this is epistemology.
10) Epistemology is the science of knowledge itself. How do you know something? How do you know that you know it? Can it be proved to others? When attempting to prove it, can your case be rejected, or must it be accepted? If so, how?
11) The word "hold," in our Declaration, has a very special and important epistemological meaning. It means to agree. Let's cut forward in time a few decades. Abe Lincoln studied the Declaration of Independence as profoundly as any man ever has.
12) Abe gave his life for the following amendment to our Constitution:
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
13) Abe agreed to hold a single fact in mind. All men are created equal. Slavery decries that fact. Slavery states that some men are above others. Where there are masters, they are NOT equal to their slaves. Slaves are NOT equal to their masters. Masters above, slaves below.
14) How was Abe able to do that? By "holding" something, a truth, he believed in truth itself. What is truth? It is the opposite of falsehood. In our Judeo/Christian Tradition, we have a myth about a perfect garden that had a very interesting tree.
15) Adam and Eve were allowed to eat the fruit of every tree in the garden, with the single exception of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. This introduces a type of math. Binary math. If 0 = Evil, and 1 = Good, we begin our spiritual mathematics thereby.
16) I'm no expert in ancient Hebrew, or its math. I simply wonder, how far from accurate might it be to translate the terms "good" and "evil" into "true" and "false?" Perhaps we need not worry about translation. You already know. It's not good when someone lies to you.
17) Perhaps the most epistemological term of all, and the most difficult, is "self-evident." For Abe, it was simply obvious in the end that a black man had every equal right to a white man. We are one species, regardless of race. Imagine that.
18) When the sun is up, it is day. When it has set, it is night. If you're at the sea shore, you can observed tides coming in and going out. High tide and low tide are self-evident. It is either snowing or it is not. These facts of the earth are absolutely self-evident.
19) In this first point, we hold these truths to be self-evident, our founders expressed their respect of the human mind, itself. They respected its hold upon the truth, and its ability to follow out the signs and signals of evidence, even self-evidence.
20) Here a point about what we have lost must be made. We are no longer taught the geometry of Euclid. The very idea of a proof itself has been lost. What is a line? It is two points with their connection drawn. A straight line is even with its own points.
21) When we stopped teaching these things, we began to process of destroying the very idea of truth itself, let alone truths in the plural. Perpendicular lines are "right" to each other. That's another truth. Let's use another term: Definition.
22) In order to know a truth, or truths, we must be able to define the terms we employ in expressing that truth, those truths. All men are created equal, we are told. No, there is no special power given a king in England over his colonial subjects. We may rebel against him.
23) I hope you're able to feel the pounding rhythm of the logic. We do we do? We HOLD these TRUTHS. How do we hold them? As SELF-EVIDENT. We agree about them. They cannot be disputed. They are irrefutable. Try to disagree, it's okay. You'll fail. You can't. They're true.
24) That gets us through our first point and our first 3 terms. I urge you not to let it go, though. Are you part of the "we" that holds these truths? Do you agree? To be a true American, you must. It's not optional. We imprison those who disagree and act on that disagreement.
25) By the way, if you haven't yet, you MUST buy @shestokas book on topic. You will love every page, and be introduced to our Declaration in its depths as no other work will do.
2) General Flynn has famously called for an army of Citizen Journalists. The Q Movement (which was NO conspiracy) unleashed millions of patriot researchers. Those of you following here are needed. How, exactly, does this corruption occur?
3) So here's a voter roll. It has thousands, 100s of thousands, maybe even millions of of dead citizens still registered. How, exactly, are those votes voted? Is it in specific, by name? Such-and-so dead person's vote is..? Or, ...
2) To very briefly summarize and review, Dave has found one of the greatest bulwarks of the corrupt Democrat Machine in Illinois. Removing that safeguard will decimate its evil power. That safeguard is a completely corrupted voter roll.
3) Turn with me towards DC, now. As Americans, and as the MAGA Movement, we decided to #DrainTheSwamp in 2016. The very fact of 2020's stolen election indicates we failed, for the time being. We did NOT drain the Swamp. Not yet.
2) Second, we zero in closer to the WHY you need to know @shestokas. Dave discovered, in Illinois, an aspect of the power of the Swamp that extends to every state, county, town, and precinct in America. It's the center of this story. I'll explain below...
3) Now in my own words. As the counsel for the Illinois Conservative Union, and its Election Integrity Program (ieip.org), Dave brought suit against the Illinois State Board of Elections, in order to get them to enforce Federal Election Law. What did Dave discover?
As Michael Flynn is trending, I thought that I might not have to post the link to the so-typical hit piece that is causing the trend. But, alas, I have to. Here it is:
2) Quote 1: "They wanted to gather intelligence on senators, judges, congressmen, state reps, to move them towards the audit. The word 'move' was emphasized tremendously," Stern said. "What they wanted was to extort and to literally move people towards the audit with dirt."
3) Quote 2: "Stern was told to gather intelligence and to "accomplish the mission even if you have to use domestic terrorism."
"The severity and the danger of domestic terrorism in this group became very very apparent to me. It was extremely disturbing," Stern said."
Having completed the full first draft of my Victory Vision 2022 - 2024, I realized I had to go back and work on the data and the math. It's demanding work. Here's where my work has been focused.
2) I'll share the small problem I've been working to solve - again! - in a little bit. First, though, I have to heap further praise of Seth Keshel and his incredible contributions here at his amazing website:
3) I cannot too strongly emphasize the importance of checking Seth's website out, and bopping around there. Do just go and glance and leave, please. Start working to get to know the website and all the information it has so powerfully organized.
Victory Vision: 2022 – 2024 and Beyond – Math Update
Who remembers that, in math class, we show our work and we find our errors? Before we turn to our Victory Vision work, we must do the same, right now. An error has been found!