@ReallyAmerican1@MeidasTouch The Dems NEED Re-branding! New avatar, new messaging, new reaching out to those who most need to hear it. POUND this new icon as if it were a brand new Burger joint! (ex: We are Democrats. We've always been the Party to help America and Americans!"..
"We want to give you better jobs. Better pay! We want to help you pay your bills, move to a better house!..." Give EXAMPLES in clear, SIMPLE language! Stop using big words and high concepts! Keep it SIMPLE! REBRAND and REACH OUT! De-emphasize "social justice", push FREEDOM ...
My dad helped liberate this concentration camp in WWII. It is worth looking at to remember what a nation driven insane by a dictator is capable of. People say "How did it happen?" It happened when people followed an insane hateful cult leader, very much like Donald Trump.
Here is the testimony of my Dad's Squadron leader Curtis Whiteway who gave his testimony to the Holocaust Museum so people will never forget. Read and never forget:
(If you have little time, start on page 3) collections.ushmm.org/oh_findingaids…
My dad would be the first to say that Veterans Day is not about him, but about all the men he served with and in fact, all veterans.
He served in the 99th division during World War II. He was a replacement for those who died at the Battle of the Bulge. He helped liberate a
concentration camp that was part of the Dachau system. It was so horrible he couldn't talk about it. He slept in foxholes in blizzards with bullets and bombs flying all around him. He was part of a Squadron in which only 13 of them survived. They called them the Lucky 13.
I'm proud to honor him today.
It pains me today, and I know it would pain him to know that people today won't even wear a mask to protect their fellow Americans. This is a photo of my dad. He turned 19 on the Siegfried Line. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siegfried…
An ESSENTIAL article re Trump using Putin's playbook to do what he did: divide us and weaken our our Democracy - to destroy it.
Intel expert says "Trump and his fellow Republicans seem to have taken up the playbook of Russia and created their own ... rawstory.com/trump-takes-ru…
propaganda machine...
Nance explained that it was a tactic Russians used where they combined an information warfare strategy where they flood a country with so much misinformation that a country would welcome an invasion without a war."
"...their control over conservative television stations like Fox News and OAN enabled them to indoctrinate their own followers into believing some of the most insane things ever crafted."
FACTS I have learned over the last year:
* two bipartisan Senate Intel reports state that Trump is a counterintelligence threat and there is much evidence that he was/IS a Russian asset
* Putin used troll farms that spread lies on social media to help get Trump elected, and
also to spread lies to incite the anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers
*Zuckerberg helped Trump use Facebook to spread his lies to get elected
* former CIA officials, Senators, and Pres. Carter believe that Trump stole the 2016 election with help from Russia; Russia also tried to
help him win the 2020 election
* the Insurrection/coup attempt was planned and incited by Trump, White House officials, GOP elected officials and domestic terrorists such as the Proud Boys
* Repug/#GQP officials throughout the country have now passed laws in their states to
America is on life support. While POTUS is doing an admirable job, the #GQP are running roughshod over our Democracy! Sedition and Insurrection have gone unpunished! Seditionists in Congress and the Senate and formerly in the White House! Where is the justice?? Where?! When?! 👇
We all wanted to believe the @TheJusticeDept and @FBI have this. We want to believe those who incited the #TrumpCoupAttempt will be indicted and imprisoned! But it's 10 mo. later and NOT ONE of those seditionists in our government have been indicted! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!
I hope the DOJ and FBI ARE preparing to issue indictments to Trump, Stone, Flynn, Lindell, Alexander, Jones, Don Jr, et al! But time is running out! Our Democracy is dying due to Fox News and FB lies and #GQPTraitorsToDemocracy and #GQPDomesticTerrorists and brainwashed Trumpers!
Important: I have recently become aware of the #GQP technique of keeping everybody in a state of outrage. In that way, controlling the news cycle. Trump did it. And the other technique is gas-lighting. By making you feel that you are in a crazy world. Making you think what you..
...saw and heard is not what you saw and heard. This is a psychological technique to create chaos and confusion, which is what the #GQPTraitorsToDemocracy want. Trumpers buy every lie...
Take the vaccine for instance: we all know it is safe, but the GQP gaslights them into ...
...believing Invermectin, a dangerous animal medication, is better. This is "gaslighting". It is the only platform of the GQP as they try to appeal to Trump's base of gullible dummies. And dominate the news cycle.#Cult45#TrumpCult#PutinsPuppets#GQPGaslighters#GQPOutrage#Fox