Stay tuned for Ghislaine Maxwell Trial Day 4 Live Update. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews Image
Day 2 end : Besselsen confirms Epstein as donor to Interlochen.

Mr Besselsen confirms that Epstein was a major donor to the Interlochen school near Traverse City, Michigan. A building was even named after him.
The “Jeffrey Epstein Scholarship Lodge” has since been renamed.
Finance executive Daniel Besselsen to return to the court to give evidence
Daniel Besselsen will return to the stand on day four of the trial.

#GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
The finance executive at the Interlochen Center for the Arts the nonprofit organisation behind the summer camp where witness “Jane” said she first met Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein will give evidence on Thursday. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
Mr Besselsen provided records which comprised donor letters confirming Epstein and Maxwell’s relationship to the camp. These included one addressed to Maxwell saying that a lodge had been reserved for the use of Epstein’s in August of 1994. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
It is thought that this is where the couple met Jane. Epstein had funded a two-bedroom lodge, known as the Jeffrey Epstein Scholarship Lodge, at Interlochen in northern Michigan where parents, donors and other guests could stay. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
The lodge’s name has now been changed to the Green Lake Lodge. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
Second accuser Annie Farmer takes to the stand
Day four of the Ghislaine Maxwell sex trafficking trial will begin on Thursday morning, and the 59-year-old socialite’s second accuser is expected to take the stand. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
Annie Farmer is the only one of Ms Maxeell’s four accusers who will testify without a pseudonym.

Ms Farmer, a 42-year-old psychotherapist, claims she was flown to Jefrey Epstein’s New Mexico ranch in 1996 at the age of 16 where she was groomed and given sexualised massages.
Ms Farmer has recounted the alleged abuse for the Netflix documentary Filthy Rich, and in numerous media interviews over the years.

During the defense’s opening statement, Bobbi Sternheim said Ms Maxwell met with Ms Farmer only once in Santa Fe.
“You should wonder why she is even a part of this case. Because from our perspective, what happened in New Mexico is not illegal conduct under the terms of this indictment,” Ms Sternheim told the jury on Monday. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
Ms Sternheim said Ms Farmer had received $1.5 million from a victim’s compensation fund. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
Alleged victim Teresa Helm enters court
Alleged victim Teresa Helm, who gave an interview to the BBC, was seen entering the court with attorney Sigrid McCawley as day four of the Ghislaine Maxwell trial begins. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews Image
New witness: Paul Kane of New York’s Professional Children’s School
Day four of the trial begins with a new witness — Paul Kane, director of finance of New York’s Professional Children’s School. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
The school is an independent day school on West 60th St in Manhattan serving grades six to 12.

Mr Kane is asked by the prosecution to identify a document, which he recognises as an enrollment application for a student. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
Asked what happens when such a form is received, he says they contact the family by phone and then invite them for a tour of the school and a conversation. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
Without mentioning the name of the student on the application, Mr Kane is asked what grade the person on the form was applying for, to which he replies: “12th grade, due to a move to New York.”

Listed as the person of financial responsibility on the form is Mr Jeffrey Epstein.
New witness: Dr Lisa Rocchio
Dr Lisa Rocchio is a psychotherapist who acts as an expert witness in the fields of traumatic stress and dissociation, intimate partner violence, rape and sexual assault, victimisation, discrimination, and harassment.

She has been brought in by the prosecution to discuss grooming.
#GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
Dr Rocchio defines grooming
After straightforward questioning that established that Dr Rocchio had not interviewed anyone connected with the case and that her pay does not depend on the outcome of the trial, she was simply asked to define “grooming”.
“Strategies to get children into sex.”
She says she has seen examples in the Boy Scouts through camping trips, and in other cases through gifts such as jewellery to make a child feel special #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
Asked how common it is for a child to be repeatedly abused by the person, she replies that it is very common and that it is usually someone close to the child. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
In terms of the environment in which grooming takes place, she says that the perpetrator develops trust with people around the child such as the parents.#GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
Dr Rocchio adds that victims are not likely to report abuse to the police and that the longer-term impact of the abuse is that they are at higher risk of “adverse outcomes”.

