Good morning from the Ram Ranch!! It's day 687 (it feels like it) of the honkening. Convoy radio is a bit weird this morning. Lots of conspiracy chat this morning, talk of the military being on the side of #ivermectininsurrection and general nonsense. So many lies
We're already in the cum zone
Lots of conspiracy chat
Someone said "pandemic"
A child is here
They're singing terribly
And they're upset about trolls
Gonna be a long day
One lady forgot the lyrics to the national anthem immediately after Oh Canada

Like a true patriot
@JennieVagini is listening to French zello again. Yesterday it got messy with 3 couples breaking up

Some hilarious stuff
We have fun here...but I need you to know why I'm doing this. The women of Ottawa are not safe. I am so worried about them
One woman said "eventually they're going to shut the power down to try to divide us"

Dear reader...I don't know how she thinks this would work
David Rockefeller Jr. Is in a bunker in Pennsylvania

I can't believe that this is a real conversation I'm listening to
If any wonderful trolls are following along, we need to hammer these guys about the fact that their trucks are uninsured while they are in an active occupation. I shared a thread explaining this
Someone should also tell the gta convoy to ottawa channel how close Queens Park is to Sick Kids Hospital

Honking all night and keeping ill children awake all night isn't the best idea
One dude thinks that cashiers are happy to see him when he's not wearing a mask

Darlings, as someone who worked in retail, I guarantee this isn't true
Someone just brought up the gofundme!!! 👀
Ugh! You guys...they're so damn repetitive. Spouting all of the same crap that all of the rat lickers have been saying for 2 years

It's boring
"The only way to protect yourself from a virus is to wear a hazmat suit"

My dears, I don't think that lady passed grade 6 science
This one dude was outside shoveling for an hour and couldn't get RAM RANCH out of his head
He's rattled
Immediately after that, someone played Ram Ranch

Troll: I'm here for the freedom fighters role play

Mod (Sheila): I don't trust that guy

Sheila is a genius, guys
"BLM is a terrorist organization"
They're saying domestic enemy

"Ram Ranch is a disgusting song"

Yeah, but it's fvcking hilarious
Who had "soy boy" on their bingo card??

These guys are really afraid of a bean. Probably because they've never been able to find one.
Their morning prayer was interrupted by Ram Ranch

You love to see it
While it's not my style you cannot deny the efficiency of the trolls who just fire off the word Fvck in rapid succession
I'm against body shaming in any form, but I saw a girlie in Ottawa on TikTok who had a sign that said "Honk if you have a tiny penis" and I will make a concession for this
This is a thing of beauty
More class from the "peaceful" honkies
They blocked someone for talking about being vegan!!
They think that there is only one troll who is doing all of this

I don't think any of these people have been living in reality for a long time
They're talking about the counter protests

1. Be safe out there, babies
2. They don't realize that the trolling is a counter protest
I like the song that is the melody of Fur Elise but with lyrics "suck a dick"
"Just so you know Ottawa is very safe right now"

Except for the Jerry cans being pulled on trolleys, and women being harassed
We have a crier!!!
"I've yet to hear anyone say that they've been traumatized by the honks"

Well THAT lady definitely doesn't speak to other humans
There's lots of chatter about vaccines

Y'all..this may shock you, but they don't know what vaccines are
They're talking about the gofundme being shut down. One lady says that they can still get money through etransfers. What she doesn't realize is that American banks do not have etransfers. So the foreign backing isn't an option anymore
Some of them still think that they're going to get the gofundme money

Aren't they cute?!
"God is on our side. God wins! Amen"

Some thoughts on that. Jesus wasn't white. He would have been a socialist. And prioritized vulnerable people
"Aren't the police working with some of the protesters?"

