Camellia Tea Ceremony Profile picture
Jan 12, 2022 9 tweets 10 min read Read on X

In many countries Christmas decorations are taken down on the 12th day of Christmas (January 6th), also known as Epiphany. To keep them up any longer is nowadays considered bad luck.
But what about Japan? Well, that depends where you live. ImageImageImageImage
In Japan the New Year holiday period is known as 'Matsu-no-uchi' (松の内).
From December 13th ('Shōgatsu-goto Hajime' 正月事始め) preparations for welcoming the New Year begin: pine decorations are cut/bought ('Matsu-mukae' 松迎え) & the house is cleaned ('Susu-harai' すす払い). ImageImageImageImage
When does the New Year period end?
Well, in eastern Japan it usually finishes on January 7th, but in western Japan it goes on until the 15th.
In 1662 the Shōgun fixed January 7th as the 'end' of the New Year...but this decree arrived late in the west, so they settled on the 15th.
Originally the New Year ended on January 15th, followed by 'kagami-biraki' (鏡開き-consuming of the decorative rice cakes) on the 20th.
As the gods are said to dwell in the kagami-mochi (鏡餅) for the festive period, they could only be eaten after New Year was safely over.
#Japan ImageImageImageImage
This thread will get you up to speed with 'kagami-mochi' and Japan's New Year traditions🎍🍊⬇️

#Japan #NewYear #正月 #Kyoto #京都 Image
Tokugawa Iemitsu's (徳川家光) death on April 20th 1651 made the 20th of each month a memorial day, necessitating the moving of kagami-biraki from January 20th.
At first the 11th was selected, but this was still within the New Year period & the gods would still be in attendance! ImageImageImageImage
To solve this problem the government decided that the New Year period would, from 1662, end on January 7th. Kagami-biraki could thus safely be held on the 11th.
Many places in west Japan, including the capital, ignored the new edicts and stuck to the original date.
From January 15th-19th (although the New Year period ends on the 7th nowadays, it ended on the 15th in the Edo period) the New Year decorations are taken to shrines to be ceremonially burnt to release the 'Toshigami'.
This event is known as 'Dondoyaki' (どんど焼き).
#Japan #Kyoto ImageImageImageImage
Because New Year decorations act as an invitation and conduit for the gods to visit, it is important that they are not simply thrown away.

Most shrines have a small box for disposing of (by burning) old charms, votive tablets & decorations.

Photo thanks- ImageImageImageImage

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May 28, 2024

Kyōto was once home to the greatest statue of Buddha in all Japan.
4m taller than Tōdai-ji's Daibutsu, the statue stood in an immense hall in precincts now taken up by Toyokuni-jinja and Hōkō-ji (remnant of the original Buddha's home).

The great hall and last (vastly smaller) incarnation of Kyōto's Daibutsu are sadly lost, but within the neighbourhood (where once the temple precincts sprawled) are a series of wonders.
They include a great bell that brought down a ruling clan, an exploding cow, & a tomb of ears.


Having seized control of the country after the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600, Tokugawa Ieyasu calmly waited for an excuse to destroy the rival Toyotomi clan.
His chance came with the forging of a new bell and an inscription that could be read as a threat.

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Aug 21, 2023
At first glance the teahouse garden appears to be made up of mostly moss, pine & camellia...but if you look more closely the borders are packed thick with dozens of varieties of plants.
One of the most beautiful at this time of year is the "Monkey's Slide".

More commonly known as crape myrtle (百日紅), older generations in Japan fondly call the tree 'saru suberi' (サルスベリ the "monkey's slide").
The bark of the tree is so smooth that even monkeys struggle to get a foothold!

#Kyoto #京都 #Japan #百日紅 #サルスベリ #IwataMonkeyPark

Crape (also crepe) myrtle gets its name from the appearance of its flowers, which look very much like crepe paper.
Blooming from mid-summer through to autumn, the flowers (commonly bright pink) are also known in Japan as 'hyakujitsukō' (百日紅 'red for 100 days').