There are no further questions from the prosecution.

Judge Nathan calls for the morning break.
Neither witness this morning mentioned Maxwell
Neither of today’s prosecution witnesses has mentioned Ghislaine Maxwell. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
Dr Rocchio is speaking in general terms about the definition of child sexual grooming — which victims have accused Ms Maxwell of, in addition to participating in the abuse — but has not talked specifically about this case. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
Mr Kane’s testimony established that Epstein was financially responsible for the tuition of an unnamed student transferring to a New York private school. The jury is able to see the relevant documents and names, but they are not publicly available. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial
This builds a picture around the evidence of the other witnesses and victims, and it must be remembered that there are still at least three more accusers still to testify, and this trial is scheduled to run for six weeks. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
Maxwell’s lawyers question Dr Rocchio
In an objection studded round of questioning, Ms Maxwell’s lawyer quizzed Dr Rocchio regarding what might impair someone’s memory of an incident. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
Maxwell's lawyer: Doctor Rocchio, you have a $45,000 contract for this, correct?
Rocchio: Yes.
Maxwell's lawyer: If one had a brain injury, it might be hard to remember, right?
AUSA: Objection.
Judge Nathan: Sustained.
#GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
Maxwell's lawyer: Alcohol would harm recall too, yes?
AUSA: Objection.
Judge Nathan: Sustained.
Maxwell's lawyer: Are you familiar with confabulation?
AUSA: Objection!
Judge: Overruled.
Maxwell's lawyer: It's filling in the gaps.
AUSA: Objection.
Judge: Sustained.
Ms Maxwell’s lawyer questioned Dr Rocchio about what constitutes grooming of a child, asking: “My grandfather liked to take me to the Bronx Zoo. Was that grooming?” #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
Dr Rocchio is clear that grooming occurs in 5 stages:obtaining access to the victim;isolating them for abuse; engaging in deception to build trust/attachment;desensitising the victim to sexual talk/touch; process of control, to allow continuation of abuse and prevent disclosure.
New witness: Juan Patricio Alessi
The prosecution has called a new witness, Juan Patricio Alessi, originally of Quito, Ecuador, but a Florida resident since early 1984.

He worked for a wealthy family in Palm Beach as a maintenance contractor.
Mr Alessi then went to work for Epstein as a housekeeper, having met him while working on billionaire Les Wexner’s mother’s house, he says.
#GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
Alessi describes how things changed with arrival of Maxwell
Mr Alessi testified that after Ms Maxwell became involved with Epstein, things changed and were less cordial at the Palm Beach mansion. She told him that she was “the lady of the house”. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial
He says there was less conversation and he was instructed by Ms Maxwell not to look Epstein in the eyes

The former housekeeper worked 14-hour days and was called John by the pair.

One of his tasks was to put $100 bills in each of Epstein’s cars.
Housekeeper: Maxwell and Epstein shared a bedroom
The former housekeeper Juan Alessi continues his testimony following the lunch break.
He is describing Epstein’s Palm Beach mansion in great detail and a blueprint of the house is visible on screens in the courtroom. Mr Alessi said he painted it pink for Epstein.
Referring to the second floor of the house he says that Ms Maxwell and Epstein shared a bedroom but had separate bathrooms. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
In the morning session, Mr Alessi said that the house had to be run “like a five-star hotel” and “the cars had to be immaculate”. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
When asked to identify Ms Maxwell in the court he appeared to struggle for a moment given that she is wearing a face mask, but their eyes met, she nodded at him and he picked her out correctly as wearing a black sweater.
#GhislaineMaxwell #BreakingNews
He earlier described her as a “pretty girl”, “tall” and “brunette” and said she was with Epstein 95 per cent of the time. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
Mr Alessi says he once flew on Epstein’s first plane, but not the Boeing or Gulfstream.