Yes...and it's appalling. @OttawaPolice you have some explaining to do
They're talking again about Tucker Carlson being on their side

Remember...Tucker Carlson is the dude who threw an in air tantrum that a cartoon candy doesn't give him a boner any more

I don't know about you guys, but I wouldn't want him on my side because that's weird!!
Someone mentioned Soros

Check your bingo cards!
"They're trying to make us look bad"

Oh,'re doing a fantastic job of that yourselves
They think we're getting something out of this

That is correct, Les. We are getting lots of laughs, and exposing you for the fools you are

"We get paid the same amount that people get from the gofundme"
Bad singing
"I can't stand these mandates. Can you believe they made me wear a mask at the Ram Ranch?"
Wrong lyrics to Oh Canada
Before this week, I never would have realized that listening to stupidity could give you such a headache
You guys!!! The convoy has the power over this world right now!!!

I just heard the word freedom approximately 800 times in the last 30 seconds
"When it's all said and done you haters are gonna need somewhere else to live"

This was a weird thing for someone to say. Are they going to evict us?
They're arguing about the number of protesters again. Because they don't know how to count
They're trying to say that there were 3 million people in Ottawa on Saturday. For comparison, the Raptors parade in 2019 was attended my 1 million people and the ENTIRE 5 kilometer parade route was completely packed
Confusion over the differences between rights and privileges
Someone is lamenting that the trolls are taking away from the page
One of the mods wants to make a Ram Ranch meme

My darlings are WAAAAY ahead of you, sweetie
Someone talked about delivering a package the Prime Minister
Singing...this time with an old church lady voice, with fake vibrator
One lady is complaining about being censored because of her opinion

In other news, the mods are blocking anyone who says anything negative about the occupation

Makes sense
Channel for the Coutts blockade is convoy Coutts
Les: I do like gay people

Well that's it! I'm convinced!
They are seriously underestimating the number of people there are who are against this illegal occupation and the number of trolls
One guy thinks it's embarrassing that the trolls (who they think are 12 year old) have infiltrated
There are ham radio channels but no one is talking in them
One lady says that the RCMP are lying to people about Coutts

Other guy say that that is a lie
Now they're all talking about being refunded from the gofundme
My loves! This is going to be very surprising to you, but they are very confused about how all of that works
One of them suggested trolling the trolls

I sincerely hope this happens, because it would be hilarious to watch them try
One of them thinks that the trolls can't get partners which can't be true, because speaking for myself...the trolls can get it
Les: why didn't the trolls stop the trucks from getting into Ottawa

Well, gee, Les...maybe because trucks are trucks and trolls are much smaller humans
We have Q slogans
Les is driving to Coutts
Les is denying that he was outside of the gym last night creeping on women. But my dears, we have the receipts of him saying that he was doing just that
Trudeau is in GITMO

Sounds fake
Someone mentioned the leader of ISIS being killed (this actually happened)

They called that person a troll
They are sure that Tamara is going to fix the gofundme issue

They are so shiny and new and full of hope!!!
Weighing in of Trudeau's sexuality

Why that is relevant...I'm not sure
People might be hitchhiking to Ottawa
Les is telling us about his accident
Lady from the US (an entirely different country) thinks she knows how our government works
We've got some tough guys wanting to take things outside
Thanks for the prayers again!!
And the virtual red wine!!!

You know @JennieVagini also needs some prayers
Y'all...this revolution has merch!!
They're talking about their dreams that they wish to come true
Troll: my dream was that there'd be a bunch bunch of dumbasses on Zello that we could fvck with

Baby!!! Your dream came true!!!
They are OBSESSED with Trudeau's half brother
Posted with zero context
They're complaining that their medical procedures are being delayed

But no acknowledgement about the reason for that
Jamie lost visitation with his son because of "the madates"

Father of the year!!!
Les said there would be "carnage" if the police try to do anything to end the occupation
More lies about 2.3 million people being there

They just randomly throw out the biggest number that they can think of
"Can't congress remove Trudeau"

Wrong country there, bud
They're making fun of Jagmeet's name

The way they pronounce it....
Les' Facebook account is suspended

This is absolutely shocking information
They hate the news, but get excited when they get on the news
Brittney is talking about how much fun she had on Saturday

