2) General Flynn has famously called for an army of Citizen Journalists. The Q Movement (which was NO conspiracy) unleashed millions of patriot researchers. Those of you following here are needed. How, exactly, does this corruption occur?
3) So here's a voter roll. It has thousands, 100s of thousands, maybe even millions of of dead citizens still registered. How, exactly, are those votes voted? Is it in specific, by name? Such-and-so dead person's vote is..? Or, ...
4) Or, is it just in general?
Our current, live voters = X.
Our voter roll = X + however many dead voters we still count.
Having so many dead voters on the roll, we can bring in false ballots in quantity thereby?
How, exactly, does this form of corruption work?
5) Why might we care? The reason is clean and simple. We MUST persuade our friends on the other side of the aisle that #ElectionFraud is real. They have been persuaded that it is not. The most powerful component of persuasion is fact. Facts persuade.
6) I've said it before and will say it again. It is NOT the honest vote count that matters. It is the BELIEVED vote count that counts. It is this clarity that empowers the evil monsters of America their vast power. They have mastered the art of perception of vote count.
7) Let's come at this another way. If we truly believe that #ElectionFruad occurred in 2020, that Biden stole the White House, then it is on us to prove that beyond the shadow of a doubt. We may have the facts. But, do we have the presentation of those facts?
8) I say no, we do not. We do not have the roll from the corrupted voter roll to the actual corrupted vote count documented in an irrefutable presentation. Our problem is that we need people to agree with us BEFORE they consider our data. It is this we must overcome.
9) Which comes first, the chicken or the egg? We can discuss cause and effect more deeply another time. We face a classic chicken and egg problem here. How do we show the corruption? I believe I know the answer. It is @shestokas. We MUST elect him as the next AG of Illinois.
10) This is no mere local election. There can be no more national election, locally, than Dave's. As I've shared, here's what we know. The current AG of IL has rejected compliance with Federal Law as a mandate. He stands between the law and the IL Board of Elections.
11) As the current AG of IL thumbs his nose at Federal Law over elections, we KNOW, we do NOT guess, that it is Federal Election Law that must be rejected in order for the corrupt IL #DemocratMachine to wield its vast power over election outcomes.
12) The cure is here. In our next episodes, we will walk through each step indicated. Right now, go read the cure with your simple, common sense mind. Know that I'll ask you this. How do you reject these simple, common sense steps?
13) The answer is, obviously, that you cannot. You cannot reject the simple common sense of taking dead people off the voter roll. You cannot reject the simple common sense of having a state Board of Elections comply with Federal Election Law. You simply cannot.
14) Who remembers Hamlet? Who remembers Marcellus? Marcellus smelled something rotten in Denmark. Do you have a nose with nostrils to smell? Can you not smell something utterly rotten here, in Illinois, in the USA?
15) If we're to get to the bottom of the "how," of how the election corruption occurs, we need to elect Dave Shestokas as AG of Illinois. This is surely a local election. It is also a national election. Do you see?
2) To very briefly summarize and review, Dave has found one of the greatest bulwarks of the corrupt Democrat Machine in Illinois. Removing that safeguard will decimate its evil power. That safeguard is a completely corrupted voter roll.
3) Turn with me towards DC, now. As Americans, and as the MAGA Movement, we decided to #DrainTheSwamp in 2016. The very fact of 2020's stolen election indicates we failed, for the time being. We did NOT drain the Swamp. Not yet.
2) Second, we zero in closer to the WHY you need to know @shestokas. Dave discovered, in Illinois, an aspect of the power of the Swamp that extends to every state, county, town, and precinct in America. It's the center of this story. I'll explain below...
3) Now in my own words. As the counsel for the Illinois Conservative Union, and its Election Integrity Program (ieip.org), Dave brought suit against the Illinois State Board of Elections, in order to get them to enforce Federal Election Law. What did Dave discover?
As Michael Flynn is trending, I thought that I might not have to post the link to the so-typical hit piece that is causing the trend. But, alas, I have to. Here it is:
2) Quote 1: "They wanted to gather intelligence on senators, judges, congressmen, state reps, to move them towards the audit. The word 'move' was emphasized tremendously," Stern said. "What they wanted was to extort and to literally move people towards the audit with dirt."
3) Quote 2: "Stern was told to gather intelligence and to "accomplish the mission even if you have to use domestic terrorism."
"The severity and the danger of domestic terrorism in this group became very very apparent to me. It was extremely disturbing," Stern said."
Having completed the full first draft of my Victory Vision 2022 - 2024, I realized I had to go back and work on the data and the math. It's demanding work. Here's where my work has been focused.
2) I'll share the small problem I've been working to solve - again! - in a little bit. First, though, I have to heap further praise of Seth Keshel and his incredible contributions here at his amazing website:
3) I cannot too strongly emphasize the importance of checking Seth's website out, and bopping around there. Do just go and glance and leave, please. Start working to get to know the website and all the information it has so powerfully organized.
Victory Vision: 2022 – 2024 and Beyond – Math Update
Who remembers that, in math class, we show our work and we find our errors? Before we turn to our Victory Vision work, we must do the same, right now. An error has been found!
We begin with the same reference, from electionfraud20.org, that we looked at earlier in this Victory Vision's Prelude this morning. You definitely want to get to know these people!
2) Funny thing, when I posted this morning's meme, I had some questions that their front page answers. Yeah, I hadn't gone there yet. I did just now, though, and snagged this screenshot. It's important.
3) I don't know about you, but I have to use my calculator when comprehending numbers such as the above. Here's what I just did. I divided 42,918/.027 which = 1,589,556. So, for now, I have to guess that that's the tally from the 3 states combined. Yes?