He also visited the private island, Little St James, while on a cruise to St Thomas with his wife, and once went to Ms Maxwell’s London townhouse on her invitation. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial
Alessi: ‘Degrading’ list of tasks to perform
Mr Alessi says he was given a lengthy checklist of tasks to perform to maintain the house in a 58-page booklet.
He told Ms Maxwell that he could not complete all of the tasks along with his other work, describing to the court how it was enough work for 10 men.

He described it as “very degrading.
#GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
Maxwell lawyer questions Alessi about booklet
Ms Maxwell’s lawyer Jeffrey Pagliuca begins questioning Mr Alessi about the booklet, first confirming that he left Epstein’s employment in 2002.

#GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
He notes that the book of instructions submitted as evidence dates from after Mr Alessi left, but the prosecution counters that he identified pages in the book.

Judge Nathan allows it to be admitted as evidence. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
Comey takes Alessi through checklist
Ms Comey points to some of the instructions in the booklet, asking Mr Alessi to read them out.

They include: “See nothing. Say Nothing”, “Do not discuss your personal problems with guests”, and “Respect their privacy.” #GhislaineMaxwellTrial
Asked what he understood that meant, Mr Alessi replied: “I was supposed to be blind, deaf ... to say nothing.”

Another bullet point stated that he should never disclose the whereabouts or activities of Ms Maxwell or Epstein. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
Personal telephone directories
Ms Comey asks about a reference to JE and GM telephone directories, which Mr Alessi says are two-inch-thick books with hundreds of names, directions, and addresses.
Mr Alessi was instructed to place Ms MAxwell’s book to the right of the phone on her desk and keep stocked two sizes of notepads — one Ghislaine Maxwell and one Lady Ghislaine (the name of Robert Maxwell’s yacht).
Alessi identifies ‘Jane’
Mr Alessi says that two girls at the house appeared to be underage. He identifies Virginia Roberts and the witness known as “Jane” who testified on Tuesday and Wednesday.
He describes her as strikingly beautiful with blue eyes, long brunette hair, tall, and “very pleasant”, and says she appeared to be 14 or 15.

Mr Alessi says she was at the house three times with her mother, then without her mother many times.
Alessi: Two females seemed to be underage.
AUSA: Don't say their names. Jurors, look at the binders under your chairs. GX 12.

#GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
The former housekeeper recalls the day he met Virginia Roberts, saying that Ms Maxwell asked him to stop the car and went to speak with her. Ms Maxwell instructed him to pick up Ms Roberts on other occasions.
Mr Alessi says that Epstein received up to three massages a day — in the morning, in the afternoon, and after dinner, adding “after the movies”.

He also testifies that the previously mentioned phone directories had names for massages listed in them and “Jane” was listed.
He adds that the books were updated twice a year and the old ones were thrown away.
Ms Comey has Mr Alessi look at the directory and asks if he reviewed it last night. He confirms he did and that he looked at every page.

Asked how many names there are, he says: “Many. Many.”
Alessi testimony continues
Ms Comey has resumed her questioning of Mr Alessi following the afternoon recess.

Epstein’s former housekeeper confirms that the directory was updated twice a year and the names of new employees were added and those who had left were removed.
Mr Alessi was asked about photographs in the house and initially responded about pictures of Ms Maxwell and Epstein with famous people.

Asked if there were photos of naked women, he said that there were and they were kept in Ms Maxwell’s desk.
Alessi talks about why he left Epstein’s employment
Ms Comey asked why he left Epstein’s employment and responds “I was sick and I was also very, very tired of the job.”

He says he signed a non-disclosure agreement about both Epstein and Ms Maxwell.
Mr Alessi also admitted that he stole $6,300 from Epstein at a time that his marriage was experiencing difficulties and he was struggling financially.

Ms Comey asks if he was questioned by police, which he says he was, but was not arrested.
He did not pay the money back and did not see Epstein again.
Court adjourns for the day
Ms Comey says she has no further questions, and so with only 13 minutes left of the day, the court adjourns.