I guess she forgot that she was lost most of the day, got hypothermia, ran out of money, and didn't have a place to stay. Her day sounded AWFUL
I've moved over to ++convoy to ottawa++

The other one was quiet
One guy really wants to go on a vacation

He wants to leave the country, but seems unaware that other countries can deny him entry regardless of the rules here
This one guy talking about what he wants to do when the mandates are lifted reminds me of this girl from Mean Girls
**People of Ottawa regarding the truckers**
I may or may not have the phone number for the trucker helpline
Someone talked about that super weird "Queen of Canada" lady who burned the flag
They're trying to get hotel rooms in Ottawa for Saturday
Ok so they seem to realize that the Queen of Canada lady know

So that's a relief
They're trying to figure out where Gerry Butts is
Now they're talking about the actual Queen
Oh great "can we identify as vaccinated"

Because OF COURSE they would mock trans people
You guys...they want everyone to know that this occupation has NOTHING to do with the vaccine

And now they're whining about vaccines
"It is illegal to cover your face in a protest"

It's not. It's illegal to wear a mask in an unlawful assembly or riot. She said the quiet part out loud
They think that if the public sees them giving blankets to the unhoused, that will make the public like them

OOOORRR...they could give help the unhoused because it's the right thing to do. And they could just go home
Someone brought up grandmothers for freedom

I need you all to know that my legend of a mother is also a grandmother and she thinks all of these clowns are absolutely twatapotomuses
They think they're fvcking martyrs
They're singing Lean on Me

It's terrible
I've heard that on the other channel, Les was talking about his sweaty ass crack

"Neil Young is dead to us now"

Excuse you?! Someone hold my earrings
What is this song??? sucks
They're all writing their own songs now

My dears...the songs aren't good
Hey guys! I just got back from a quick workout! What did I mi....
So I didn't properly credit the creator of the bingo card and I feel like a jerk for that so here's a great sub thread. I'm sorry Jeff!

Les (who is currently lost somewhere in Saskatchewan) says that no one is harassing the people of Ottawa

"Unless honking is harassment"
I mean...yeah it is! Also the other harassment is harassment!!
"The locals love it"
Trudeau is gonna take our guns!!!!

I don't have any guns....
Les is gonna take a picture of sun dogs

If you haven't seen them, they're pretty cool, but he's driving
Did I just hear what I thought I heard?
Someone wants moose sausage

I can't tell if that was a joke or not
They keep saying that the tow trucks in Ottawa aren't going to toe them
They're surprised, again, that women can be trolls
Can I be sued for what I'm saying on Twitter??

No reason for asking. I didn't hear anything in the chat about it

More bewilderment that a woman was a troll

Misogyny, y'all
"Everything you own came on the back of these trucks"

Larry, I don't think it was THESE trucks specifically. More likely the trucks driven by the 90% of truckers who's heads aren't in their asses
They're mad that this isn't on the news

The same people who say several times a day that they refuse to watch the news
"I actually thought that Satan or the devil...would have a better...I don't even know"
They're complimenting themselves for planning this so well

Darlings...this wasn't planned at all
"They should be afraid...very very afraid"

Apparently the trolls are making it too easy for the mods

Y'all know what to do's been a while since I've heard someone call it crank
Someone wants restrictions in this channel
Meemaw said that Austria is arresting people for being unvaccinated

Meemaw is a liar
Les is wondering if antifa cares about other people

Bitch!! Do you?!
"The outdoors is one of the best places to play"

This is correct...and you can do that even WITH mandates
These guys are upset about things that never happened
Why was that lady talking about her bird?

I'm starting to understand why they hate restrictions so much, they bore even themselves
They are so oppressed you guys!!

