Prime time cable news host Tucker spends night after night worried about Putin’s interests, not americas interest to advance democracy & strengthen alliances…
We have Tucker Carlson pushing Russian foreign policy via TV/social media to American political right & Snowden suddenly chirping about peace to American political left on social media = convergence
Several scenarios to worry about in 2022. Namely that an office holder at state/ local level does not respect the outcome of confirmed vote tallies, interferes with voting/counting, claims they won when they did not and refuses to leave office.
This would set off a chain reaction if protests/counter protests with high probability of violence
Some takeaways in online DOMEX over last year. 1 - Telegram new home for many extremist collectives 2 - Gab substitute for FB/Twitter, 3 - smaller platform worry about is GETTR (Threats violence)
Preferences for extremists on social media mirror rest of society to a degree. Younger generation quicker adapt to newer, more advanced tech platforms. Older generation extremists want something like Facebook.
"Where Did All the Insurrectionists Go?" It's been nearly a year since the insurrection of #Jan6. Here's an assessment one year later on the U.S. domestic extremism scene in 2022…
3 trends to watch on Jan 6, 2022. 1 - Extremism has shifted from national to local, 2 - Race motivated violent extremism still top threat & evolving, 3 - Collision of anti-government & conspiracy ideologies. A year of shifts in .gif
.@MiburoSolutions@_NickMonaco released a 6 part series on China's continued employment of cross-platform, social media, disinformation campaigns. CCP seeks to re-write history on western social media, check out the campaign in this thread. 1/6…
As a reminder, this is the entire point of Russian Active Measures. For the Kremlin, it has clearly worked. 🇺🇸 has disabled 🇺🇸. “Win through the force of politics, rather than the politics of force”
From the start, Russia's active measures campaigns have sought to elevate outsized voices in U.S. politics that can advance Kremlin goals.…
7 years later, Fox news is broadcast on Russian news & Putin is backed over the U.S. President on nighttime television.…