"No one has a right to be inside someone else's body!"
Unless you were raped, did the prenatal human just climb up into your uterus? No, it got there by your and your sex partner's actions. While he is just as responsible, he can't gestate the baby, 1/4
but he is legally responsible for the financial support of that child, which is why irresponsible men will pressure their partners to get an abortion. Anybody wilingly having sex ought to understand how reproduction works. 2/4
If A and B are skydiving with the agreement that A will hold onto B and have the parachute, A doesn't get to withdraw consent in mid-air unless it will literally save A's life, because letting go of B will cause B's death. 3/4
What's Flawed About the "Consent to Sex Is Not Consent to Pregnancy" Argument 4/4
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#SavitaHalappanavar died in Galway University Hospital on October 28th, 2012. "Three separate inquiries into her death found that she died of sepsis – an infection of the blood caused by an extremely virulent bacteria, Ecoli ESBL" thelifeinstitute.net/info/the-tragi…
The HIQA inquiry found 13 missed opportunities to save her life. The evidence that emerged from those inquiries is presented in the article and is a clear and factual account of this tragic case.
"Dr. Astbury was still unaware of the elevated white cell count - and the infection - at this point. She told the Coroner’s Court that if she had been aware of the infection she would have terminated the pregnancy - as was permissible under Irish law."
"In just one phone call, Otto had protected Lundstrom from Luther in a way the police couldn’t, even after ten 911 calls and a restraining order." "Otto routinely dispatched Lundstrom to Williston, where she’d work until she met her quota of $1,000 per day." #students#rape
"now perhaps the most common sex trafficking recruitment vehicle: social media. Experts say victims are groomed by pimps who play the numbers game with extreme patience. “[Predators] could say ‘you’re beautiful’ to 100 girls just to get one” #groomingelle.com/culture/a36898…
Many pro-choicers on Twitter seem to think that if a mother with an unplanned pregnancy is talked out of an abortion and doesn't choose to place her baby for adoption, all the needs of the baby should be provided for for 18 years, either by pro-lifers or the government.
They'll complain that pro-lifers only provide some basic supplies and then are done helping. But that isn't generally true of pro-lifers, especially those who volunteer at and/or donate to pregnancy help centers. pregnancyhelpnews.com/pregnancy-help…
Ideally, couples won't have fertile sex unless they are ready to raise a child together. If there is an unplanned pregnancy, fathers ought to stick around to raise the child they helped conceive alone or with the mother.
"The “Alternatives to Abortion” program under the Texas Health and Human Services has seen a budget increase every two years since its inception. For the 2022-2023 biennial budget earlier this year, there was a 25% increase from $80 million to $100 million." 1/4
"This program addresses financial and material needs of pregnant women and parents. The website lists examples of services: Counseling, mentoring, educational information and classes on pregnancy, parenting, adoption, life skills and employment readiness." 2/4
"Material assistance, such as car seats, clothing, diapers and formula.
Care coordination through referrals to government assistance programs and other social services programs....
Housing and support services through maternity homes." 3/4
The tide is turning. A new Rasmussen Reports national survey finds that only 43% of likely U.S. voters oppose the new Texas law that effectively prohibits most abortions after six weeks of pregnancy. 46% support the #TexasHeartbeatAct. 11% are undecided. #prolife
#Prolife and #Prochoice, let's help the women who don't want an abortion, but feel they don't have any other choice.