This site ranks the 5,000 most highly rated (with the most stars) Github users, companies, and repositories.
And if you log in, you can find out your own rating. As you can see, I'm at 10931 among all users.
Github Osint Thread🧵#3
Star History
The link to the repository gives a history of growth of the number of stars (so you can see when the repository was in the trends or calculate the accrual of stars).
This service compares multiple repositories and determines which one was created earlier, which has more forks and stars. This can be useful to find the original source among projects with the same name.
Another search engine that supports regular expression searches on code repositories (not only on Github, but also on similar services). It is partly paid.
It is possible to search an individual repository.
Github Osint Thread🧵#9
For researching repositories for private data, there's a great thing called Github Dorks.
One of the most comprehensive is the list from @obheda12
Github Osint Thread🧵#10
Note that Github Dorks should not be entered into a Google search and these dorks work for other open source hosting services as well.
I have a special Google Custom Search Engine to search 20 such services at once.
They allow you to filter users, companies, and repositories based on many different criteria.
Github Osint Thread🧵#12
Gathering information about a Github user often does not work without running code from their repositories. To run some project in Python, Go, ShellScript or JS directly in your browser, use the link " "+link to repository.
Github Osint Thread🧵#13
GitHub Repository Size
Before you download or run any repository in Gitpod, keep in mind that its files can be huge.
This simple extension will help you check this point:
And this online IDE comes in handy when you need to quickly browse a repository consisting of html files. It allows you to see the files look very quickly in the browser:
Enter Github username and get detailed statistics of profile: languages, issues, forks, stars and much more.
Github Osint Thread🧵#19
It shows a visual representation of the temporal distribution of user changes in the repositories. You can visually see "productivity peaks" and see which days of the week a person is most active.
A repository with text files containing a million dorks for finding potentially vulnerable web pages and sensitive data (in Google and other search engines).
- search engines
- AI image editing tools to enhance the quality of search results
- how to reverse face image search without photos
- quick face search on video
- protect yourself
#osint #socmint
When searching on Google, use not only Lens, but also the OLD image search (which gives very different results). You can access it using this tool:
A very good tool for searching for faces and images in general, which is often more effective than Google. It also recognises text in images and translates it.
Is it possible to use neural networks to create a whole series of photos of one person for a fake social network profile ("sock puppet")?
I show by examples the possible way of solving the problem (this is not an easy way ).
In order to successfully pretend to be another person on the Internet, you need a series of photos in different places and different clothes. But it's a lot of work to make these (even with AI).