This new @NavigatorSurvey research is a bit of a must read, and suggests Democrats can take the GOP's current advantage on the economy away from them. 1/
Look at the movement when voters were exposed to the arguments that the economy is in fact better, things are improving, Dems have done a good job.
In our business this is fairly dramatic movement. 2/
This year we will be graded on whether we made things better. We have. Things are better. And we be loud and proud about it. Biden has done a good job. COVID's been a formidable adversary. But we are getting there, together.
This new essay by @crampell does a terrific job of reminding us how the modern GOP has literally no answers to the challenges we face, how unready they are to return to power. 6/
The bottom line - Democrats simply must make selling their economic achievements over decades a far higher priority in the months ahead. The data is just brutal for Republicans. 2/
Just posted a recording of our latest "With Democrats Things Get Better."
It's our indepth look at US politics since the Cold War ended, and what we find is things get better when Dems are in the White House, not so much whens Rs are.
With Dems tells the story of what we call the most important least understood story in US politics today - that one American party has governed well in a time of change and transformation, the other has repeatedly struggled. 2/
The presentation explores, with many data filled slides, perhaps the most important least understood story in US politics today - that when Democrats are in power, things get better. With the GOP, not so much. 2/
Of the 42m jobs created in American since 1989, 40m - 95% - have been created under Democratic Presidents.
It's a stunning statistic, one that perhaps more than any other helps explains why GOP has descended into MAGA. It no longer understands, can manage a changing world. 3/
GDP growth under Biden more than 3 times each of last 3 GOP Presidents
Job growth under Biden 3 times last 3 GOP Presidents COMBINED
40m of 42m jobs created since 1989 - 95% - have come under Dem Presidents.
A thread: 1/
That the economy performs so well under Democrats and does so poorly under Republicans is perhaps the most important least understood story in American politics today.
40m of 42m jobs created since 1989 - 95% - have come under Dem Presidents. 2/
The performance of the US economy in 2021 was truly remarkable.
Strongest GDP growth in almost 40 years.
Over 6m jobs created, three times as many as were created by last 3 GOP Presidents COMBINED. 3/
Incredibly, GOPers saw only 10k jobs created per month over 16 years. 2/
During what has been one of the best years for the American economy in modern history, the unemployment rate has come down 2.4 pts, down now to a very low 3.9%.
In contrast the last 3 GOP Presidents all brought recessions, and rising unemployment rates. 3/
There are few things that have been more foundational to current DC conventional wisdom than redistricting was going to be a disaster for Ds, hand the House to the Rs.
As a veteran of many election cycles here in DC, it is my professional opinion than when it comes to the 2022 elections I would rather be us than them.
Rs have doubled down on MAGA, a politics the country rejected in the last 2 elections. 2/
On most issues which will matter to the 2022 battleground - COVID, our democracy, health care, climate, choice - the GOP is way out of the mainstream, not competitive.
Just not going to be easy to sell a party of insurrectionists to suburban voters. 3/