The #kraken. Well, it to tickled me to no end that a bunch of pirates were clamoring for a giant ship-eating octopus. Will she be disbAAAARed? Maybe AAAARRthur Anderson knows. ๐ดโโ ๏ธ
When #DeSantis says he stands with #Nazis, believe him. They claim they are marching for life...while opposing COVID vaccines and supporting forced births.
Republicans are taking over university boards and twisting a knife into academic freedom throughout the state. FIU President just resigned and the money ppl have taken over. DeSantis twitter trolls are attacking ppl who point this out.
The assault on academic freedom and integrity in Florida by the DeSantis admin is ubiquitous and pernicious. People should definitely be asking what happened at FIU.
Republicans think they're attacking the press, but really they're attacking the truth. I can't believe we have to live through this shit, tbh. They need to be driven from power and into the sea if that's what it takes. Until then, things won't get better.
A coup plot is nothing without a military commander. In fact, most coup plots ORIGINATE with top members of a nation's military. Especially, the right wing coup plots. Here:
The letters from congress to Trump admin department heads were a key part of the plans to overthrow the election results. More than almost anyone else, this is who the @January6thCmte should be issuing subpoenas to.
The GOP will not change, they must be beaten and disempowered. The lying is shameless, the corruption is relentless, and they have truly become anti-democracy.
Russia is going to pay a huge price if it invades the Ukraine. It will be the end of Vladimir Putin. Hopefully, he will change course and liberalize his nation, but it's not likely. His only leverage left is brinksmanship, but will he cross the rubicon?
Casinos are inherently fraudulent criminal enterprises that prey on weakness and offer unaffordable vice as an enticement. Between losing $100 to a slot machine or setting 100 $1 bills on fire, I have found more enjoyment in the latter.
2/ Gerrymandering is one of the ways that Republicans cheat. It allows them to have 2/3rds of the legislative seats when they only get about 50% of the votes.
#ErikPrince and James O'Keefe are the ratf*ck extroardinaires #RogerStone Steve #Bannon needed. Sprinkle a little #Flynn in there, and you've got a military grade political hack squad ready to fill their own pockets no matter how bad it is for the U.S.