Cross-examination of Mr Alessi will begin on Friday morning. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
Ghislaine Maxwell wrote 58 page rule book for staff at Florida mansion
Ghislaine Maxwell wrote a household manual for staff working at Jeffrey Epstein’s Florida home. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
The 58-page-long rule book instructed employees to “see nothing, hear nothing, say nothing”, a former housekeeper to Epstein revealed in testimony to the court on Thursday. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
Ghislaine Maxwell 58-page household manual is an exhibit at the Ghislaine Maxwell Trial. Here are a few pages.
#GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews ImageImageImage
Returning to the stand this morning will be Jeffrey Epstein’s longtime housekeeper, Juan Alessi. He’ll face questions from Maxwell’s defense team. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
On Thursday, Alessi testified that he found a “large dildo” several times while cleaning up after Epstein’s massages in the mid 1990s. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
The sex toy, Alessi said, was kept in a basket in Maxwell’s closet at the estate, which also had pornographic tapes and a leather black costume. Maxwell lorded over employees at the estate as the “lady of the house,” he added.
Housekeeper grilled about stealing from Epstein. Epstein’s longtime housekeeper, Juan Alessi, was grilled by defense attorney Jeffrey Pagliuca about breaking into the financier’s home and swiping cash about two years after he stopped working for him. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial
Alessi told prosecutors yesterday that he stole $6,300 after entering Epstein’s Palm Beach home one night in 2004 because he was going broke.
On Friday, Pagliuca pointed Alessi to testimony he gave under oath in 2009. The housekeeper said in that testimony that he actually entered the house twice. Alessi said Friday he stole the cash to pay for immigration papers for one of his friends. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial
Pre-trial proceedings
Before the jury was brought in this morning, pre-trial proceedings included whether certain evidence should be admitted. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
This includes schoolgirl costumes found in the massage room and art sexualising minors. This follows Mr Alessi’s testimony on Thursday about his duties including cleaning the massage room after it was used, and finding sex toys there. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #breakingnewsturkey
Cross-examination of former housekeeper underway
The defence counsel is cross-examining Epstein’s former housekeeper Juan Alessi, after his detailed description of life inside the Palm Beach mansion on Thursday. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
He testified about remembering seeing two girls in Epstein’s house who appeared to be minors. The first, “Jane,” testified earlier this week including graphic descriptions of her abuse.
The second was Virginia Giuffre, whose civil suit against Ms Maxwell helped spark her criminal prosecution.
Entered into evidence are two photos of Ms Giuffre who Mr Alessi described as looking young. Epstein’s former pilot said on Monday that she was a “woman” #GhislaineMaxwell
Mr Alessi said on Thursday that Epstein and Ms Maxwell would call him John, not his actual name, Juan.

In cross-examination, he says that everyone called him John and he did not take offense. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
On Thursday he admitted that he stole $6,300 from Epstein when his marriage was falling apart and he was struggling financially. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
Ms Maxwell’s lawyer asks whether he actually stole money twice, which he admits that he did. Mr Alessi says he went back to the house and stole $5,600 from Epstein’s briefcase. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
He testified in September 2009 that he stole twice from his employer. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
The questioning returns to the Palm Beach house.

Mr Alessi says that when Epstein was going to be in residence he only wanted him and his wife there — no contractors.

The former housekeeper describes the setup as “slavery”.
Asked if Epstein liked to show off the house to famous visitors, Mr Alessi snaps that he does not know what his former boss liked to do. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
“He had very little contact with me in the later years,” says Mr Alessi, prompting an accusation that his testimony is inconsistent as he had previously said his direct supervisor was Epstein. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
“He would deal with me directly, and if he was not available, Ms Maxwell.”

Mid-morning recess has been called.
#GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
Cross-examination resumes
Mr Alessi is now being questioned about Virginia Giuffre and meeting her at Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump’s property in Palm Beach, per his testimony. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
He confirms that he recalls it was a hot day but there is a dispute as to whether he said it happened in 2001 or 2002.

On Thursday he testified about seeing Ms Giuffre: “She looked young. She had blonde hair, and she had a long white uniform, like the nurses.”
Defence asks if Alessi is guilty of sex trafficking
Ms Maxwell’s lawyer asks if Mr Alessi arranged massages for Epstein and whether that makes him a sex trafficker. The prosecution immediately objects. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
Pictures of Maxwell taken down when other women visited
Mr Alessi said that his former boss: “never shared anything about his personal life with me”.

