=== Linked-Reads Chromium Genome and Exome ===
10x Genomics started as a company by selling instruments and reagents for their Linked-Reads method to generate long synthetic DNA reads out of short-read readouts such as those from Illumina SBS sequencers.
These Linked-Reads were useful for de novo genome assembly applications, where the length of the reads is crucial to produce long assembled sequences. As of June 30, 2020, the company discontinued the sale of the Chromium Genome and Exome product lines.
=== Single Cell Gene Expression ===
Later on, 10x Genomics started selling Single-cell transcriptomics reagents for their Chromium instrument. These would generate libraries ready for sequencing in short-read NGS sequencers, and after data analysis, ...
they produce a single-cell profile of the expressed mRNAs across a population of cells.
This product line continued to grow, including adaptations of the methodology to obtain 5'GEX as well as the original 3'GEX transcriptomes out of the Chromium microfluidics encapsulations.
Other adaptations included the Single Cell Immune Profiling kits, which with the help of specific primers would only adapt and amplify specific mRNA chains (e.g. BCR or TRC amplification) either from a defined subset or via a custom panel of genes that the customer could order.
Furthermore, other kits of the same Single Cell Chromium technology were released, e.g. for Multiome ATAC profiling alone or in combination of the Gene Expression methods.
=== Spatial Gene Expression ===
Through a combination of internal technology development and strategic acquisitions, the company positioned itself in the Spatial Gene Expression market (a.k.a. spatialomics) with their Visium product line,
both for Targeted Gene Expression and and Whole Transcriptome.
As a parallel effort in the Visium product line, the company developed a Xenium product line. The new Xenium platform is a single molecule RNA and protein platform ...
offering subcellular resolution for pre-designed and custom panels.
Those who follow my account for a while will already know that I've been following the field of Next Generation Sequencing for many years now, and I keep a series of resources comparing different platforms and technologies.
Beyond the first tier of 4-5 large NGS companies out there, such as Illumina, PacBio, Oxford Nanopore, Thermo's Ion Torrents and MGI Tech, there is now a growing group of small companies pinning for an NGS market which is growing and maturing in many ways.
I keep a table comparing these companies, with around 40 different ones, although some of them have a small chance of making it into the market, and they may be acquired by someone else to expand their technological capabilities. bit.ly/nngseq
So after Oxford @nanopore's #NCM21 tech dev presentation, where does this leave ONT technology in comparison of Illumina? (thread)
The ONT technology offers a lower barrier to entry with the MinION, and this results in a competitive advantage over turn-around time sensitive applications (Point of Care settings).
ONT showed their competitiveness in both long-read and short-read applications yesterday, a limitation for Illumina which tried to overcome with their failed attempt to acquire PacBio.
Clive (probably sipping a piña colada by the beach) is updating on tech at @NanoporeConf@nanopore
Three steps: (1) Sample Preparation, (2) Data Acquisition and (3) Sequence Data (basecalling)
"[...] everything apart from the computer is designed by Nanopore, but [the computer side] may change in the future, by the way". Unreasonable to think they will build their own silicon specialized for base-calling?
Their DNBSEQ-Tx sequencing factory, with dip-immersion reagent delivery and 4 high-throughput imagers, can produce >50K WGS annually. Technology being upgraded from PE100 to PE150 (2021Q3)
A presentation from a user shows how #singlecell 10X Genomics libraries can be inputted into the MGI machines. Small difference between FASTQ files, but tools available to transform.
More highlights of the prospectus for $ONT.L Oxford @nanopore, now concentrating on more technical aspects.
Aiming for a 4-5x step change in throughput between the different product lines: 126/512 ~ 4x and 512/2675 ~ 5x between Flongle / MinION / PromethION
There are a lots of other details that matter here, but it gives us a rough estimate of multiples between product throughput and how the company thinks about them. Compared to Illumina, their MiSeq/NextSeq/NovaSeq ratios are:
15/360 ~ 24x and 360/6000 ~ 16x, but with ...