Vax rates of 75% means communities with loudest opposition aren’t READY to open
The combo of #covid19 + TFG + today’s GOP suggests the United States has passed peak economics of scale.
Divestiture into federated states-as-countries should be explored. LOUDLY. Without tax $ from blue states, what would red states become? Third world, probably.
What assets would be held/operated in common in this federation?
The federal highway system?
Electric grid?
Postal service? (It’s already hamstrung: took 10 days for 1st class letter to get from WA to NV in late January. Pony Express was faster.)
NOT the IRS.
Sly benefit: dismantling of the Congressional-Military-Industrial complex … because, how to fund it?
No more ag supports. Corporate bailouts for crappy decisions (2008). CORPORATE (OIL!) WELFARE.
Federal land? Hand over to the state-as-country?
FYI: another example of failed Hail Mary zone action (Murdoch’s @nypost took the bait, October 2020)
Rhodes’ lawyers claim that the Oath Keepers (an extremist group, @splcenter) were waiting for Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act to stop transfer of office.
Not a registered charity 🚩
Not non-profit 🚩
Not a trucking organization 🚩
Yet: “At the time of its suspension, the convoy campaign had racked up approximately $10.1 million in just over two weeks… impossible to achieve organically within Canada.”
“@gofundme did not independently verify donor identities and accepted foreign funds for a campaign that had as one objective the dissolution of Parliament…”
“…at least a third of the donor identities were anonymous or faked” 🚩
Irony alert missing from any local coverage: @SoundTransit received the 2018 “Tunnel Achievement Award for Project Excellence” for the UW> Northgate Link extension.
There is no national US state of emergency on #COVID19, @DrLeanaWen, except the one that loosens purse strings and makes it easier for public health to, you know, do public health. Not one imposing behaviors.
Margin of Error, enormous: +/- 4.9%
The small sample size meant that ABC/Ipsos could not break out results for Black people. But “only 28%” of nonwhite Americans want Biden to “consider only Black women” for the SCOTUS. The MoA for that stat is even larger.
LMK if you can find an ABC/Ipsos poll from January 2017 asking if Trump should consider an Average White Man for the year-long SCOTUS vacancy.