Casinos are inherently fraudulent criminal enterprises that prey on weakness and offer unaffordable vice as an enticement. Between losing $100 to a slot machine or setting 100 $1 bills on fire, I have found more enjoyment in the latter.
Free to pollute our waterways if you're a large company or developer. But if you live here you're gonna have to pay out of pocket everytime you drive on our highways.
It's not an open and shut case, but the #OperationAvalanche continues. Prosecutors don't convene grand juries because they are hoping to find a crime. They do it when they have found a crime, and want the criminal to be charged. 👀
Are we trying to legalize pot, or sell it to kids? And where does that line get drawn in marketing and advertising? The only stigma that still exists about pot smoking is that it makes people stoned. Which isn't a stigma. Lol.
If you need more proof that the #RPOF is COMPLETELY rotten af, look no further than this 🧵. Only ONE republican crossed over to vote against a bill which basically indemnifies criminals orgs with your local tax dollars.
First China, now Russia...I'll bet U.S. follows suit in the near future, but it won't be a ban, probably serious regulations. First the SEC, then legislation. It affects finance, cybersecurity, energy production, illicit commerce...
Good's like organized crime has completely taken over #Florida. The cherry on top of 💩 mountain, they are trying to change the state song to "It's A Small World (After All)" Seriously.
2/ Gerrymandering is one of the ways that Republicans cheat. It allows them to have 2/3rds of the legislative seats when they only get about 50% of the votes.
#ErikPrince and James O'Keefe are the ratf*ck extroardinaires #RogerStone Steve #Bannon needed. Sprinkle a little #Flynn in there, and you've got a military grade political hack squad ready to fill their own pockets no matter how bad it is for the U.S.