The first @OpenWebFoundry event of the year was PACKED full of updates and information on the biggest projects building on @ArweaveTeam
Recording 👉
I have extracted some of the highlights from @al_koii's presentation of @KoiiNetwork in a🧵.. enjoy!
1/ The OWF presentation started with a brief overview of @KoiiNetwork. Founder @al_koii explained that while the world is full of people the attention they have available is actually very limited, making it the scarcest resource in the world.
2/ @KoiiNetwork is working to create a world where creators create content and mine $KOII tokens based on the amount of attention their content receives. That attention is then verified cryptographically through the PoRT (Proofs of Real Traffic) consensus mechanism.
3/ Through this consensus process tokens are created that can be spent or sold to people so they can access Koii Nodes. These nodes are then engaged in streamlining dApp building and deployment.
4/ Next, a comparison was made between the traditional "centralized" world and where we are in the current process of #decentralization. While #web3 has made real progress by decentralizing databases onto Arweave we are still need to build out decentralized server functionality.
5/ Koii aims to bring about server layer functionality by providing many different kinds of microservices like web scraping, indexing etc. @al_koii announced that in approx. 1 month's time Koii will be releasing a new settlement layer.
6/ This new settlement layer called "K2" will facilitate independent Koii Node transactions and settlements. K2 will be based on a fork of Solana and use a kind of epoch based consensus.
7/ Next, we were shown the new Koii Docs portal at which features an overview of all the primary aspects of Koii as well as a template library for developers.
8/ The templates will help developers easily start building, earning $KOII, and using the Koii technology stack in their dApps. A crowdfunding template from the new docs portal was featured - showing how easy it can be to create a decentralized website with a Koii-X template.
9/ @al_koii showed us a mockup example of a Plagiarism Registry DAO crowdfunding portal – and demonstrated how it could track pledges in multiple cryptocurrencies while also having a graphic representation of the campaigns progress😎
11/ The portal can use built-in wallet hooks and issue #NFTs/#PSTs (Although Koii does not have an actual Plagiarism Dao at this time – I think it's pretty interesting they chose this as an example and I expect we will be hearing more about Koii’s plans to fight plagiarism...)🧐
12/ Finally – Al mentioned that the Koii team will be hosting a workshop showing just how easy it is to launch a Crowdfunding Portal using Koii-X at the upcoming #ETHDenver conference.
I took a few photos over the weekend. It felt good to get out and I pressed the shutter, I realized I wasn't just taking a photo, I was also mining $KOII 🤯
How is this possible? A short 🧵on what $KOII is and how you can mine @KoiiNetwork tokens with a camera.
1/ Cryptographic tokens are mined through consensus mechanisms (i.e. Bitcoins Proof of Work) the @KoiiNetwork has a unique consensus mechanism called Proof of Real Traffic or PoRT whereby $KOII is mined through the verified traffic that visits a particular piece of content.
2/ When you take a photo and upload it to the @KoiiNetwork it is registered as an Atomic NFT and stored permanently on the #Arweave permaweb.