So very oppressed
Every time I think it's safe to turn up the volume, a troll comes in screaming!!
"Pierre Pollyvair"

I love hearing them trying to pronounce French names
I think Les thinks that the media can somehow remove a prime minister from office
They think the media told them to to home

Pretty sure the people of Ottawa told them to go home
"Get your charter of rights and know them"

Lady, they couldn't get through section 1
They really LOOOOOOOOVE this person who they just learned about and who's name they also keep messing up
Popped over to the ++ channel for a second. They were talking about getting lawyers and thought Rocco Galati would be good

Dear reader, last I heard about Rocco was that he was in the ICU with covid.
One of them hopes it goes to spring

These are the people who say that the trolls have no lives
They're telling covid jokes

It would be less offensive if they were any good. The delivery was also terrible
"Only people with fybromialgia or lime disease drive Peterbuilts"
Natasha, who is singing in Toronto on Saturday, is the most paranoid person I've heard so far
Someone recited this to Natasha!!
Snow dog is flying to a "third world shithole"

None of these people call each other on any of the horrific things they say
I really don't like it when the trolls use slurs
They're trying to get a food truck to the truckers
Natasha thinks that she's being geo-engineered (she might be a troll)

One guy is agreeing with everything she's saying

This may be a long game from Natasha
She's got them talking about chemtrails
They were LOVING on her earlier

And now they're trying very hard not make her mad by telling her that she's wrong

She's telling them that she's not hearing what the protesters want

No one can answer
"Seed clowding"
This is amazing

She's out conspiracying them
Les is leading everyone in breath work

This is a strange pivot
At least there's concensus that covid is real

Not sure how they can call it a plandemic if they know covid is real. Someone get them a dictionary
Natasha is leaving and they're begging her to stay

It's adorable
Les loves the world
Hope everyone is having a great evening! I'm signing off for the night! Sending my love to the people of Ottawa! Check out the donation zone at

Y'all did good today.

- Fin

• • •

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More from @Noellenarwhal

Feb 4
Good morning and happy Friday!! I don't know about you guys but this has been a long week! It might be a quieter day on Convoy radio and that may or may not have something to do with the #RamRanchResistance
A fantastic compilation of organizations to donate to can be found at

Some beauty coming out of this
Some hilarity went down last night where Les finally broke, kicked out all of the mods, and now he is the only person who can speak on his channel.
Read 117 tweets
Feb 2
"Antifa is the nazi, who is calling other people nazis"

He is a human pretzel
Teachers!!! Canada has Marxist training in schools!!

Can you share that curriculum with me?? TIA
"My two daughters had covid and none of us are vaccinated"

They just let anyone have kids these days
Read 139 tweets
Feb 2
Good morning and happy groundhog day!! Are you ready for day 4 of convoy radio? I'm not sure I am but it's happening anyway. Everyone sounds tired and congested. Gone is the excitement and hope of the early days of the #ivermectininsurrection
It's very quiet this morning. Most of the channels are dark.
Trolls have already welcomed us to the cum zone so now they're discussing how to deal with trolls. They think blocking will do the trick. It won't
Read 54 tweets
Feb 1
Good morning everyone!! Back at it listen to convoy radio! I'm slowly descending into madness, but aren't we all? Anywho, it's a quiet morning for the ivermectin insurrection, but one of them accidentally did a communism. They're singing
The trolls were up early and ready to go. There are a lot of conspiracies about Trudeau and O'Toole. I'm still working on my coffee
One parent said she listens to this while homeschooling her kids. learning about the Ram Ranch educational??

I don't think you should multitask teaching your kids
Read 147 tweets
Jan 31
Listening in on Convoy radio again. It's a workday for me, so updates will be slow. Mostly just people saying good morning and the usual pleasantries. Someone is broken down in Ottawa

"Peace love and diesel everybody"
They are concerned that morale is low and truckers are wanting to go home

Read 217 tweets
Jan 30
Today on convoy radio, they're encouraging each other to fires burning in the streets for warmth. Looks like it's gonna be another day

One of the trolls offered Cleveland steamers. I love the trolls
The mods think that the trolls actually care about getting blocked. It's precious
Read 69 tweets

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