#Japan #百日紅

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Jun 19, 2023

One of the Shōren-in's (青蓮院) most striking features greets you as you enter the drawing room...a series of bold coloured lotuses, blooming across 60 panels.
Begun in 2005, the work was created by the artist 'Ki-yan' (キーヤン/Kimura Hideki 木村英輝).
#Japan ImageImageImageImage
When visiting Shōren-in, Kimura was suddenly inspired to fill the drawing room's plain fusuma with colour.

It took him two years to complete the 3 sets of lotus paintings (蓮三部作)...
🪷"Blue Illusion" (青の幻想)
🪷"Amitabha's Pure Land" (極楽浄土)
🪷"Hymn of Life" (生命賛歌) ImageImageImageImage
Why all the blue lotuses?🤔

Shōren-in was originally constructed atop Mt Hiei as a lodging facility for monks serving at Enryaku-ji.

Shōren-bō was named after a nearby pond in which blue lotus flowers bloomed ('shōrenge'). Many famous monks, such as Saichō & Ennin, lived here.… Image
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May 11, 2023

It's been a while since I've done a #folklorethursday, so here's some local, rather less well-known tales.

Demizu was once home to Toyotomi Hideyoshi's lavish palace 'Jurakudai' (聚樂第), and the area has many strange wonders.
#Kyoto #京都 ImageImageImageImage
Kannon-ji's 'Gate of 100 Lashings' (観音寺 百叩きの門) belonged originally to the prison at Fushimi Castle (伏見城). When the castle was dismantled the doorway was gifted to the temple🏯🚪🩸😰👋

The gate is just 1 of the '7 Wonders of Demizu' (出水の七不思議).
#Kyoto #京都 #出水 ImageImageImageImage
Before prisoners were set free they underwent a final punishment at the prison gate...a warning to stay on the straight & narrow.
They were lashed 100 times with a piece of split bamboo across the back. It was agonizing, & sometimes deadly!

Image thanks🙇‍♂️ ImageImageImageImage
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May 10, 2023
'May Sickness' (五月病 'gogatsu-byō') is a term for a seasonal disorder that strikes just as Golden Week comes to an end.
After the flurry of changes that take place each April, it may seem like May should be smooth sailing, but returning to work/school after the break is tough. ImageImageImageImage
It may seem like a small thing, but sweets absolutely help lift a gloomy mood...


Kameya Yoshinaga (亀屋良長) has done the impossible and perfectly captured the blue skies & cotton puff clouds of May in sweet form☺️

The wonderful 'hikōki-gumo' (ひこうき雲)✨ ImageImageImageImage
While 'May Blues' doesn't sound particularly serious, in some cases it can lead to depression, anxiety & insomnia.
In April the new school/work year begins, and there's a feeling that Golden Week only helps exacerbate feelings of disorientation, mental exhaustion, & apprehension.…
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Apr 20, 2023
Astonishingly the temperature will soar close to 30 degrees today...the hottest day of the year so far😓

As this heat is a little unexpected we swooped on Ishidatami (石畳) for their famous matcha soft serve (抹茶ソフトクリーム). Fresh matcha is kneaded into the ice-cream🍵🍨🙌 ImageImageImageImage
Fresh matcha as an ingredient in cooking and baking tends to lose its flavour quickly, and so Ishidatami doesn't serve ice-cream older than 3 hours, preferring instead to make new batches throughout the day😮

#Kyoto #京都 #matcha #抹茶 #icecream #Ninenzaka #二年坂 ImageImageImageImage
Another favourite (though much pricier) way to cool down is with Oimatsu's (老松) cheerful 'natsukan-tō' (夏柑糖 'sugared Chinese citron')🍊🥰

#Kyoto #京都 #夏柑糖 #老松 #oimatsu #Japan #citron #chinesecitron #orange
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