Mars is talking about cow mutilations in Northern New Mexico and @ChrisPineo is asking whether or not it seemed consistent with rumors of hybrids being incubated and removed from cattle.
As always this is an open forum, if you have a story to share, don't be shy. Hit the request to speak button!
I am fatigued @CDCDirector. I am tired of suffering the consequences for your failures. Pretending this pandemic is over & easing precautions puts immunocompromised people at risk. What are you doing to help us if you insist we just stay home?
Going on 3 years of bad policy decisions, rollout of information and the refusal of a huge portion of our population to mask up and get vaxxed without acting like Assholes has many of us disabled & immunocompromised people facing housing, food, medical insecurity and DEATH.
We have been failed in every conceivable way during this pandemic and our lives continue to be disrupted and treated as expendable cuz you are tired of masks? I'm tired of struggling to stay housed, fed, and alive while being told just stay home. How do we work and pay bills?
On the 14th, I shared what my blown vein looked like and the second picture is what it looks like now. I also just had a tiny patch of rash and now its furious and wraps around to the back of my neck and back
I knew shingles was painful seeing others go through it but holy hell I understand what they meant when they said you really couldn't know until you know cuz my skin on my right side feels like it is on fire.
It hurts to breathe and to be honest it hurts to exist and I don't mean that metaphorically. I have been living with pain and nerve pain since I was 9 and have never felt anything this intense ever.
Really going to need the help because I am not doing too well. I have shingles and experiencing complications from internal shingles and there's more going on but we have to deal with the shingles first.
I don't know how I'm gonna manage the next few weeks because the pain is so intense and there is a lot of room for things to go from bad to really bad right now.
We truly do appreciate your help and support. We know a lot of folks are having a rough time as well and if you know someone who is in a more dire situation, please don't hesitate to help them first.
I hate being a disabled Immunocompromised person in this pandemic. Disabled folks have always been treated as expendable, but in this pandemic it's like every day is a fresh new layer of hell as people get more daring and comfortable in thwir ableism.
I've seen several posts today with people who previously were keen to stop the spread but have now become those people like "whew, several people I know got Covid but they are vaxxed and boosted so they'll be okay"
Being vaxxed and boosted helps reduce the risk of severe Covid and hospitalization. It helps reduce the risk of death.
But here's the thing. Everyone's immune system is different and will respond diffferently, especially in folks like me with wonky ass immune systems.
I knew this Christmas was going to be rough and not very festive, it's the 1st Christmas without my mom, I can't be home with family because Covid & severe lack of money. There's no tree, no gifts and a sinking feeling that we won't be able to pay rent.
It's not just the fear of not paying rent, it's the pressure of being the only one with income and knowing this struggle is because I am immunocompromised and my partner not being able to work cuz of the risk of me getting COVID. It's getting to me.
We're falling behind and things are getting more expensive. I am working my ass off but it's not enough and the biggest expense we have is me. My meds, my copays and medical expenses. It's getting to me and even my optimism is waning cuz I the world can't get its shit together
Dear world, can you please get your shit together already? We know how to reduce the spread and impact of COVID: Get vaxxed if you are able, get your booster if you are able, wear a mask, stay home and away from others if you are not feeling well or KNOW that you have COVID.
Use common sense and human decency to be mindful of the other human beings around you. It's not rocket science, advanced math, or's love....for yourself, your loved ones and your community.
We still have the ability to end this pandemic. We just have to do our part and as an Immunocompromised Native woman, I am literally begging you to do it because I would very much like to live my life again, see my family without worrying about us getting sick and dying.