“He never suggested, implied, or tell me anything about it.”
The former housekeeper also said that he was told to remove pictures of Ms Maxwell when other women vistied the house. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
Alessi says he would have done something to stop wrongdoing had he known of it
As the cross-examination of MR Alessi drew to a close, he was asked if he ever heard someone screaming in distress or looking afraid.

“No, sir. Never.” #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
Asked if he ever saw any sign that someone was hurt or injured or any sign of violence in the massage room, he also replies that he did not.

#GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
Ms Maxwell’s attorney asks if anyone ever complained to him, to which he responds: “I wish they would have, because I would have done something to stop it.”
#GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
Asked if he believed those sent to perform massages on Epstein were “of age”, he said that he believed so.

Cross-examination concludes with no redirect.
#GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
Rules written by Ghislaine Maxwell
#GhislaineMaxwell #JeffreyEpstein #BreakingNews ImageImage
New witness: Gregory Parkinson, crime scene investigator
Assistant US Attorney Maurene Comey welcomes Gregory Parkinson, a crime scene investigator to the stand. Now retired, he once worked as a crime scene manager with the Palm Beach Police Department. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial
Mr Parkinson describes visiting Epstein’s property on 20 October 2005 on a report of a theft of currency. He met Epstein at the property and went into the garden room and the lake room, which was used as a study, and then into the kitchen area. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial
Jeffrey Epstein's house i'is Florida in 2019.
#GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews Image
Mr Pagliuca asked the witness about an order given by Epstein to remove all photos of Ms Maxwell before he entertained other female guests.

Mr Alessi said it would have occurred about three or four times. #BreakingNews #GhislaineMaxwellTrial
“You never told Ms Maxwell about removing the other pictures?” asked Mr Pagliuca. “It was a secret between you and Mr Epstein.”

Mr Alessi became agitated in the witness box, replying: “It was not a secret, it was a mandate.” #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
When asked again if it was a secret, Mr Alessi said: “He never shared any of his personal life with me… he never suggested, implied anything.”

He was then asked why he thought he was told to take the pictures down.

“I have no idea.” #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
Afternoon session begins
The jury, but not the media or public, are being shown a video of the search warrant execution at Epstein’s Palm Beach house.
Crime scene investigator Gregory Parkinson is answering Assistant US Attorney Maurene Comey’s questions about it, noting the three-car garage and photos of Epstein with Pope John Paul II and Fidel Castro.… #BreakingNews
Video walkthrough of the Epstein house concludes and the prosecutor instructs Mr Parkinson to look at three exhibits. #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews

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3 Dec
#BREAKING | Visitor logs ‘reveal Epstein visited Clinton White House on 17 occasions'
Newly released White House visitor logs have reportedly revealed that Jeffrey Epstein visited the building 17 times during former President Bill Clinton’s first term in office. #BreakingNews Image
The logs, obtained by MailOnline, allegedly show that on one occasion Epstein visited the White House several times in one day. #BillClinton #GhislaneMaxwellTrial #JeffreyEpstein
He was reportedly invited to visit by aides, but the logs show that Epstein visited the West Wing on several occasions, during which time it is possible that he met with President Clinton. #BreakingNews #BillClinton
Read 7 tweets
1 Dec
Ghislaine Maxwell Trial LIVE UPDATE Day 3.

#breakingnews #GhislaineMaxwell #GhislaineMaxwellTrial Image
Just prior to Judge Nathan calling for the 5pm close of the day’s proceedings, Ms Menninger has shown a document showing that “Jane” did not apply for financial aid or a scholarship prior to meeting Epstein — despite her testimony about her family’s financial problems.
Defence will pursue this line of questioning tomorrow.. Day 2 ended with this.
We'll resume Day 3 live updates as soon as court is on session.

#GhislaineMaxwell #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #BreakingNews
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