The first question was why, as per the ministers own tweet, he was only isolating after he rapid tested positive despite symptoms.
His Comms advisor corrected that by saying Copping was isolating immediately, implication being Coppings tweet was just poorly written.
To be clear, the current restrictions on ONE of the government websites is that anyone with symptoms must isolate.
As you can clearly see here…
But as per Brett, Copping was isolating immediately, so that’s good news.
But then people were asking why he took four tests.
It’s not what Hinshaw has said, in fact she has been very clear that symptoms should be treated as COVID, regardless of rapid test results.
But we're curious so we wanted to see what the current government
instructions are for rapid testing guidelines.
So we literally googled "alberta rapid test guidelines"
As you can see here.
Now the first hit directs you to the government website that we shared above.
We wanted to know the specific rapid testing guidelines though, so we took a look at the second link..
Which directs you to this...
As you can see, this document is dated January 2022…
But lets take a look at the section that would have been relevant to Copping, the negative test section.
It says quite clearly to take two tests (not 4).
But that's iust the beginning…
This is where the wheels come off.
According to this document, which is completely in contradiction of the other government website, a second negative test, regardless of symptom status means that you can go about your day.
Feel free to read that more than once.
We did.
So what we have is two government websites/documents that are publicly available, appear by all reasonable measure to be current and that completely contradict each other.
Is it really any wonder why we’re in the mess that we’re in?
After our episode on the skybox network, we received a number of documents.
Today’s Globe & Mail report is prompting us to release one.
If authentic, they show direct govt intervention on behalf of ASG.
If authentic, this is the first page of a ministerial order signed by Adriana Lagrange declaring that because of the disintegration of AHS, government would be mandating Chartered Surgical Facilities.
The second page further clarifies, defines and mandates that AHS will follow government direction on the contracting of Chartered Surgical Facilities.
A few months ago on an unplanned visit to the Counter Signal, we noticed something weird and oddly familiar.
Banner ads advertising for the Government of Alberta.
Not dissimilar from the ones that the Western Standard runs...
You might remember that we FOIP'ed the Western Standard ads and while we didn't get how much money the Alberta Government sent to the Western Standard, we did get a list of the campaigns.
So we were pretty sure that the Counter Signal was also getting some money sent their way.
Smith is having a presser to announce a $29 million spend on a new unit for the Sheriff’s.
She’s getting new vehicles, drones and creating a 2 KM buffer on the border, invoking the critical infrastructure defense act, & putting the sheriff’s in charge.
#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli
Mike Ellis - We’ve gotta get control the 298 km because drug traffickers and gun drealers are crossing the border!
Ellis - I’ve tried to do everything I can to get the border under control. That’s why we’re strategically deploying Sherrifs, K-9, 10 drones to set up our own inspection stations.