(1\8) “It needs to be brought up over & over again that Mark Zuckerberg first iteration of #Facebook@Meta was to rate women on campus against their will on whether they were hot or not. This is very telling of where his mentality is in general. He took a machiavellian $eGLD $GNG
(2\8) approach to all things. The end justify’s the means. This grabs a lot of people that focus on the EGO a lot because they have this freedom to play GOD which is very appealing to Mark & to his credit I think he tries to use that power to effect good but the lore of his
(3\8) core of how he started is very strong at the same time. He is a researcher of the metrics. He is an engineer of the psyche. This is not someone I want to rule WEB3. He already dominated WEB2 & we saw what he did w/ that power. So very much the reason for creating a @Gnogen
(4\8) Metaverse because we don’t have too. I could have just sold comics & animation shows, then gone on to movies & continued to create NFTs. I would have been set for life. The reason for going after the Metaverse is because the people in power that created WEB2 are at
(5\8) the best position to dominate WEB3. We just can’t allow that to happen. I will die on that hill, we can’t let that happen.
We have all heard by now that we have heard that @Microsoft paid $69 Billion to acquire @Activision Blizzard you don’t buy something for $69 Billion
(6\8) unless it’s the Future. That is basically like buying every TEAM in the @NBA. Buying an NBA TEAM is like the pinnacle a Billionaire’s dream. Microsoft has essentially shown its hand. They are essentially willing to buy the entire NBA. This is a massive RED Flag.
(7\8) This is a huge warning sign 🚨to any intelligent 🧠 person that is building a product please understand the table is set to start all over again. This is a call to action to uphold the values of democracy of giving power to the people who are creating the value behind the
(8\8) products and services & to stand up when your name is called because there is a lot of money in WEB3. There is no need to go work for the overlords again.”
Timeline in which @BankToTheFuture led by @SimonDixonTwitt who has built a career around “financial inclusion” supposedly & helping smaller guy FAILED to protect interests of $CEL token who raised original money/equity
The $CEL token was a way to give “non-accredited” users access to the upside be it through a vehicle that was listed on #DEX (Decentralized Exchanges). Company pivoted for legal reasons to claim it’s purely a “utility” token & why they never listed on USA exchanges & Filed REG. D
Simon @SimonDixonTwitt & @BankToTheFuture knew this & were salivating 🤤 essentially get to legally claim equity in a business that was 2 years old & it would NOT hold up in the court of law as the $CEL token has no legal claim based on ICO in 2017, screwing the small investor in
I am always impressed with @otisa502 & have had many hour long conversations in the past 1+ year. Very intelligent.
I was very impressed with the hard questions he asked @SimonDixonTwitt not at all impressed with the answers he provided especially considering his confidence $CEL
Also, at no point was @otisa502 trying to defend Alex so stop with the #StockholmSyndrome shame tactics. Also, Otis has a far superior pulse on the Celsius community as a whole. He has been involved with almost all the meetings in community. I have been taken back by how
Poorly @SimonDixonTwitt has communicated with the community, particularly around $CEL token, fueling division but this likely is from not understanding how this has been how the community was so strong. We are were the best asset. Also, @otisa502 rightfully called out
As I have walked through life I have discovered some wisdom. A piece that at first I was resistant too. I grew up in a cult religion. I left the cult religion but I did not leave the light. I simply
(2\31) realize that I was following a conceptual framework of GOD that was of a false deity. At first I looked to write new beliefs over my prior beliefs. This is the common practice of the pathological “positive” psychology I seen being passed around as wisdom. Often times we
(3\31) confuse positivity with happiness. Happiness is not about being blind to the negatives in our environment; it’s about believing we have the power to do something about them. If we simply layer “positive thinking” over faulty belief constructs rather than actually
(1\7) Dan,
There is no accurate or perfect answer to this question. W/ that said let me see if I can help to add perspective. *NFA I would say that Metabonding really allows you to get exposure to early projects that may have a high asymmetrical return. It helps
(2\7) to increase the diversity of one’s portfolio as well. If there are projects that end up becoming high quality blue chip projects, this helps to reduce your portfolio risk overall. As of now the LKMEX/EGLD LP Farm has a much higher % return than the Metabonding if I am
(3\7) correct. I believe this may be somewhat of an oversimplification as the % is a function of the level of participation in the specific reward system be it Farms or Metabonding, I believe. I think that one has to take into context this piece of information, as the % of
The Executive order of 1933 was when the USA abolished the Gold Standard & entrusted the private entity of the Federal Reserve to maintain the global financial system via monetary policy.This
(3\26) entrusted the Federal Reserve, leveraging the US banking system & US Govt. (Fiscal Policy) to print US dollars out of thin air in just the right amount to keep financial stability.
All wars have always been predicated around resources, money, control & power. The US
1/ Hi @charliemktplace this deals w/ the architecture of Blockchain to understand. On Elrond $eGLD tokens are built into the protocol NOT Smart Contracts. Read that again. Tokens are built into the protocol. This means the tokens are just like the core "Coin" like $ETH or $eGLD
2/On $ETH the tokens are NOT build into the protocol they are in fact (Smart Contracts). The Smart Contract represents the (Tokens - ERC 20) & #NFT's are the same way they are in fact (Smart Contracts - NOT tokens built into the PROTOCOL) (NFT standards: 721 & 1155) on $ETH This
3/ Means that you are exposed to the inherent risks of Smart Contracts that are coded to represent (Tokens ERC-20 or NFT's 721 & 1155). This means that malicious code can be put into a SMART CONTRACT that represents a token or NFT & sent to your Wallet. If you happen to interact