I first heard of @boundless_HQ 2 years ago. @Cian_nineDots had spoken to the team and was convinced they were onto something.
I didn't know much about the complexities of remote employment, I mainly worked with overseas talent in contracting roles or Irish people as employees.
I had a call with @DeeCoakley and Eamon to hear more about what they were doing.
I'd known about Eamon's track record from SaaS circles, and was already interested. But all I knew about Dee was from some friends who had worked a few layers below her in previous companies.
All it took was a 30 minute call with Dee leading the charge for me to understand a few things:
📖 I was speaking to someone who knew their topic inside and out.
🔥They were on to something huge, even bigger than they were describing.
❔I was going to need this product very soon
I decided to join an investment round, it was a good time for me personally to get involved in something like this.
The team were very clear - they guarantee nothing, most startups fail.
From day 1 communication has been extraordinary.
I've seen a few tweet from @ConnorPM on the topic of founder communication, and they're so true.
Founders that communicate to their investors seem to be the ones that succeed.
I'm super excited to see where the team take this product, keep doing what you're doing.